The rapidly evolving Artificial Intelligence (AI) field is having a significant impact on many industries, as well as individuals. ChatGPT and image generating applications are undoubtedly among the most well-known and widely utilized AI tools. It is interesting to explore how these AI tools may be used in video games, specifically for asset creation, and how they compare to more traditional methods. This thesis investigates the creation of video game assets using traditional techniques and AI tools such as ChatGPT and Midjourney. A group of 34 participants, each with varying levels of experience in different techniques and asset production, were given the task of creating basic game components using both traditional and AI tools. The goal was to rank both methods according to the overall rating, the satisfaction of the end result, and the ease of use to determine which one is preferred. The sample scene was a simple 2D platformer game, similar to Mario, with which most people are familiar and most likely played at some point. The participants were involved in both the creation process of game assets, as well as their evaluation, which brings a new perspective on the matter. It was discovered that, on average, AI tools are rated higher and are simpler to use than traditional approaches. Participants were highly satisfied with the results. However, the content created in such a way may not be as creative or as tailored for the specific needs as content made by people. Using these technologies makes it difficult to maintain a consistent style or create exactly what the person envisions, as compared to producing them manually, when the artist has complete control over every step and detail. Both methodologies have value, and depending on the project's goals and available resources, one may be preferred over the other. A hybrid method, which combines AI efficiency with artist creativity, may be the best option.