Sundowning is a relatively common phenomenon experienced by persons living with dementia that involves a worsening of symptoms (e.g., increased confusion, agitation, anxiety, aggression, etc.) that occurs regularly in the mid-late afternoon or early evening. While music therapy holds great potential to address challenges related to sundowning, a literature review revealed no consistent music therapy applications or existing program frameworks specific to this phenomenon. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to develop a group music therapy program framework for persons living with dementia in long-term care facilities who are experiencing sundowning. The first 1.5 steps of intervention research design, as conceptualized by Fraser and Galinsky (2009; 2010), were used to define the problem, analyze the literature, and propose a theory of change. All of the information gathered and organized up to this point was then used to determine the structure and processes of the proposed group music therapy program. While this program is yet to be evaluated and further refined within a research or practice context, this study may still serve as a practical guide and advocacy tool for music therapists who would like to establish a similar type of program. Limitations of the study along with other implications for practice and future research are presented.