This research examines the impact of CourseFlow, a cloud-based educational tool, in the program revision process at the Physiotherapy Technology program at Dawson College in Montreal, Canada. Through semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders involved in program revision, the research looks at how CourseFlow supports practitioners in improving their own professional practices, fostering collaboration, and aligning course content with program outcomes, overall improving curriculum mapping and program revision processes. The research also explores how CourseFlow compares to other tools commonly used in program revisions, highlighting both its advantages and disadvantages. Some of the findings highlight that while CourseFlow enhances communication, facilitates more meaningful discussions, and promotes reflective practices within the program revision process, at the same time, it has limited editing capabilities, experiences difficulties with content migration, and provides for a steep learning curve for new users. Recommendations for improving CourseFlow include refining its visual interface, enhancing collaboration features, and enabling more effective side-by-side course comparisons. These improvements aim to further optimize CourseFlow for broader adoption and use. Suggestions for future studies outlined in this research include revisiting the original research design post-pandemic and utilizing the unused data collected during this study.