This research examines the application of Lacanian psychoanalysis in art therapy to address traumatic loss, which is defined as the sudden and violent death of a loved one, using philosophical inquiry methodology. Given the limited presence of Lacanian theory in art therapy literature, more generally, this research seeks to bridge that gap by proposing that this approach can provide a useful theoretical framework for understanding and treating traumatic loss within art therapy. By critically analyzing and synthesizing existing literature on trauma, grief, and Lacanian theory, the inquiry argues that integrating Lacanian concepts, specifically the Real, the Imaginary, the Symbolic, and the sinthome, into art therapy can help frame avenues for meaning- making and processing traumatic experiences. The findings suggest that Lacan's insights into how individuals process and integrate traumatic experiences can enhance the therapeutic potential of art therapy, particularly through the creation of a personalized sinthome. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications for applying this model in art therapy in practice and includes recommendations for future research.