The Orch-Or model cannot explain the reason for the observation of non-human intelligence contacts by dying or comatose patients, and furthermore, it ignores the immortality of human beings. Therefore, a new model is presented to answer all questions and find a solution for human immortality. In this model, intelligence is a quantum particle that by acceleration of a photon in every spark; comes from the black and white box regions of curved space time of Penrose's diagram and by connecting to particles; makes them intelligent. Like the Higgs boson, which binds to particles and gives them mass. The basic intelligence of every human enters our space-time region when the primary cell is born and remains free even after death. Free intelligences interact with the brain and penetrate into the brains of the patient and induce non-human intelligence contacts. On the other hand, the brains of healthy people do not have empty space to store information of free intelligence due to high activity, and therefore healthy people do not see non-human intelligence. This model not only explains the reason for the contact with non-human intelligence for dying patients, but also provides solutions for the treatment of incurable diseases by finding rogue intelligences in the human body.