The objective of this research is to provide a geographical analysis of Canadian container flows and an assessment of the concept of trade diversion in the context of the North American free trade zone. Data are drawn from a commercial source that allow the competitive structure of the flows to be determined. The geographical dynamics of the traffic are examined from the perspective of the international maritime foreland and the terrestrial hinterland in North America. The intensity of flows between overseas regions and provincial markets are investigated in detail to assess the scope of traffic capture of Canadian containers by the intermodal transport systems of the United States. The research dissects the trend towards massification and specialisation by analysing the opinions of the principal actors in the trade on both East and West Coasts. The persistence of public authorities in the management of national transport systems perpetuates the concept of traffic diversion despite the transnational integration of intermodal networks. The research demonstrates that traffic diversions take place at a number of geographic scales, linking Canadian flow patterns with the global economy.