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Constructing a Future: Art Therapy Interventions on the Path to Professional Fulfillment


Constructing a Future: Art Therapy Interventions on the Path to Professional Fulfillment

Currie, Ennaea (2011) Constructing a Future: Art Therapy Interventions on the Path to Professional Fulfillment. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

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Currie_MA_F2011.pdf - Accepted Version


This theoretical research paper explores the potential for art therapy interventions within the context of an individual’s search for professional fulfillment. While traditional career counselling has a long history of success, in a changing economic climate it does not sufficiently address the existential concerns and underlying postmodern issues that may be present for emerging adults seeking guidance (Campbell & Ungar 2004a; Richman, 1993). Based on information gathered in a literature review, this paper presents a therapeutic program bridging art therapy practice with the goals of career counselling as a means of addressing career decisions during emerging adulthood. A seven-week art therapy program was developed to explore relevant issues in preparation for career decision-making. Weekly themes include: Introduction, Childhood, Personal Narratives, Passion, Barriers and Obstacles, Relating to Others, and Review.

Divisions:Concordia University > Faculty of Fine Arts > Creative Arts Therapies
Item Type:Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)
Authors:Currie, Ennaea
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:M.A.
Program:Creative Arts Therapies (Art Therapy Option)
Date:August 2011
Thesis Supervisor(s):Merriam, Beth
Keywords:Art Therapy, Career Counselling, Emerging Adults,
ID Code:15132
Deposited By: A. ENNAEA CURRIE
Deposited On:19 Jan 2016 18:14
Last Modified:07 Feb 2019 22:25


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