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The challenge of sustaining organizational hybridity: The role of power and agency


The challenge of sustaining organizational hybridity: The role of power and agency

Mangen, Claudine and Brivot, Marion (2014) The challenge of sustaining organizational hybridity: The role of power and agency. Human Relations, 68 (4). pp. 1-26.

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Hybrid organizations harbor different and often conflicting institutional logics, thus facing the challenge of sustaining their hybridity. Crucial to overcoming this challenge is the identification process of organizational actors. We propose a theorization of how power relations affect this process. More specifically, we argue that an actor’s power influences her own professional identity: an increase [decrease] in her power, via the heightened [diminished] control that this power provides her over organizational discourse, boosts [threatens] her identity. Our theorization has implications for the longevity of a newly adopted logic within an organization. If the new logic modifies incumbent power relations, the identities of (formerly and newly) powerful individuals are influenced, which may lead these individuals to promote or resist the new logic, thereby affecting the odds that the logic will survive within the organization. We illustrate our theorization with a case study in a professional service firm. Our study contributes to nascent research on hybrid organizations by emphasizing the role of power and agency in the longevity of hybridity.

Divisions:Concordia University > John Molson School of Business > Accountancy
Item Type:Article
Authors:Mangen, Claudine and Brivot, Marion
Journal or Publication:Human Relations
Date:4 November 2014
  • RBC Professorship in Responsible Organizations
  • Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):10.1177/0018726714539524
Keywords:Power, resistance, agency, identity, organizational discourse, institutional hybridity, commercial logic, professional logic, bureaucratic logic, knowledge management, professional service firm, lawyer
ID Code:986471
Deposited By: Claudine Mangen
Deposited On:17 Mar 2020 16:09
Last Modified:17 Mar 2020 16:09


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