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Sensory complement model helps to predict diel alarm response patterns in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) under natural conditions


Sensory complement model helps to predict diel alarm response patterns in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) under natural conditions

Leduc, Antoine O.H.C., Kim, Jae-Woo, Macnaughton, Camille J. and Brown, Grant E. (2010) Sensory complement model helps to predict diel alarm response patterns in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) under natural conditions. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 88 (4). pp. 398-403. ISSN 0008-4301

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Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/Z10-016


Fish rely on both chemical and visual cues to evaluate predation risk. Decisions with respect to activity partitioning in time (i.e., night vs. day) rely on accurate assessment of predation risk relative to energy intake; predation risk is generally thought to be lower at night at the expense of feeding opportunities. At night, the sensory complement model predicts greater reliance on chemical perception of risk. Under this condition, a lower ability to use vision should result in a more conservative response to chemical cues than during the day. We tested this hypothesis under natural conditions by comparing the alarm response of young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L., 1758) under summer day and night conditions in salmon nursery streams. We found that salmon responded to the alarm cues to a significantly greater extent at night. This suggests that the sensory complement model may be correct and that nocturnal perception of risk may be generally higher than previously believed for juvenile salmon in the wild. In the absence of a more precise indicator of risk (e.g., vision), a greater reliance on chemosensory risk assessment at night may cause fish to shift to more risk-adverse behaviour.

Divisions:Concordia University > Faculty of Arts and Science > Biology
Item Type:Article
Authors:Leduc, Antoine O.H.C. and Kim, Jae-Woo and Macnaughton, Camille J. and Brown, Grant E.
Journal or Publication:Canadian Journal of Zoology
Date:April 2010
  • Concordia University
  • Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada
  • Atlantic Salmon Federation Olin Fellowship
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):10.1139/Z10-016
ID Code:6712
Deposited By: Danielle Dennie
Deposited On:09 Jun 2010 23:31
Last Modified:18 Jan 2018 17:29


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