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Antagonism and Democratic Citizenship (Schmitt, Mouffe, Derrida)


Antagonism and Democratic Citizenship (Schmitt, Mouffe, Derrida)

Fritsch, Matthias (2008) Antagonism and Democratic Citizenship (Schmitt, Mouffe, Derrida). Research in Phenomenology, 38 (2). pp. 174-197. ISSN 1569-1640

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Fritsch,_Antagonism_(preprint_postref).pdf - Accepted Version

Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/156916408X286950


In the context of the recent proliferation of nationalisms and enemy figures, this paper agrees with the desirability of retaining some of the explanatory and motivational potential of an agonistic account of politics, but gives reasons not to accept too much of Carl Schmitt's account of citizenship. The claim as to the necessarily antagonistic exclusion of concrete others can be supported neither on its own terms nor on Derridian grounds, as Chantal Mouffe, in particular, attempts to do. I then indicate that différance may nonetheless account for strong (but not necessary) tendencies toward exclusion as well as for the intrinsic contradictions of liberal universalism.

Divisions:Concordia University > Faculty of Arts and Science > Philosophy
Item Type:Article
Authors:Fritsch, Matthias
Journal or Publication:Research in Phenomenology
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):10.1163/156916408X286950
Keywords:Mouffe; Laclau; Derrida; Antagonism; Citizenship; Schmitt
ID Code:6805
Deposited On:03 Aug 2010 15:32
Last Modified:18 Jan 2018 17:29


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