Mezbahul-Islam, Mohammad, Mostafa, Ahmad ORCID: and Medraj, Mamoun
Essential Magnesium Alloys Binary Phase Diagrams.
Journal of Materials
ISSN 2314-4866
(In Press)

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Magnesium-based alloys are becoming a major industrial material for structural applications because of their potential weight saving characteristics. All the commercial Mg alloys like AZ, AM, AE, EZ, ZK etc. series are multicomponent and hence it is important to understand the phase relations of the alloying elements with Mg. In this work, eleven essential Mg-based binary systems including Mg-Al/Zn/Mn/Ca/Sr/Y/Ni/Ce/Nd/Cu/Sn have been reviewed. Each of these systems has been discussed critically on the aspects of phase diagram and thermodynamic properties.All the available experimental data has been summarized and assessed critically to provide detailed understanding of the system. The phase diagrams are calculated based on the most up to date optimized parameters. Critical information of the phase diagram both as composition and temperature are shown on the figures. The thermodynamic model parameters for all the systems except Mg-Nd, have been summarized in Tables. These parameters are important for further development of the alloys into the multicomponent systems. The crystallographic information of all the intermetallic compounds of different binary systems is also provided. Also,the heat of formation of the intermetallic compounds for each system obtained from experimental, first principle calculations and CALPHAD optimizations are provided.In addition re-optimization of the Mg-Y system has been done in this work since new experimental data showed wider solubility of the intermetallic compounds.
Divisions: | Concordia University > Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science > Mechanical and Industrial Engineering |
Item Type: | Article |
Refereed: | Yes |
Authors: | Mezbahul-Islam, Mohammad and Mostafa, Ahmad and Medraj, Mamoun |
Journal or Publication: | Journal of Materials |
Date: | 2014 |
Keywords: | Mg alloys, Mg-Al/Zn/Mn/Ca/Sr/Y/Ni/Ce/Nd/Cu/Sn binary systems, phase diagram, thermodynamic modeling, crystallography. |
ID Code: | 978286 |
Deposited By: | AHMAD MOSTAFA |
Deposited On: | 24 Feb 2014 14:34 |
Last Modified: | 18 Jan 2018 17:46 |
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