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Photography as a narrative tool used for conflict resolution in a multicultural context


Photography as a narrative tool used for conflict resolution in a multicultural context

Regev, Laura (2010) Photography as a narrative tool used for conflict resolution in a multicultural context. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

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Text (application/pdf)
MR67106.pdf - Accepted Version


This research paper explores the integration of photography in a conflict resolution program designed for adolescents. In view of the fact that theoretical and practical research on this approach is lacking, literature consolidating the value of such a program is assessed. Art therapy and narration are addressed in relation to the expression of trauma, a condition frequently identified in individuals involved in a cultural or religious based conflict. Empathy is reviewed as a trait effective in the process of dialogue between two conflicting parties, as it humanizes both assumed victims and perpetrators. Finally, attention to the role photography plays in the lives of youth, as an agent of expression, and of social action is considered. The analysis of the literature is directed into the construction of Shooting for Peace , a program aimed at providing a therapeutic process of reconciliation with members from both groups. Photographic narration is employed as a tool to tell, hear, and co-create stories with the other in a respectful and contained environment.

Divisions:Concordia University > Faculty of Fine Arts > Creative Arts Therapies
Item Type:Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)
Authors:Regev, Laura
Pagination:v, 70 leaves ; 29 cm.
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:M.A.
Program:Creative Arts Therapies (Art Therapy Option)
Thesis Supervisor(s):Leclerc, Josée
ID Code:979226
Deposited By: lib-batchimporter
Deposited On:09 Dec 2014 17:55
Last Modified:15 Feb 2019 22:13
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