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Dataset: 'Valuation of Opportunity Costs by Rats Working for Rewarding Electrical Brain Stimulation'


Dataset: 'Valuation of Opportunity Costs by Rats Working for Rewarding Electrical Brain Stimulation'

Solomon, Rebecca B., Conover, Kent and Shizgal, Peter ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4265-0792 (2017) Dataset: 'Valuation of Opportunity Costs by Rats Working for Rewarding Electrical Brain Stimulation'. [Dataset]

[thumbnail of OppCost_PLOSONE_Dataset.zip]
Archive (application/zip)
Available under License Creative Commons Attribution.


The compressed folder contains the dataset underlying the findings described in the PLOS ONE (2017) manuscript, 'Valuation of Opportunity Costs by Rats Working for Rewarding Electrical Brain Stimulation.' The README file in the compressed folder describes its contents. This paper was published August 25, 2017:

Solomon, R. B., Conover, K., & Shizgal, P. (2017). Valuation of opportunity costs by rats working for rewarding electrical brain stimulation. PLOS ONE, 12(8), e0182120. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0182120

Divisions:Concordia University > Research Units > Centre for Studies in Behavioural Neurobiology
Item Type:Dataset
Authors:Solomon, Rebecca B. and Conover, Kent and Shizgal, Peter
Date:31 May 2017
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):10.11573/spectrum.library.concordia.ca.00982609
Keywords:decision-making, intertemporal choice, delay discounting, operant conditioning, reinforcement
ID Code:982609
Deposited On:14 Jun 2017 20:27
Last Modified:11 May 2020 00:53
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