Proelss, Juliane ORCID:, Schweizer, Denis
ORCID: and Seiler, Volker
Do Announcements of WTO Dispute Resolution Cases Matter? Evidence from the Rare Earth Elements Market.
Energy Economics
ISSN 01409883
(In Press)
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Rare earth elements (REEs) have gained increasing attention recently for several key reasons: 1) they are vital to many strategic industries, 2) they are relatively scarce, 3) they frequently exhibit high price fluctuations, 4) China holds a quasi-monopoly on their mining, and 5) China’s REE policy, which was overly restrictive and led to a formal complaint from the U.S., Japan, and the EU at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2012. This paper investigates whether the announcement of a WTO dispute resolution case has the power to fundamentally change market dynamics. We find empirical support for this notion because REE prices exhibit a structural break around the announcement of the WTO dispute, and show lower variance ratios for all tested REEs afterward. This indicates a tendency toward efficiency, although REE prices still do not follow a random walk. Similarly, we find that stock price informativeness of companies in the REE industry increases after the announcement, reflecting more firm-specific than marketwide information and less governmental influence. Finally, we show that model uncertainty for option pricing models decreases, which we measure by the lower pricing differences among them.
Divisions: | Concordia University > John Molson School of Business > Finance |
Item Type: | Article |
Refereed: | Yes |
Authors: | Proelss, Juliane and Schweizer, Denis and Seiler, Volker |
Journal or Publication: | Energy Economics |
Date: | 2018 |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): | 10.1016/j.eneco.2018.05.004 |
Keywords: | Market Efficiency; Rare Earth Elements; Stock Price Informativeness; Structural Break Test; Variance Ratio Test; World Trade Organization (WTO) |
ID Code: | 983856 |
Deposited By: | ALINE SOREL |
Deposited On: | 11 May 2018 13:03 |
Last Modified: | 10 May 2020 00:00 |
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