Chaudhri, Nadia ORCID:, Cofresí, Roberto U., Monfils, Marie-H., Gonzales, Rueben A. and Lee, Hongjoo J.
Cue-alcohol associative learning in female rats.
ISSN 07418329
(In Press)
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The ability of environmental cues to trigger alcohol seeking behaviors is believed to facilitate problematic alcohol use. We previously showed that the development of this cue-evoked alcohol approach reflects cue-alcohol learning and memory in the adult male rat; however, we do not know whether the same is true for similarly aged female rats. Consequently, adult Long-Evans female rats were allowed to drink unsweetened alcohol in the homecage (MWF 24 hr two-bottle choice, 5 weeks) and subsequently split into two experimental groups: paired and unpaired. Groups were matched for ingested doses and alcohol bottle preference across the pre-conditioning homecage period. Both groups were trained in conditioning chambers using a Pavlovian procedure. For the paired group, the chamber houselight was illuminated to signal access to an alcohol sipper. Houselight onset was yoked for the unpaired group, but access to the alcohol sipper was scheduled to occur only during the intervening periods (in the absence of light). We found that in the paired, but not unpaired group, an alcohol approach reaction was conditioned to houselight illumination, and the level of cue-conditioned reactivity predicted drinking behavior within trials. Groups experienced equivalently low but non-negligible blood alcohol concentrations over the course of conditioning sessions. We conclude that cue-triggered alcohol seeking behavior in adult female rats reflects associative learning about the relationship between alcohol availability and houselight illumination.
Divisions: | Concordia University > Faculty of Arts and Science > Psychology |
Item Type: | Article |
Refereed: | Yes |
Authors: | Chaudhri, Nadia and Cofresí, Roberto U. and Monfils, Marie-H. and Gonzales, Rueben A. and Lee, Hongjoo J. |
Journal or Publication: | Alcohol |
Date: | 2019 |
Funders: |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): | 10.1016/j.alcohol.2019.03.003 |
Keywords: | oral alcohol; low dose; Pavlovian conditioning; female rat; cue reactivity |
ID Code: | 985531 |
Deposited By: | ALINE SOREL |
Deposited On: | 25 Jun 2019 20:21 |
Last Modified: | 19 Mar 2020 00:00 |
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