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The use of therapeutic mask to aid elderly adjustment to long-term care


The use of therapeutic mask to aid elderly adjustment to long-term care

Harrity, Patricia (2019) The use of therapeutic mask to aid elderly adjustment to long-term care. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

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The following theoretical research paper sets out to explore the question: “How might therapeutic mask work be used to aid elderly adjustment to long-term care?” by reviewing literature regarding elderly adjustment to long-term care, the use of creative arts therapies in long-term care, and the use of mask in therapy. Based on the themes that emerged across all three categories of the literature reviewed, the researcher ultimately found that therapeutic mask work may have the potential to aid elderly adjustment to long-term care due to the flexibility and adaptability of therapeutic mask approaches, as well as due to the potential of masks to serve as safe containers for the many unique challenges/ traumas that may be experienced by elderly individuals during their transition to long-term care. With historical roots in aiding transitions and transformations, therapeutic mask work may also have the potential to aid elderly adjustment to long-term care due to its ability to facilitate expression and exploration of self, communication and connection with others, and to provide individuals with opportunities for autonomy. Contraindications identified for the use of therapeutic mask work in the context of elderly adjustment to long-term care include: the potential of mask work to lead to further loss of sense of self, and that cultural and religious taboos surrounding mask may discourage elderly participants from engaging in therapeutic mask interventions. Further research on the topic of the use of mask to aid elderly adjustment to long-term care, in particular intervention research, is necessary to determine whether mask work would be an effective intervention.

Divisions:Concordia University > Faculty of Fine Arts > Creative Arts Therapies
Item Type:Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)
Authors:Harrity, Patricia
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:M.A.
Program:Creative Arts Therapies (Drama Therapy Option)
Date:3 July 2019
Keywords:therapeutic mask, elderly adjustment, long-term care, nursing homes, transitions, creative arts therapy, drama therapy, art therapy
ID Code:985559
Deposited By: Patricia Harrity
Deposited On:28 Aug 2019 14:42
Last Modified:28 Aug 2019 14:42


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