Beltayib, Abduladeem ORCID:
Analytical Design Procedures for the Odd Mode of Ridge Gap Waveguide Devices and Antennas.
PhD thesis, Concordia University.
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The millimeter-wave (mm-wave) band has attracted attention due to its wideband characteristics that make it able to support multi-gigabit per second data rate. Nevertheless, the performance of mm-wave wireless communication systems is restricted due to attenuation loss. Design of mm-wave components and antennas is rapidly growing with the current evolution in the wireless communication systems. However, the traditional waveguide structures such as microstrip, coplanar, substrate integrated waveguide, and rectangular waveguide either suffer from high losses or difficulty in manufacturing at mm-wave band. The ridge gap waveguide (RGW) technology is considered as a promising waveguide technology for the mm-wave band. RGW technology overcomes the conventional guiding structure problems as the wave propagates in an air gap region which eliminates the dielectric loss. Moreover, RGW does not need any electrical contacts, unlike traditional rectangular waveguides. Also, the RGW can be implemented in the printed form (PRGW) for easy integration with other planer system components.
In this thesis, the use of the odd mode (TE10 (RGW)) RGW to design mm-wave components and antennas is presented. First, a systematic design methodology for the RGW using hybrid PEC/PMC waveguide approximation is presented. This reduces the design time using full wave simulators. The concept has been verified by simulation and experimental measurements. Second, two different methods to excite the odd mode in RGW are studied and investigated. In the first method, a planar L-shape RGW is used where less than -10 dB reflection coefficient is achieved, from 28 to 36 GHz, and more than 93% of the input power has been converted into the odd mode at the output port. The second method uses a magic tee with a shorted sum port and provides a wideband pure odd mode at the output port with reflection coefficient less than -10 dB from 28 GHz to 39 GHz. Other mm-wave components based on odd mode TE10 RGW are designed and presented including a Y-junction power divider and 3 dB forward coupler are designed for the first time in RGW technology. The Y-junction has a wideband matching from 28 to 34 GHz with a reflection coefficient less than -15 dB and the transmission output levels are about -3.3 dB.
The usefulness of the odd mode RGW lies in the ability to increase the channel bandwidth that has been achieved by designing a dual-mode RGW. A magic tee is used to simultaneously excite the fundamental mode Q-TEM and the odd mode TE10 (RGW) on the ridgeline. The proposed dual-mode RGW performance is verified through simulation and measurement of a back-to-back configuration. The proposed design achieves a matching level less than -10 dB for the two modes over the frequency range from 29 GHz to 34.5 GHz with isolation better than 23 dB. The dual-mode RGW is then used to feed a reconfigurable Vivaldi horn antenna where two different radiation patterns can be obtained depending on the excited mode. The Q-TEM generates a single beam pattern, while the odd mode TE10 (RGW) generates a dual-beam pattern. The maximum gain for the single beam radiation is 12.1 dBi, while it is 10.43 dBi for the dual-beam pattern. The bandwidth of the dual-mode antenna is 25% at 32 GHz with impedance matching less than -10 dB and isolation better than 20 dB.
Finally, several antennas are presented in this thesis based on the odd mode RGW. A novel differential feeding cavity antenna using the odd mode of RGW is presented. The measured results show good performance in terms of gain, bandwidth, sidelobe level, and cross-polarization. The maximum gain is 16.5 dBi, and the sidelobe level is -17 dB and -13.8 dB, for the E-plane and H-plane, respectively. Moreover, the proposed antenna has low cross-polarization levels of -35 dB in the E-plane and -27 dB in the H-plane. In addition, two 2x1 linear frequency scanning array antennas are designed and implemented using the proposed Y-junction to generate single beam and dual-beam patterns. The beam scan is from -11(degree) to -40(degree) at 28 GHz and 32 GHz, respectively.
Divisions: | Concordia University > Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science |
Item Type: | Thesis (PhD) |
Authors: | Beltayib, Abduladeem |
Institution: | Concordia University |
Degree Name: | Ph. D. |
Program: | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Date: | 22 December 2019 |
Thesis Supervisor(s): | Sebak, Abdel Razik |
Keywords: | Ridge gap waveguide, hybrid PEC/PMC waveguide, Hybrid forward couplers, periodic structure,High order mode, dual mode RGW, differential feeding network, Sum and Difference Beam Switching Antenna, Leaky wave Antenna, Frequency scanning Antenna. |
ID Code: | 986501 |
Deposited By: | Abduladeem Altayib Amer Beltayib |
Deposited On: | 25 Jun 2020 18:40 |
Last Modified: | 17 Aug 2022 16:42 |
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