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The Roles Metacognitive Experience Can Play in the Processing Models: The Effects on Indirect Comparative Ads Evaluation Considering Individual Differences


The Roles Metacognitive Experience Can Play in the Processing Models: The Effects on Indirect Comparative Ads Evaluation Considering Individual Differences

Liu, Qingqing (2020) The Roles Metacognitive Experience Can Play in the Processing Models: The Effects on Indirect Comparative Ads Evaluation Considering Individual Differences. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

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LIU_MSC_S2020.pdf - Accepted Version


Previous literature available related to ICA (indirect comparative advertising) is limited due to the better effectiveness of DCA (direct comparative advertising), while competing against a specific competitor on specific featured attributes. However, recent studies, which point out the superiority of ICA in positioning a brand against overall competitors in the entire market, urge the theoretical and managerial exploration of it.
This research step to fill the gap on how ICA could function well based on popular persuasion models: Resource-matching theory and Dual-process models theories, considering individuals' differences – Need for Cognition. What's more, metacognitive difficulty, a concept ignored in persuasion models before but now getting increasing attention, was also taken into consideration as a factor to find how it could interact with other factors to have effects on ad evaluations under ICA situation.

Divisions:Concordia University > John Molson School of Business > Marketing
Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Authors:Liu, Qingqing
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:M. Sc.
Program:Administration (Marketing option)
Date:1 April 2020
Thesis Supervisor(s):Laroche, Michel and Petrovici, Dan
ID Code:986647
Deposited By: Qingqing Liu
Deposited On:26 Jun 2020 13:21
Last Modified:26 Jun 2020 13:21
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