Cormier, Émilie (2020) The Dying Roles: A creative autoethnographic exploration of roles at the end of life. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
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I chose to conduct a creative autoethnographic exploration to better understand the implication of roles at the end of life and the possible creative interventions that can be built on the use of roles. To do so, I created a short animation film based on roles that emerged from my analysis of the verbatim of Elizabeth Kübler-Ross interviews with dying women included in the book Death and dying (1969/2005). I used Robert Landy’s role method (1992), role taxonomy (1991a) and role theory (1991b) as well as his artwork to frame my exploration of these emerging roles. The creation of the short film gave me insight on how roles can be linked to some suffering experience as well as how they can contribute to positive outcomes at the end of life. I discovered how roles are deeply anchored in social relation and in the body, two aspects of life greatly threatened at the end of life. I realized that roles can be seen as metaphors of our relationships to the world and therefore cannot only express but create our reality. I consider how roles and Landy’s method could be used as a reflective tool for caregivers for more ethical practices. I discovered how roles and their expression within a multimodal environment could be used as a pretext to facilitate the act of storytelling that can be challenging at the end of life for dying individuals. Leaning into the creative process, I also realized as an artist and becoming therapist the power of art, creativity and intersubjectivity to relate to the world we live in and challenge it. The autoethnographic aspect of the quest showed me how transformative this type of research process can be.
Divisions: | Concordia University > Faculty of Fine Arts > Creative Arts Therapies |
Item Type: | Graduate Projects (Non-thesis) |
Authors: | Cormier, Émilie |
Institution: | Concordia University |
Degree Name: | M.A. |
Program: | Creative Arts Therapies (Drama Therapy Option) |
Date: | July 2020 |
Keywords: | roles, end-of-life, role method, role taxonomy, Robert Landy, metaphor, animation short film, dying, Elizabeth Kübler Ross |
ID Code: | 986989 |
Deposited By: | �milie Cormier |
Deposited On: | 20 Jul 2020 13:45 |
Last Modified: | 28 Jul 2020 14:43 |
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