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Mixture-Based Clustering for High-Dimensional Count Data Using Minorization-Maximization Approaches


Mixture-Based Clustering for High-Dimensional Count Data Using Minorization-Maximization Approaches

Bregu, Ornela ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8337-2376 (2020) Mixture-Based Clustering for High-Dimensional Count Data Using Minorization-Maximization Approaches. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

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The Multinomial distribution has been widely used to model count data. To increase
clustering efficiency, we use an approximation of the Fisher Scoring as a learning algorithm, which is more robust to the choice of the initial parameter values. Moreover,
we consider the generalization of the multinomial model obtained by introducing the
Dirichlet as prior, which is called the Dirichlet Compound Multinomial (DCM). Even
though DCM can address the burstiness phenomenon of count data, the presence of
Gamma function in its density function usually leads to undesired complications. In
this thesis, we use two alternative representations of DCM distribution to perform
clustering based on finite mixture models, where the mixture parameters are estimated using minorization-maximization algorithm. Moreover, we propose an online
learning technique for unsupervised clustering based on a mixture of Neerchal- Morel
distributions. While, the novel mixture model is able to capture overdispersion due
to a weight parameter assigned to each feature in each cluster, online learning is able
to overcome the drawbacks of batch learning in such a way that the mixture’s parameters can be updated instantly for any new data instances. Finally, by implementing
a minimum message length model selection criterion, the weights of irrelevant mixture components are driven towards zero, which resolves the problem of knowing the
number of clusters beforehand. To evaluate and compare the performance of our
proposed models, we have considered five challenging real-world applications that
involve high-dimensional count vectors, namely, sentiment analysis, topic detection,
facial expression recognition, human action recognition and medical diagnosis. The
results show that the proposed algorithms increase the clustering efficiency remarkably as compared to other benchmarks, and the best results are achieved by the
models able to accommodate over-dispersed count data.

Divisions:Concordia University > Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science > Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering
Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Authors:Bregu, Ornela
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:M.A. Sc.
Program:Information and Systems Engineering
Date:16 August 2020
Thesis Supervisor(s):Bouguila, Nizar
Keywords:count data, overdispersion,burstiness, high-dimensionality, AFSA, DCM, Neechal-Morel distribution, minorization-maximization, finite mixture models, minimum message length, image datasets
ID Code:987364
Deposited By: ORNELA BREGU
Deposited On:21 Apr 2021 13:47
Last Modified:21 Apr 2021 13:47


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