Colagrande Castro, Caio (2021) A Brazilian Fairytale: Stories of a Conflicted Past - An Experiment in Interactive Podcasting. Masters thesis, Concordia University.
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A Brazilian Fairytale: Stories of a Conflicted Past - An Experiment in Interactive Podcasting
Caio Colagrande Castro
This research-creation thesis explores and experiments with interactivity in a journalistic podcast that combines narrative journalism and history. Most of the focus to date in interactive journalism has been on web-based tools and video (Usher, 2016). To the best of my knowledge there isn’t any academic research focusing on interactive podcasts, even though this format has become more common and popular recently. Now that companies like Google, Amazon, and Spotify are starting to pay attention to interactivity in audio, the time has come for us to rethink the way we understand podcasting in the context of the internet.
In an effort to fill this gap, this research-creation thesis uses theoretical and practical approaches to analyze how to make podcasts interactive. I created and coded an interactive podcast series that allows listeners to navigate through episodes, choosing the order in which each episode will be played. The podcast series tells the ancient history of Brazil, how facts from a remote past still resonate and influence today’s life in the country, and what needs to be done to overcome such historical wounds. The journalistic ‘hook’ is the history of my own family, whose past I have been researching for three years and provides connections with some of the essential moments of Brazilian history.
Over the course of the research, I focus on the challenges of creating narrative journalism that combines history. This work also focuses on ideas of accessibility in podcasting and discusses the challenges of producing a podcast during a pandemic In the end, this research-creation thesis intends to provide some clarity and guidance for future studies in interactive podcasting.
Divisions: | Concordia University > Faculty of Arts and Science > Journalism |
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Authors: | Colagrande Castro, Caio |
Institution: | Concordia University |
Degree Name: | M.A. |
Program: | Digital Innovation in Journalism Studies |
Date: | 19 August 2021 |
Thesis Supervisor(s): | Hunter, Andrea |
Keywords: | research-creation |
ID Code: | 988763 |
Deposited By: | Caio Colagrande Castro |
Deposited On: | 29 Nov 2021 16:37 |
Last Modified: | 29 Nov 2021 16:37 |
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