Mazaheri, Arash ORCID:
New Signal Priority Strategies to Improve Public Transit Operations.
PhD thesis, Concordia University.
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Rapid urbanization is causing severe congestion on road transport networks around the world. Improving service and attracting more travellers could be part of the solution. In urban areas, improving public transportation efficiency and reliability can reduce traffic congestion and improve transportation system performance. By facilitating public buses' movement through traffic signal-controlled intersections, a Transit Signal Priority (TSP) strategy can contribute to the reduction of queuing time at intersections. In the last decade, studies have focused on TSP systems to help public transportation organizations attract more travellers. However, the traditional TSP also has a significant downside; it is detrimental to non-prioritized movements and other transport modes.
This research proposes new TSP strategies that account for the number of passengers on board as well as the real-time adherence of buses to their present schedules. Two methods have been proposed. First, buses are prioritized based on their load and their adherence to their schedules, while in the second method, the person delay at an intersection is optimized. The optimization approach in the first method uses a specific priority for public transit, while additional parameters are considered in the second method, like residual queue and arrival rate at the intersection. One of this research's main contributions is providing insight into the benefits of these new TSP methods along a corridor and on an isolated signalized intersection. The proposed methods need real-time information on transit operations, traffic signals status and vehicular flows. The lack of readily available infrastructure to provide all these data is compensated by using a traffic simulator, VISSIM, for an isolated intersection and an arterial corridor. The study area simulation results indicated that the new TSP methods performed better than the conventional TSP. For the investigated study area, it was shown that the second method performed better in an isolated signalized intersection, while the first method reduced traffic and environmental indices when used for an arterial corridor.
Future research can investigate the effects of the proposed methodology on the urban network by using macrosimulation to see the effects of the proposed TSP on the network. Also, considering conflicting TSP requests in these methodologies could be another area for further research.
Divisions: | Concordia University > Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science > Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Item Type: | Thesis (PhD) |
Authors: | Mazaheri, Arash |
Institution: | Concordia University |
Degree Name: | Ph. D. |
Program: | Civil Engineering |
Date: | 20 January 2023 |
Thesis Supervisor(s): | Ciprian, Alecsandru |
Keywords: | Public Transit, Transit Signal Priority, TSP, Optimization, VISSIM |
ID Code: | 991776 |
Deposited By: | arash Mazaheri |
Deposited On: | 21 Jun 2023 14:13 |
Last Modified: | 21 Jun 2023 14:13 |
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