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Urban Sprawl Metrics (USM) Toolset – User Manual for ArcMap


Urban Sprawl Metrics (USM) Toolset – User Manual for ArcMap

Nazarnia, Naghmeh, Schwick, Christian, Pourtaherian, Parnian, Kopecky, Miroslav, Soukup, Tomas, Orlitova, Erika, Kienast, Felix and Jaeger, Jochen A.G. (2023) Urban Sprawl Metrics (USM) Toolset – User Manual for ArcMap. Manual. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

[thumbnail of USM-Toolset-User-Manual_ArcMap-SecondEdition_2023.pdf]
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USM-Toolset-User-Manual_ArcMap-SecondEdition_2023.pdf - User Guide
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[thumbnail of Examples of built-up areas to which the USM tool can be applied for practice.]
Archive (Examples of built-up areas to which the USM tool can be applied for practice.) (application/zip)
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[thumbnail of USM Toolset.]
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The Urban Sprawl Metrics (USM) Toolset is a geographic information system (GIS) toolset and was developed using Python and C+ languages. The USM Toolset was developed to facilitate the calculation of Weighted Urban Proliferation (WUP) and all components of urban sprawl for landscapes that include built-up areas, e.g., dispersion (DIS), land uptake per person (LUP). The Toolset is straightforward to use. The language of the user interface is English. The Toolset requires three input data:
(1) the binary map of built-up areas (settlements areas and/or solitary buildings), in the ESRI raster format;
(2) the map of reporting unit(s) (e.g., municipalities, districts, or a grid of a certain cell size) in geodatabase feature class or shapefile format; and
(3) the number of inhabitants and jobs for the reporting unit(s) (this information has to be saved by the user in the attribute table of the reporting unit(s) shapefile).

To practice the use of the Toolset, 13 examples are included.

Divisions:Concordia University > Faculty of Arts and Science > Geography, Planning and Environment
Item Type:Monograph (Manual)
Authors:Nazarnia, Naghmeh and Schwick, Christian and Pourtaherian, Parnian and Kopecky, Miroslav and Soukup, Tomas and Orlitova, Erika and Kienast, Felix and Jaeger, Jochen A.G.
Date:9 May 2023
  • Urban Sprawl in Europe
  • Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
  • European Environment Agency (EEA)
Keywords:ArcMap; Built-up areas; Dispersion; Land uptake; Monitoring; Urban development; Urban growth; Urban growth management strategies; User Manual; USP Toolset; Utilization density; Urban sprawl; Weighted Urban Proliferation (WUP); Weighted Sprawl per Capita (WSPC)
ID Code:992200
Deposited By: Jochen Jaeger
Deposited On:16 May 2023 21:16
Last Modified:16 May 2023 21:16
Additional Information:Please let us know if you have any questions using the USM Toolset. There is also a QGIS version available.


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Jaeger, J.A.G., Schwick, C., Nazarnia, N., Pourtaherian, P., Mosharafian, S., Behnisch, M., Krüger, T., Maurer, Y. (2024). Measuring and monitoring urban sprawl: Necessary steps toward more effective anti-sprawl policies. In: A World Scientific Encyclopedia of Next Generation Cities. Ed.-in-Chief: U. Eicker. Volume 2: Built and natural environments. Volume eds.: P. Gauthier, E. Yonder, C. Ziter, H. Ge. World Scientific Publishing.

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Pourtaherian, P., Jaeger, J.A.G. (2022). How effective are greenbelts at mitigating urban sprawl? A comparative study of 60 European cities. Landscape and Urban Planning 227: 104532 (17 pages). doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2022.104532
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