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The Benefits of Circus Arts Practice and Performance on Adolescent Wellbeing


The Benefits of Circus Arts Practice and Performance on Adolescent Wellbeing

Robert, Mélanie-Beby (2023) The Benefits of Circus Arts Practice and Performance on Adolescent Wellbeing. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

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The Benefits of Circus Arts Practice and Performance on Adolescent Wellbeing
Mélanie-Beby Robert

As the circus arts continue to evolve in Quebec rapidly, there is an increasing interest in exploring this domain, particularly regarding its influence on child development. This study aims to understand how circus arts performances affect the wellbeing of adolescents. In this qualitative research, ten adolescents taking classes at the École de Cirque de Verdun were observed with a view to better understand their wellbeing through circus practice and performance. The data collection methods include observations, curated journals, and interviews. The study's findings encompass the participants’ definitions of wellbeing, the importance of healthy relationships, and the significance of having strong role models in their lives during adolescence. The results offer insights into how their circus rehearsal influences their wellbeing. These findings highlight that artistic expression, physical abilities, and personal growth collectively contribute to the comprehensive development of young individuals during this crucial life phase.

Keywords: Circus education, adolescence, wellbeing, play, risk, socializing, circus performance, child development, Quebec circus.

Divisions:Concordia University > School of Graduate Studies > Individualized Program
Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Authors:Robert, Mélanie-Beby
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:M.A.
Program:Individualized Program
Date:31 August 2023
Thesis Supervisor(s):Patrick, Leroux and D'Amico, Miranda and Linds, Warren
Keywords:Circus education, adolescence, wellbeing, play, risk, socializing, circus performance, child development, Quebec circus.
ID Code:992839
Deposited On:16 Nov 2023 17:52
Last Modified:16 Nov 2023 17:52


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