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The Unsung Heroes of Training and Development in Canada, The Administrators: A Content Analysis of Job Announcements


The Unsung Heroes of Training and Development in Canada, The Administrators: A Content Analysis of Job Announcements

Amer, Nora (2023) The Unsung Heroes of Training and Development in Canada, The Administrators: A Content Analysis of Job Announcements. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

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Research that explores competencies needed by Training Administrators is limited; yet the role of Training Administrator is common. The purpose of this study was to define the role of Training Administrator from the industry’s perspective of Training (Learning) and Development with respect to its main roles and responsibilities, soft skills, education, and technical requirements needed to perform the job successfully, and what the typical title of the job is. To determine definitions, 63 job announcements from across Canada were collected from one online job database (LinkedIn.com) over a five-month period in 2021. Following a systematic process of collection, coding, and the measurement of frequency, by which a role and responsibility category, as well as a stated superior-level soft skill, was found within each job announcement, five main role and responsibilities and eight superior-level soft skills emerged. Moreover, the required minimum education, experience, and technical skills were identified from an employer’s perspective. The results suggested that those in the role of Training Administrator were mainly expected to perform the roles and responsibilities of:
1. Learning Management System (“LMS”) Administrator.
2. Logistical Support.
3. Data Analytics.
4. Design and Development, of curricula.
5. Learning Communication Specialist.
The eight soft skills expected at a superior-level skillset were found to be in:
1. Oral and written.
2. Interpersonal.
3. Multi-tasking.
4. Detail-oriented.
5. Time management.
6. Adaptability.
7. Stakeholder management.
8. Self-motivation.
A typical job title for the role as determined by the current study was Learning Coordinator, rather than Training Administrator.

Divisions:Concordia University > Faculty of Arts and Science > Education
Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Authors:Amer, Nora
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:M.A.
Program:Educational Technology
Date:1 December 2023
Thesis Supervisor(s):Carliner, Saul and Schmid, Richard
Keywords:Training Administrator, Training and Development Administrator, Learning Administrator, Learning and Development Administrator, Training Coordinator, Learning Coordinator, Learning Management System, LMS, LMS Administrator, content analysis, job announcements, job content analysis, job postings, Learning and Development, Human Resource Development, Performance and Learning, Talent Development, job competencies, soft skills.
ID Code:993223
Deposited By: NORA AMER
Deposited On:05 Jun 2024 15:33
Last Modified:05 Jun 2024 15:33


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