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Selection of P3 delivery methods for Sustainable Social Infrastructure Projects Using the Analytical Hierarchical Process


Selection of P3 delivery methods for Sustainable Social Infrastructure Projects Using the Analytical Hierarchical Process

Semgalawe, Nita (2024) Selection of P3 delivery methods for Sustainable Social Infrastructure Projects Using the Analytical Hierarchical Process. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

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This thesis studies the necessary shift in screening practices of public-private partnerships (P3) projects in Canada, moving beyond traditional qualitative criteria to include broader environmental, social, and governance (ESG) project objectives. The current P3 screening, while effective, needs adaptation to align with Canadian societal and environmental infrastructure goals. In response, this thesis focuses on three objectives aimed at improving social infrastructure P3 procurement and promoting sustainable and responsible project management practices for these projects. Firstly, it identifies and describes Canadian-specific ESG criteria important for ensuring responsible sustainability in delivering social infrastructure projects. Secondly, it develops an ESG-PPP screening matrix to evaluate social infrastructure projects based on responsible sustainability thresholds, determining their suitability for P3 procurement. Thirdly, it implements a multi-criteria analysis using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine the most appropriate P3 model for social infrastructure projects, considering the identified ESG criteria and quantitative value-for-money criterion. The AHP-PPP selection tool is applied to three case studies analyzing two AHP scales to assess their consistency ratios and the reliability of the P3 selection results. The results indicate that the balanced-n scale exhibit lower inconsistency ratios compared to the fundamental AHP scale, and decisions on P3 options remained consistent across all case studies using both scales, suggesting that the Fundamental AHP scale remains reliable if decision-makers accurately reflect the relative importance of P3 options. Overall, this thesis addresses the increasing need for sustainable and responsible management of social infrastructure projects in Canada by integrating ESG factors into the current procurement process.

Divisions:Concordia University > Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science > Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Authors:Semgalawe, Nita
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:M.A. Sc.
Program:Building Engineering
Date:1 April 2024
Thesis Supervisor(s):Moselhi, Osama
Keywords:Procurement of Public-private partnerships (P3), Environmental, social, and governance (ESG), Social infrastructure projects, and Analytical Hierarchy Structure (AHP)
ID Code:993786
Deposited By: Nita Semgalawe
Deposited On:04 Jun 2024 14:36
Last Modified:04 Jun 2024 14:36


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