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Enhancing Consumer Access to Warehouse Clubs Amidst the Retail Food Access Divide: Assessing the Impact of On-Premises and E-commerce Services


Enhancing Consumer Access to Warehouse Clubs Amidst the Retail Food Access Divide: Assessing the Impact of On-Premises and E-commerce Services

Essabik, Hala (2024) Enhancing Consumer Access to Warehouse Clubs Amidst the Retail Food Access Divide: Assessing the Impact of On-Premises and E-commerce Services. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

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This study explores consumer access to warehouse clubs in regions characterized by a pronounced retail food access divide, specifically where there is a high ratio of convenience stores to supermarkets and grocery stores. Despite the cost-efficiency and broad product offerings of warehouse clubs, their limited store network and membership fees raise questions about their capacity to attract consumers in areas with substantial gaps in food access. This research focuses on three key aspects: the direct effect of the food access divide on consumer visits to warehouse clubs, the influence of on-premises services on this relationship, and the influence of e-commerce services on this relationship. The results reveal that a high ratio of convenience stores to supermarkets and grocery stores significantly reduces consumer foot traffic to warehouse clubs. However, on-premises services, especially healthcare, not only boost consumer visits to warehouse clubs but also mitigate the negative impact of limited access to healthy food options on these visits. Automotive services also contribute positively, albeit to a lesser extent. E-commerce services have a nuanced role: while both home delivery and omni-pickup options decrease foot traffic directly, delivery services moderate the negative impacts of a high retail food access divide by sustaining consumer foot traffic. Conversely, omni-pickup services exacerbate the negative effects by further reducing in-person visits. This research enriches the literature on the retail food access divide, spatial resilience of warehouse clubs, and retailers’ channel capabilities. By integrating on-premises and e-commerce services, warehouse clubs can enhance retail service equity across diverse regions, particularly improving consumer accessibility in areas with significant retail food disparities.

Divisions:Concordia University > John Molson School of Business > Supply Chain and Business Technology Management
Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Authors:Essabik, Hala
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:M.A. Sc.
Program:Business Administration (Supply Chain and Business Technology Management specialization)
Date:1 August 2024
Thesis Supervisor(s):Pan, Xiaodan
Keywords:retail food access divide, warehouse clubs, on-premises services, e-commerce services
ID Code:994188
Deposited By: Hala Essabik
Deposited On:24 Oct 2024 18:34
Last Modified:24 Oct 2024 18:34


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