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Tourism Landscape Construction and the Marginalization of Ethnic and Rural Communities: A Case Study of Chagan Lake Winter Fishing Tourism Festival


Tourism Landscape Construction and the Marginalization of Ethnic and Rural Communities: A Case Study of Chagan Lake Winter Fishing Tourism Festival

Liu, Yujia (2024) Tourism Landscape Construction and the Marginalization of Ethnic and Rural Communities: A Case Study of Chagan Lake Winter Fishing Tourism Festival. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

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This study examines the practices of constructing and disseminating tourism landscapes by the Chinese government, official media, and social media, using the Chagan Lake Winter Fishing and related tourism festivals as a case study. It reveals how the Chinese government leverages local ethnic cultures, guided by modernization ideology, to develop tourism festivals aiming at integrating ethnic minorities and rural populations into the modernization process. This study also examines the issues of rural tourism becoming ideologically charged and the marginalization of local communities in the modernization of China. Additionally, the study investigates the idealized and simplified representations of winter fishing in different media. CCTV's portrayal aligns with the central government's poverty alleviation through tourism policies and ecological civilization initiatives, while Xiaohongshu caters to users' demands for visibility and interaction. Since the ice and snow economy developed in 2015, winter fishing has become a replicable landscape promoted in northern regions, regardless of its alignment with local culture and fishing practices. The replicable landscape visually reinforces the perceived distance between ethnic minorities, rural populations, and modern society, emphasizing traditional and ethnic cultures as fundamentally distinct from modernization rather than genuinely integrating them into the development process. This study is significant as it highlights the conflict in the Chinese government's efforts to include rural populations and ethnic groups in modernization through tourism development, which paradoxically further marginalizes them and reinvents their cultures to fit the modernization agenda.

Divisions:Concordia University > Faculty of Fine Arts > Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema
Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Authors:Liu, Yujia
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:M.A.
Program:Film and Moving Image Studies
Date:20 June 2024
Thesis Supervisor(s):Chew, May
Keywords:folk culture; tourism; visual spectacle
ID Code:994405
Deposited By: Yujia Liu
Deposited On:24 Oct 2024 17:33
Last Modified:24 Oct 2024 17:33


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