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Once Upon a Medium: Exploring How Narrative Mediums Affect The Experience of Narrative Transportation


Once Upon a Medium: Exploring How Narrative Mediums Affect The Experience of Narrative Transportation

Atik, Alp Tug (2024) Once Upon a Medium: Exploring How Narrative Mediums Affect The Experience of Narrative Transportation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

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Atik_MSc_F2024.pdf - Accepted Version
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Brand storytelling is considered an important contributor to brand success. Stories are known to narratively transport the audience, which results in positive brand outcomes. Past research on narrative transportation mainly focused on presenting stories in a written form.
However, aside from text, brands can communicate to consumers via different mediums (e.g., video). The impact of different mediums on the experience of narrative transportation has received little attention in the literature. This research aims to explore whether the amount of narrative
transportation could vary across different mediums of storytelling, specifically text vs. video. Additionally, this research aims to understand the underlying mechanism for why narrative transportation may differ across mediums. Specifically, I theorize that a story presented via text
may require a different amount of cognitive resources to process compared to a story presented via video form, which may affect the amount of narrative transportation experienced. This thesis
examines these questions across three studies. Study 1 found that presenting a story in text form led to significantly higher narrative transportation compared to presenting the story in video form.
Study 2 results were consistent with study 1 and additionally demonstrated that text required more cognitive resources to process compared to video. However, the cognitive resource requirement
did not ultimately mediate the effect of medium on narrative transportation. Study 3 aimed to test the mechanism by manipulating cognitive load. While the effect of medium was replicated, cognitive load did not moderate this main effect. Finally, theoretical and managerial contributions are discussed.

Divisions:Concordia University > John Molson School of Business > Marketing
Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Authors:Atik, Alp Tug
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:M. Sc.
Date:7 August 2024
Thesis Supervisor(s):He, Sharlene
Keywords:Narrative transportation, Narrative Medium, Storytelling
ID Code:994408
Deposited By: Alp Tug Atik
Deposited On:24 Oct 2024 18:09
Last Modified:24 Oct 2024 18:09


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