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Reimagining Canadian Journalism: A Case Study of News Startups in Montreal


Reimagining Canadian Journalism: A Case Study of News Startups in Montreal

Botelho-Urbanski, J. (2024) Reimagining Canadian Journalism: A Case Study of News Startups in Montreal. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

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Trailer - Reimagining Journalism_ The Montreal Edition.mp3 - Accepted Version
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Audio (audio/mpeg)
Episode 1 - La Converse.mp3 - Accepted Version
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Audio (audio/mpeg)
Episode 2 - The Rover.mp3 - Accepted Version
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Audio (audio/mpeg)
Episode 3 - Pivot.mp3 - Accepted Version
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The Canadian journalism industry has been in a self-described crisis, partly of its own making, for arguably as long as it has existed. With each new technological advancement comes a new wave of self-doubt, and in the past five years, many legacy news outlets have turned to the federal government for financial help. At the same time, a new crop of digital news startups has grown. Their numbers fluctuate, but at least 270 digital-first outlets existed in Canada as of last year (LION Publishers, 2023). These outlets tend to be more independent and less nostalgic about journalistic norms and traditions, forging new approaches to information-gathering and sharing. As trust in news media has generally eroded (Reuters, 2024), many news startups have responded by focusing on hyperlocal or niche information needs, and on direct audience engagement. Some are also exploring philanthropic funding opportunities or seeking out non-profit status, effectively turning the capitalist, ad-revenue-driven newspaper model on its head. Through a series of three 30- to 50-minute podcasts, three Montreal-based case studies – La Converse, The Rover and Pivot – are examined to help answer the question: As Canadian legacy news media crumble, how will the new kids on the block respond? Judging by interviews with the founders of the three news outlets, the next generation of journalism leaders value slowing down to conduct more long-form and investigative reporting; spotlighting voices that have been traditionally marginalized in the media; and, for some, favouring radical transparency over neutral objectivity.

Divisions:Concordia University > Faculty of Arts and Science > Journalism
Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Authors:Botelho-Urbanski, J.
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:M.A.
Program:Digital Innovation in Journalism Studies
Date:August 2024
Thesis Supervisor(s):Hunter, Andrea and Konieczna, Magda
Keywords:journalism, news startups, digital journalism, Canadian journalism, news
ID Code:994430
Deposited By: Jessica Botelho-Urbanski
Deposited On:24 Oct 2024 18:06
Last Modified:24 Oct 2024 18:06


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