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Rewilding second language learning: Non-formal learning through songs


Rewilding second language learning: Non-formal learning through songs

Sundberg, Ross (2024) Rewilding second language learning: Non-formal learning through songs. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

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The goal of this manuscript-based dissertation is to explore French second language development through songs in the non-formal learning space to understand learners’ progression towards successful integration into informal environments. To explore the self-regulatory process required to increase autonomy and the degree to which music can aid learners in this pursuit, I examine new technologies and learners’ behaviours towards the use of music in second language contexts. This is done by following Cardoso’s (2022) chronological framework for examining new technologies in second language contexts because when learners engage with L2 music, they do so through technology. After providing an introduction and background on autonomy and the non-formal learning space (Chapter 1), the framework is explored through three manuscripts to investigate different aspects of language learning through songs and the use of the Bande à Part app (which was used as a tool to understand this approach).

The first manuscript (Manuscript A) investigates theoretical affordances provided by music as a form of L2 phonological exposure (e.g., acoustic comparisons between singing vs speaking) and form of content (e.g., type of vocabulary, rhyme schemes, and repetition). This manuscript highlights affordances provided by overlapping cognitive processes shared between language and music processing. For example, music encourages increased focus on form, which could help with pronunciation and exposure to drawn out vowels, leading to better formation of vowel categories. In terms of content, music is repetitive and motivating—two factors that are difficult to incorporate into the classroom. Empirical work on the impact of music on language development is interpreted with this in mind, supporting the theoretical affordances that were highlighted. Gaps are highlighted for future studies with the subsequent two chapters shedding light on some of these gaps.

The second manuscript (Manuscript B) assesses learners’ perceptions of suitability and acceptability of learning French with the Bande à Part music app (development and release documented in Sundberg & Cardoso, 2019). Results demonstrate that learners believe the app helps improve their French and that it is relatively intuitive to use, although more instructions and more songs should be included. These perceptions are gathered because they are predictors of whether or not learners will use a tool, critical to self-directed contexts. The feedback gathered is also used to make iterative improvements to the app. The manuscript discusses principles and takeaways for future material developers who are interested in student-centred tools.

The third manuscript (Manuscript C) investigates learners’ awareness of language, the language learning process, and ability to self-regulate their own pronunciation development. This is accomplished through think-aloud exercises where participants listen to and then comment on recordings of themselves imitating sung and spoken audio recordings. This research helps to illuminate where scaffolding is needed and the degree to which learners can learn on their own.

The main findings emphasize the value of self-directed pedagogical tools, particularly songs, in enhancing L2 development. Educators and developers can use these insights to create more effective materials for language learners and support beyond the classroom learning endeavours.

Divisions:Concordia University > Faculty of Arts and Science > Education
Item Type:Thesis (PhD)
Authors:Sundberg, Ross
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:Ph. D.
Date:16 July 2024
Thesis Supervisor(s):Cardoso, Walcir
ID Code:994466
Deposited On:24 Oct 2024 16:44
Last Modified:24 Oct 2024 16:44


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