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How Loneliness Shapes Socially Responsible Consumption


How Loneliness Shapes Socially Responsible Consumption

Yazdanian, Nasrin (2024) How Loneliness Shapes Socially Responsible Consumption. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

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This thesis examines when and why lonely consumers choose products that benefit others. According to the Evolutionary Theory of Loneliness, while loneliness promotes motivations to socially connect and develop relationships, it also enhances focus on self-preservation motives and implicit hypersensitivity to social threats. Prior literature demonstrates that increased self-centeredness and social pain derived from feelings of loneliness lead lonely individuals to prioritize their own interests over the interests of others and seek their own welfare. However, under certain conditions, lonely individuals may sacrifice personal interests for the benefit of others (i.e., when there is a chance to socially connect with others or to signal their unique identity).
This research explores how loneliness influences socially responsible consumption, operationalized as a preference for socially responsible products (e.g., fair trade tea or coffee, child-labor-free apparel, eco-friendly cleaning products, organic cotton apparel). Specifically, it investigates whether the type of beneficiary of socially responsible choice (human or the environment) evokes different responses from lonelier individuals.
Across five studies, the results suggest that lonelier consumers exhibit a lower preference for socially responsible products linked to benefits for humans but not for the environment. The findings elucidate the underlying process in various ways: the mediation analyses in Studies 1 and 2 show that loneliness lowers compassion for others, which reduces preferences for socially
responsible products benefiting humans but not the environment. Introducing interventions focusing on compassion in Studies 3 and 4 reveal that lonely individuals who experience self-affirmation and Loving-Kindness Meditation practices exhibit greater compassion toward others, consequently, increasing the likelihood of choosing socially responsible products associated with benefits for humans. Finally, Study 5 demonstrates that temporal distance (future vs. immediate consumption) alters lonely consumers' preferences and decreases the negative impact of loneliness on preference for socially responsible products associated with benefits for humans but not for the environment.
The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed, including alternate pathways for engaging lonely consumers in socially responsible consumption, specifically for products associated with human benefits.

Divisions:Concordia University > John Molson School of Business > Marketing
Item Type:Thesis (PhD)
Authors:Yazdanian, Nasrin
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:Ph. D.
Program:Business Administration (Marketing specialization)
Date:8 July 2024
Thesis Supervisor(s):Bodur, H. Onur
Keywords:loneliness, consumer behavior, socially responsible consumption, social isolation
ID Code:994484
Deposited By: nasrin yazdanian
Deposited On:24 Oct 2024 15:12
Last Modified:24 Oct 2024 15:12


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