Items where Division is "Exercise Science" and Year is 2008
Arasanz, Carla Paz (2008) Effects of oscillatory activity on coherence patterns in the cerebellar cortex. Masters thesis, Concordia University.
Carver, Tamara (2008) Relation between physical exertion and postural stability in hemiparetic participants secondary to stroke. Masters thesis, Concordia University.
Gabriela., De A. C. Abbud (2008) Attentional requirements of walking according to the gait phase and onset of auditory stimuli. Masters thesis, Concordia University.
Pacheco, Sabrina (2008) The effect of cryopreservation on mitochondrial function in human skeletal muscle. Masters thesis, Concordia University.
Rossi, Amanda (2008) Interaction of nitric oxide and muscle contraction in adenosine-induced muscle vasodilation in humans. Masters thesis, Concordia University.
Zuccheroso, Ettore (2008) Mapping of local field potential oscillations in the rat cerebellar cortex granule cell layer. Masters thesis, Concordia University.