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Number of items: 12.

Dayanandan, Selvadurai, Bawa, K.S. and Kesseli, R. (1997) Conservation of microsatellites among tropical trees (Leguminosae). American Journal of Botany, 84 (12). pp. 1658-1663. ISSN 0002-9122

Muchall, Heidi M., Werstiuk, Nick H, Ma, Jiagong, Tidwell, Thomas T. and Sung, Kuangsen (1997) Conformational behavior and electronic structure of silylketenes studied with quantum chemical calculations and photoelectron spectroscopy. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 75 (12). pp. 1851-1861. ISSN 0008-4042

Brown, Grant E. and Smith, Jan F. (1997) Conspecific skin extracts elicit antipredator responses in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 75 (11). pp. 1916-1922. ISSN 0008-4301

Pillay, Pragasen, Nolan, R. and Haque, T. (1997) Application of genetic algorithms to motor parameter determination for transient torque calculations. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 33 (5). pp. 1273-1282. ISSN 0093-9994

Keeley, Ernest Robert and Grant, James W.A. (1997) Allometry of diet selectivity in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 54 (8). pp. 1894-1902. ISSN 0706-652X

Vileno, Luigina (1997) Geography resources on the Internet. College and Research Libraries News, 58 (7). pp. 471-474. ISSN 00990086

Butovsky, Mervin and Jonassohn, Kurt (1997) An Exploratory Study of Unpublished Holocaust Survivor Memoirs.

Salvatore, Filippo (1997) Liborio Lattoni: da missionario protestante a poeta nella Montreal del primo Novocento. Italian Canadiana, 13 . pp. 80-106. ISSN 0827-6129

Morris, David (1997) Optical Idealism and the Languages of Depth in Descartes and Berkeley. The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 35 (3). pp. 363-392. ISSN 0038-4283

Despland, Emma and Houle, Gilles (1997) Climate influences on growth and reproduction of Pinus banksiana (Pinaceae) at the limit of the species distribution in eastern North America. American Journal of Botany, 84 (8). pp. 928-937. ISSN 0002-9122

Lachapelle, Richard (1997) Experiential Learning and Discipline-Based Art Education. Visual Arts Research, 23 (2). pp. 135-144.

Arnopoulos, Paris (1997) Plato and Aristotle on War and Peace. Philosophia: Yearbook of the Research Center for Greek Philosophy at the Academy of Athens, 27-28 (97-98). pp. 142-152. ISSN 1105-2120

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