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Number of items: 100.

Oladimeji, Adebayo Amusa (1973) Effects of dietary methoxychlor on brook trout fed at different rates. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Mate-Ross, Phyllis (1973) Differential interfering effects of observational learning in boys and girls. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Romanelli, Stefano (1973) Realization of all-pass transfer functions using operational amplifiers and RLC elements : a major technical report. --. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Somers, Martin Benjamin (1973) A theoretical analysis of the implications for art education of presentational and discursive modes of communication. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Hayward, Vivian (1973) William Shakespeare Pericles : to make men glorious. --. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Wight, Quintin (1973) Webb and Woolf ; a study of the social and political relationships between Beatrice Webb and the Bloomsbury group, with particular reference to Leonard and Virginia Woolf. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Goldberg, Barbara (1973) Utopian values : an examination of freedom and the good life in four utopias. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Wong, King Sun (1973) Transient response and the first passage probability of randomly excited mechanical systems. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Sabbagh, N. A. J (1973) Tin whisker growth in the communication industry. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Stevenson, Gertrude P (1973) The sea tales of Edgar Allan Poe. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Bonathon, Katherine (1973) The role of non-Haitians in the development of the contemporary art movement in Haiti and its implications for art educators in cross-cultural situations. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Takach, Leslie (1973) The role of arts and technology in human development. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Rao, Atmuri (1973) The real part of a multivariable positive real function and the synthesis of multivariable ladder networks. PhD thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Spivock, Ronald Elliott (1973) The press and the Dreyfus affair. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Kim, Dong Je (1973) The photofunctionalization of steroidal 18-methyl groups. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Mwaniki, Louis (1973) The "newspaper talk", a method of teaching : an attempt at another possibility of art education. --. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Vatch, Lawrence (1973) The nature element in Canadian poetry. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Bruhy, Billie Jo (1973) The Flaming Apron women's craft store : an experience through the collectivity. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Le Blanc, Victoria (1973) The figure of the Trinity as a controlling metaphor in James Joyce's Ulysses; a discussion of the theme of subordination. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Jarrold, Louise Anne (1973) The effects of interstimulus interval and the preparatory adaptive response on intensity ratings of signaled and unsignaled events. --. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Arnkoff, Diane (1973) The effectiveness of modeling and videotape feedback on personal problem solving. --. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Engel, Lynne J (1973) The effect of schedules of alcohol administration on voluntary alcohol intake in electrically stimulated rats. --. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

McMullan, John L (1973) The bailiff and the debtor : elements in decision-making and debt collection. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Boyd, Richard Bruce (1973) An econometric model of demand and production in the Canadian railway transportation industry. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Rankin, Joan Melvin (1973) An art curriculum for Division II of the Moose Jaw public school system. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

McLeod, Donald Stewart (1973) A study of the feasibility of binding up industrial waste waters in a pozzolanic cement for use as a possible method of waste treatment. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Choubey, Nirmalendu (1973) Preliminary studies on flow past a gate with cylindrical lips : a major technical report. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Aczel, Joanne (1973) 3H-actinomycin D autoradiographic and Feulgen-cytophotometric investigation of the DNA content of normal hepatic cells and hepatoma cells. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Kwatra, Madan Mohan (1973) Kinetics of acetylcholinesterase inhibition by eserine and a mono-quaternary propargylic ether. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Ghicopoulos, Basile (1973) Nearest neighbour dependence of the pressure induced phase transitions of HgSexTe(l-x). Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Bhattacharya, S (1973) Dependance of pressure induced phase transition of mercury chalcogenides on nearest neighbors' distance : a major technical report. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Giles, Howel Gwynne (1973) On the stereochemistry and kinetics of conformational change involved in restricted internal rotation. PhD thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Ishayek, Rouben (1973) Ligand exchange equilibrium studies of some MO8 anionic beta-diketonate complexes of Yttrium (III), and kinetic and mechanistic studies of intermolecular ligand exchange in some organotin (IV) acetylacetonate complexes by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Fraser, Alan Richard (1973) X-ray crystallographic studies of some derivatives of dicobaltoctacarbonyl and tetracobaltdocecacarbonyl with Pi bonding ligands. PhD thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Youssef, Isis Sélim (1973) Etude sur la socialisation de l'enfant inadapté par l'expression artistique. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Silverman, Alan (1973) The French provincial, communal movement and Paris, 1870-1871. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Azad, Abul Kalam (1973) An analytical and experimental study of orthotropic steel bridge decks. PhD thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Mukerjee, Kumar K (1973) A critical review of the mechanics of metal rolling, its application to the design of hot strip mills ; a major technical report. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Kondaks, Eildon (1973) Katherine Mansfield : explorations into awareness of the well-springs of human motivations and desires. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Lee, Pai Mow (1973) Boundary effects on flow past bluff bodies. PhD thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Kar, Rampapda (1973) A finite element study of the effective width of simple and continous T-beams. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Rose, Marilyn J (1973) The concept of Manawaka in the fiction of Margaret Laurence ; A bird in the house, A jest of God, The fire-dwellers and The stone angel. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Pearson, John Eric (1973) Matthew Arnold in France: an essay in Victorian biculturalism. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Doghramadjian, Rachel (1973) Some effects of ethanol on rat brain monamine oxidase, l-glutamic acid decarboxylase and acetylcholinesterase. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Awad, Refat S (1973) Sensitivity analysis as applied to optimal control systems : a major technical report. --. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Solinas, Jean (1973) Needs, applications and techniques of load forecasting applied to operating and controlling a power utility : a major technical report. --. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Mumick, Jaideep S (1973) Shunt reactive compensation of EHV and UHV transmission : survey of the state of the art : a major technical report. --. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Quan, Tu Anh (1973) Introduction to the use of digital computers in an electric power system dispatching center : a major technical report. --. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Gargour, Christian Samir (1973) The use of signal flow graphs in the synthesis of operational samplifier networks. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Khalil, Adham M (1973) The design, development and optimization of mechanical connection systems in sandwich panel construction. --. PhD thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Sankar, S (1973) Dynamic accuracy and stability of machine-tool hydraulic copying systems. --. PhD thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Cayne, Audrey Notkin (1973) Increased perception as a possible function of bilingualism; a descriptive study. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Levitsky, Ronald (1973) Heterodoxy in Massachusetts. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Porter, Kenneth (1973) Freight train optimal trajectory calculation by linear programming. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Lin, Joseph Ying Fan (1973) Formability of sheet metal. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Egan, Catherine M (1973) Films for art programmes at the secondary level. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Fremeth, Steven J (1973) Feeding and social behaviour in brook trout; applied and theoretical implications. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Luh, Bing S (1973) Experimental study of the exit velocity distribution in a short vortex chamber. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Wakarchuk, Alexander (1973) Evaluating the use of learning activity packages based on the learning objective as the basic criterion unit. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Joyal, Bruno (1973) Essai sur le guide pédagogique en arts, plastiques au niveau élémentaire. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Gamsa, Ann (1973) Effects of instructions on organization and recall in children of low and middle socio-economic status. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Ramsdale, Elsie (1973) Edward Randolph ; misunderstood English civil servant. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Lacoursière, William (1973) Economics and financing of highway transportation in Canada. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Nastou, Dimitrios (1973) Investigation of a vortex flow meter. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Mikhael, Wasfy Boushra (1973) Design of high performance RC-active filters. --. PhD thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Kukulsky, Dennis E (1973) Design of a computer assisted proposal preparation procedure. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Dobrinski, Morris J (1973) Cystinuria : an investigation of suggested psychological complications. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Lamarche, Lise (1973) Creativity as a meeting ground of psychotherapy and art education. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Han, S. Bing (1973) Connect times of switched data networks with delay. --. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Sirota, Suzanne E (1973) Cognitive style and motor activity levels in spastic cerebral palsied children. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Wilson, Alan George (1973) Changing concepts in art and art education in England since 1956, as viewed through the influence of American painting. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Witte, Hans (1973) British colonial policy: land, labour and white settlement in Southern Rhodesia, 1890-1908. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Fletcher, Ann (1973) Art and polemic purpose in George Orwell's fiction and documentaries. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Piva, Frances E (1973) An idyl confronted : the New England mill girls and the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Jengo, Elias (1973) An exploratory study on teachers' attitudes toward instructional television. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Cohen, Jacquelyn F (1973) Reading ability and temporal processing in the auditory, kinaesthetic and visual modalities. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Ritter, Leonard (1973) A study of ribonucleic acid patterns of flax and tobacco tissue cultures. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Stewart, Girnith Rebecca (1973) A proposed art method program to train teachers to teach the primary/Elementary art curriculum of the public school system of Manitoba. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Langdon, Paul J (1973) A profile : in five parts. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Isenberg, Sandra (1973) Studies on the characteristics and metabolic role of L-serine deaminase in Escherichia coli. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Karroum, Alexandre (1973) Stress analysis of three dimensional twisted blades using the slender bar method. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Sossoyan, Kevork A (1973) Some design aspects of constant resistance bilateral amplifiers. --. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Murphy, Carol Marie (1973) Some conceptual and methodological issues involved in the study of community power. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Mirotchnick, Mark (1973) Situational determinants of aggression : an S-R approach. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Tremblay, Laurent G. (1973) Simulation of a machine tool hydraulic copying system under dynamic loading. --. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

McIntosh, D. Grant (1973) Short-term load forecasting in an electric power system. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Doan, Duc (1973) Response of linear mechanical systems under nonstationary random excitations. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Huttelmaier, Hans Peter (1973) Reduced stiffness matrix for panelized structures. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Halbwidl, Dieter Anton (1973) Revolution and its bureaucracy ; an analysis of the similarities and differences of revolution and its bureaucracy of Ignazio Silone and Milovan Djilas. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Arnold, Wayne (1973) Reading ability and hemispheric specialization in boys and girls. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Teitelbaum, Edith (1973) Production and evaluation of a community television series transmitted via Cable T.V. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Engel, Lawrence J (1973) Pressure induced solid-solid transitions in low energy gap semi-conductors. --. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Morgan, George Lambie (1973) Portable video utilization in post-secondary education on Montreal Island. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Lang, Ann Proulx (1973) Poggio Bracciolini's De avaritia : a study in fifteenth century Florentine attitudes toward avarice and usury. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Hopkins, Judith Anne (1973) P.D. Ouspensky's epistemology as a development of the Kantian critical system. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Irgo, Carole M (1973) On the use of sensitivity and awareness techniques in the teaching of movement in design. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Veitch, Catherine Jantine (1973) Mother goddess worship in India. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Greenberg, Barbara Arbess (1973) "More than history can pattern" : a study of The winter's tale. --. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Maragos, Spiros Konstantinos (1973) Measurement and modeling of the cutting force fluctuations during machining. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

Hargreaves, David R (1973) Investigation of methods for identification of discrete and continuous linear systems. Masters thesis, Sir George Williams University.

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