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Number of items: 24.


Bachewich, Catherine (2003) Depletion of a Polo-like Kinase in Candida albicans Activates Cyclase-dependent Hyphal-like Growth. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 14 (5). pp. 2163-2180. ISSN 10591524

Camlot, Jason (2003) Early Talking Books: Spoken Recordings and Recitation Anthologies, 1880-1920. Book History, 6 . pp. 147-173. ISSN 1098-7371

Camlot, Jason (2003) Mammals and Machines: Michael McClure's Embodying Poetics. Atenea: revista bilingue de las humanidades y las ciencias sociales/a bilingual journal of the humanities and the social sciences, 23 (1). pp. 53-68. ISSN 0885-6079

Charbonneau, Olivier (2003) Les grandes industries mondiales de la bande dessinée. Documentation et bibliothèques, 49 (4). pp. 165-168.

Cheng, Zhong and Paraschivoiu, Marius (2003) Parallel computations of finite element output bounds for conjugate heat transfer. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 39 (7). pp. 581-597. ISSN 0168-874X

Claveau, David and Wang, Chunyan (2003) An architecture for a VLSI sensory–motor system for obstacle avoidance. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 50 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 09218890

Guo, Tong, Kit, Yuriy Y., Nicaud, Jean-Marc, Le Dall, Marie-Thérèse, Sears, S. Kelly, Vali, Hojatollah, Chan, Honey, Rachubinski, Richard A. and Titorenko, Vladimir I. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5819-7545 (2003) Peroxisome division in the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica is regulated by a signal from inside the peroxisome. The Journal of Cell Biology, 162 (7). pp. 1255-1266. ISSN 0021-9525

Harrison, George W. M. (2003) Forms of Intertextuality in the Octavia. Prudentia (35). pp. 112-125.

Jaffary, Nora (2003) The Creation of Heterodoxy: 'Pseudo' Mystics' Visualizations of Catholic Doctrine in Colonial Mexico. Studia Mystica, 24 . pp. 21-49. ISSN 0161-7222

Kort, Skander, Tahar, Sofiène and Curzon, Paul (2003) Hierarchical formal verification using a hybrid tool. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), 4 (3). pp. 313-322. ISSN 1433-2779

Lachapelle, Richard (2003) Controversies about Public Contemporary Art: An Opportunity for Studying Viewer Responses. Canadian Review of Art Education, 30 (2). pp. 65-92.

Lachapelle, Richard, Murray, Deborah and Neim, Sandy (2003) Aesthetic Understanding as Informed Experience: The Role of Knowledge in Our Art Viewing Experiences. The Journal of Aesthetic Education, 37 (3). pp. 78-98. ISSN 1543-7809

Marcus, Jason P. and Brown, Grant E. (2003) Response of pumpkinseed sunfish to conspecific chemical alarm cues: an interaction between ontogeny and stimulus concentration. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 80 (10). pp. 1671-1677. ISSN 0008-4301

Mawhinney, Robert C., Muchall, Heidi M. and Lessard, Jean (2003) A theoretical analysis of the conformational behaviour of substituted methylenecyclohexanes. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 81 (10). pp. 1101-1107. ISSN 0008-4042

Muchall, Heidi M., Kamya, Petrina RN and Lessard, Jean (2003) The conformational behaviour of methylenecyclohexanes revisited. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 81 (6). pp. 689-696. ISSN 0008-4042

Peng, Hong, Tahar, Sofiène and Khendek, Ferhat (2003) Comparison of SPIN and VIS for protocol verification. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), 4 (2). pp. 234-245. ISSN 1433-2779

Piekny, Alisa J, Johnson, Jacque-Lynne F. and Cham, Gwendolyn D. (2003) The Caenorhabditis elegans nonmuscle myosin genes nmy-1 and nmy-2 function as redundant components of the let-502/Rho-binding kinase and mel-11/myosin phosphatase pathway during embryonic morphogenesis. Development, 130 (23). pp. 5695-5704. ISSN 0950-1991

Reilly, Rosemary C. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7274-4488 and Vesic, Vesna (2003) Family volunteering: Making a difference together. Leisure / Loisir: The Journal of the Canadian Association of Leisure Studies, 27 (3-4). pp. 305-332. ISSN 1492-7713

Shahbaz, Khosro, Paraschivoiu, Marius and Mostaghimi, Javad (2003) Second order accurate volume tracking based on remapping for triangular meshes. Journal of Computational Physics, 188 (1). pp. 100-122. ISSN 0021-9991

Simon, Sherry (2003) Hybridity Revisited: St. Michael's of Mile End. International Journal of Canadian Studies (27). pp. 109-119. ISSN 11803991

Steingrímsson, Stefán Ó. and Grant, James W.A. (2003) Patterns and correlates of movement and site fidelity in individually tagged young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 60 (2). pp. 193-202. ISSN 0706-652X

Sullivan, Ron M. and Brake, Wayne G. (2003) What the rodent prefrontal cortex can teach us about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: The critical role of early developmental events on prefrontal function. Behavioural Brain Research, 146 (1-2). pp. 43-55. ISSN 0166-4328

Weladji, Robert B., Holand, Ø., Yoccoz, N.G. and Lenvik, D. (2003) Maternal age and offspring sex ratio variation in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Annales Zoologici Fennici, 40 (4). pp. 357-363. ISSN 0003-455X

Zsaki, Attila, Rixen, Daniel and Paraschivoiu, Marius (2003) A substructure-based iterative inner solver coupled with Uzawa's algorithm for the Stokes problem. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 43 (2). pp. 215-230. ISSN 0271-2091

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