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Number of items: 76.


Abdullah, Abu Nasser Mohammed, Akbarpour, Behzad and Tahar, Sofiène (2009) Error Analysis and Verification of an IEEE 802.11 OFDM Modem using Theorem Proving. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 242 (2). pp. 3-30. ISSN 15710661

Amir, Shimon and Stewart, Jane (2009) Behavioral and hormonal regulation of expression of the clock protein, PER2, in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 33 (8). pp. 1321-1328. ISSN 0278-5846

Amir, Shimon and Stewart, Jane (2009) Motivational modulation of rhythms of the expression of the clock protein, PER2, in the limbic forebrain. Biological Psychiatry, 65 (10). pp. 829-834. ISSN 0006-3223

Ashbaugh, Andrea R. and Radomsky, Adam S. (2009) Interpretations of and memory for bodily sensations during public speaking. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 40 (3). pp. 399-411. ISSN 00057916

Baharnoori, Moogeh, Brake, Wayne G. and Srivastava, Lalit (2009) Prenatal Immune Challenge Induces Developmental Changes in the Morphology of Pyramidal Neurons of the Prefrontal Cortex and Hippocampus in Rats. Schizophrenia Research, 107 (1). pp. 99-109. ISSN 0920-9964

Belge, Ceren (2009) From Expert Rule to Bureaucratic Authority: Governing the Bedouin. Israel Studies Forum, 24 (1). pp. 82-108. ISSN 1558-545X

Borck, Anja (2009) Seen but ignored: Concordia University's Henry Foss Hall Building in Montréal. JSSAC: Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 34 (2). pp. 61-74. ISSN 1486-0872

Breton, Yannick-André, Marcus, James C. and Shizgal, Peter ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4265-0792 (2009) Rattus Psychologicus: Construction of preferences by self-stimulating rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 202 (1). pp. 77-91. ISSN 0166-4328

Brown, Grant E., Macnaughton, Camille J., Elvidge, Chris K., Ramnarine, Indar and Godin, Jean-Guy J. (2009) Provenance and threat-sensitive predator avoidance patterns in wild-caught Trinidadian guppies. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 63 (5). pp. 699-706. ISSN 0340-5443

Burr, Andrew, Santo, Jonathan B. and Pushkar, Dolores (2009) Affective Well-Being in Retirement: The Influence of Valuers, Money and Health Across Three Years. Journal of Happiness Studies . ISSN 1389-4978

Byers-Heinlein, Krista and Werker, Janet F. (2009) Monolingual, bilingual, trilingual: Infants’ language experience influences the development of a word-learning heuristic. Developmental Science, 12 (5). pp. 815-823.

Cael, G., Ng, H. D., Bates, K. R., Nikiforakis, N. and Short, M. (2009) Numerical simulation of detonation structures using a thermodynamically consistent and fully conservative reactive flow model for multi-component computations. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 465 (2107). pp. 2135-2153. ISSN 1364-5021

Caquard, Sébastien (2009) Foreshadowing Contemporary Digital Cartography: A Historical Review of Cinematic Maps in Films. The Cartographic Journal, 46 (1). pp. 46-55. ISSN 1743-2774

Caquard, Sébastien and Bryne, Amelia (2009) Mapping Globalization: A Conversation between a Filmmaker and a Cartographer. The Cartographic Journal, 46 (4). pp. 372-378. ISSN 1743-2774

Caquard, Sébastien, Piatti, Barbara and Cartwright, William (2009) Editorial: Special Issue on Art & Cartography. The Cartographic Journal, 46 (4). pp. 289-291. ISSN 1743-2774

Caquard, Sébastien and Taylor, Fraser (2009) What is Cinematic Cartography? The Cartographic Journal, 46 (1). pp. 5-8. ISSN 1743-2774

Charbonneau, Olivier (2009) Canadian Copyright Issues. Law Now, 33 (5). ISSN 0841-2626

Charbonneau, Olivier (2009) Collaboration and open access to Law: How can Web 2.0 technologies help us understand the law? Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal . (Submitted)

Charbonneau, Olivier (2009) Pour une réforme équitable du droit d'auteur. Le Devoir .

Cheng, Zhong, Ghomeshi, Shahin and Paraschivoiu, Marius (2009) Bounds on outputs of the exact weak solution of the three-dimensional Stokes problem. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 61 (10). pp. 1098-1131. ISSN 02712091

Cleveland, Mark, Laroche, Michel, Pons, Frank and Kastoun, Rony (2009) Acculturation and consumption: Textures of cultural adaptation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 33 (3). pp. 196-212. ISSN 01471767

Colasurdo, Nadia, Gelinas, Yves and Despland, Emma ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7123-8249 (2009) Larval nutrition affects life history traits in a capital breeding moth. Journal of Experimental Biology, 212 (12). pp. 1794-1800. ISSN 0022-0949

Dinh, Nguyen Nang, Chi, Le Ha, Chung Thuy, Tran Thi, Trung, Tran Quang and Truong, Vo-Van ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3535-3749 (2009) Enhancement of current-voltage characteristics of multilayer organic light emitting diodes by using nanostructured composite films. Journal of Applied Physics, 105 (9). ISSN 00218979

Elliott, Corinna M. and Radomsky, Adam S. (2009) Analyses of mental contamination: Part I, experimental manipulations of morality. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47 (12). pp. 995-1003. ISSN 00057967

Endrejat, F and Pillay, Pragasen (2009) Resonance Overvoltages in Medium-Voltage Multilevel Drive Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 45 (4). pp. 1199-1209. ISSN 0093-9994

Fortier, Ashley, Kruzynski, Anna, Leblanc, Jacinthe, Newbold, Leah, Pirotte, Magaly and riot, coco (2009) Questionnements sur la compréhension de militantEs libertaires Queer et féministes au Québec à l’égard du Nous femmes et de la non-mixité : recoupements et divergences. Les Cahiers de l’IREF : Faut-il réfuter le ‘Nous femmes’ pour être féministe au XXIe siècle?, 9 . pp. 25-36.

Fung, Benjamin C.M., Wang, Ke, Wang, Lingyu and Hung, Patrick C.K. (2009) Privacy-preserving data publishing for cluster analysis. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 68 (6). pp. 552-575. ISSN 0169023X

Gawanmeh, Amjad, Bouhoula, A. and Tahar, Sofiène (2009) Rank Functions Based Inference System for Group Key Management Protocols Verification. International Journal of Network Security, 8 (2). pp. 187-198. ISSN 1816-3548

Gebregergis, A., Pillay, Pragasen, Bhattacharyya, D. and Rengaswemy, R. (2009) Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 56 (1). pp. 139-148. ISSN 0278-0046

Greyson, Devon, Vézina, Kumiko, Morrison, Heather, Taylor, Donald and Black, Charlyn (2009) University Supports for Open Access: A Canadian National Survey. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 39 (3). pp. 1-32. ISSN 0316-1218

Hardy, Nadia (2009) Students’ perceptions of institutional practices: the case of limits of functions in college level Calculus courses. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 72 (3). pp. 341-358.

Hasan, Osman and Tahar, Sofiène (2009) Formal verification of tail distribution bounds in the HOL theorem prover. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 32 (4). pp. 480-504. ISSN 01704214

Hasan, Osman and Tahar, Sofiène (2009) Performance Analysis and Functional Verification of the Stop-and-Wait Protocol in HOL. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 42 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 0168-7433

Hasan, Osman and Tahar, Sofiène (2009) Probabilistic Analysis of Wireless Systems Using Theorem Proving. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 242 (2). pp. 43-58. ISSN 15710661

High, Steven (2009) The Forestry Crisis: Public Policy and Richard Florida’s ‘Ticking Clock of History’. Our Times, 28 (6). pp. 26-33.

Hilgers, Tina (2009) ‘Who is Using Whom?’ Clientelism from the Client's Perspective. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, 15 (1). pp. 51-75. ISSN 1326-0219

Irvine, Ian and Nguyen, Hai Van (2009) Toxic Choices: The Theory and Impact of Smoking Bans. (Unpublished)

Khalil, Sofia and Pawelek, Peter D. (2009) Ligand-Induced Conformational Rearrangements Promote Interaction between the Escherichia coli Enterobactin Biosynthetic Proteins EntE and EntB. Journal of Molecular Biology, 393 (3). pp. 658-671. ISSN 0022-2836

Kruzynski, Anna and Sévigny, Marcel (2009) Bâtir un contre-pouvoir. Relations : "Quel avenir pour l’action communautaire?" (731). pp. 25-26. ISSN 0034-3781

Lachapelle, Richard (2009) The Discipline of Art Education [Editorial}. Canadian Review of Art Education, 36 . xi-xiii.

Lachapelle, Richard (2009) Investigating Assumptions About the Relationship Between Viewing Duration and Better Art Appreciations. Studies in Art Education, 50 (3). pp. 245-256. ISSN 00393541

Laroche, Michel, Pons, Frank and Richard, Marie-Odile (2009) The Role of Language in Ethnic Identity Measurement: A Multitrait-Multimethod Approach to Construct Validation. The Journal of Social Psychology, 149 (4). pp. 513-540. ISSN 0022-4545

Lavaei, Javad and Aghdam, Amir G. (2009) Overlapping control design for multi-channel systems. Automatica, 45 (5). pp. 1326-1331. ISSN 00051098

Lavers, Gregory (2009) Benacerraf's Dilemma and Informal Mathematics. The Review of Symbolic Logic, 2 (4). pp. 769-785. ISSN 1755-0203

Matthews, H. Damon and Turner, Sarah E (2009) Of mongooses and mitigation: ecological analogues to geoengineering. Environmental Research Letters, 4 (4). 045105. ISSN 1748-9326

McQueen, Hugh (2009) Hot Driven Rivets - Essential Bond for Iron Plates (1780 - 1920)[#456]. CSME Bulletin . pp. 12-18.

McSheffrey, Shannon (2009) Sanctuary and the Legal Topography of Pre-Reformation London. Law and History Review, 27 (3). pp. 483-514. ISSN 1939-9022

McSheffrey, Shannon and Pope, Julia (2009) Ravishment, Legal Narratives, and Chivalric Culture in Fifteenth-Century England. Journal of British Studies, 48 (4). pp. 818-36. ISSN 0021-9371

Mitchell, Sidney N., Reilly, Rosemary C. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7274-4488 and Logue, Mary Ellin (2009) Benefits of collaborative action research for the beginning teacher. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25 (2). pp. 344-349. ISSN 0742-051X

Moezzi, Kaveh, Rodrigues, Luis and Aghdam, Amir G. (2009) Stability of uncertain piecewise affine systems with time delay: delay-dependent Lyapunov approach. International Journal of Control, 82 (8). pp. 1423-1434. ISSN 0020-7179

Mohamed, Kaveh, Nadarajah, Siva and Paraschivoiu, Marius (2009) Detached-Eddy Simulation of a Wing Tip Vortex at Dynamic Stall Conditions. Journal of Aircraft, 46 (4). pp. 1302-1313. ISSN 0021-8669

Moses, Omri (2009) Gertrude Stein's Lively Habits. Twentieth Century Literature, 55 (4). pp. 445-484. ISSN 0041462X

Paiva, Henrique Mohammel, Galvao, Roberto Kawakami Harrop and Rodrigues, Luis (2009) A wavelet-based multivariable approach for fault detection in dynamic systems. Sba Controle & Automação, 20 (4). ISSN 0103-1759

Rachman, S., Elliott, Corinna M., Shafran, Roz and Radomsky, Adam S. (2009) Separating hoarding from OCD. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47 (6). pp. 520-522. ISSN 00057967

Radomsky, Adam S. and Elliott, Corinna M. (2009) Analyses of mental contamination: Part II, individual differences. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47 (12). pp. 1004-1011. ISSN 00057967

Ross, Andrew and Matthews, H. Damon (2009) Climate engineering and the risk of rapid climate change. Environmental Research Letters, 4 (4). 045103. ISSN 1748-9326

Samadi, Behzad and Rodrigues, Luis (2009) Stability of sampled-data piecewise affine systems: A time-delay approach. Automatica, 45 (9). pp. 1995-2001. ISSN 00051098

Samadi, Behzad and Rodrigues, Luis (2009) A duality-based convex optimization approach to L2 -gain control of piecewise affine slab differential inclusions. Automatica, 45 (3). pp. 812-816. ISSN 00051098

Sazonov, E., Haodong, Li, Curry, D. and Pillay, Pragasen (2009) Self-Powered Sensors for Monitoring of Highway Bridges. IEEE Sensors Journal, 9 (11). pp. 1422-1429. ISSN 1530-437X

Segall, Lauren, Milet, A, Tronche, F and Amir, Shimon (2009) Brain glucocorticoid receptors are necessary for the rhythmic expression of the clock protein, PERIOD2, in the central extended amygdala in mice. Neuroscience Letters, 457 (1). pp. 58-60. ISSN 0304-3940

Simon, Sherry (2009) Cultural translation: An introduction to the problem, and Responses. Translation Studies, 2 (2). pp. 208-212.

Sojoudi, Somayeh and Aghdam, Amir G. (2009) Overlapping control systems with optimal information exchange. Automatica, 45 (5). pp. 1176-1181. ISSN 00051098

Sojoudi, Somayeh, Lavaei, Javad and Aghdam, Amir G. (2009) Robust controllability and observability degrees of polynomially uncertain systems. Automatica, 45 (11). pp. 2640-2645. ISSN 00051098

Tajallipour, Nima, Owlam, Babak Babaee and Paraschivoiu, Marius (2009) Self-Adaptive Upwinding for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows on Unstructured Elements. Journal of Aircraft, 46 (3). pp. 915-926. ISSN 0021-8669

Tittler, Robert (2009) George Cottington and the Dering Family Portraits of 1626. The Burlington Magazine, 151 (1273). pp. 208-211. ISSN 0007-6287

Tittler, Robert (2009) Regional Portraiture and the Heraldic Connection in Tudor and Early Stuart England. The British Art Journal, 10 (1). pp. 3-10. ISSN 1467-2006

Uniacke, James and Zerges, William (2009) Chloroplast protein targeting involves localized translation in Chlamydomonas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106 (5). pp. 1439-1444. ISSN 0027-8424 (In Press)

Vavrek, M. A. and Brown, Grant E. (2009) Threat-sensitive responses to disturbance cues in juvenile convict cichlids and rainbow trout. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 46 (3). pp. 171-180. ISSN 1797-2450

Verwey, Michael and Amir, Shimon (2009) Food-entrainable circadian oscillators in the brain. European Journal of Neuroscience, 30 (9). pp. 1650-1657. ISSN 0953-816X

Verwey, Michael, Lam, Germain and Amir, Shimon (2009) Circadian rhythms of PERIOD1 expression in the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus in the absence of entrained food-anticipatory activity rhythms in rats. European Journal of Neursoscience, 29 (11). pp. 2217-2222. ISSN 0953-816X

Wasson, Haidee (2009) Electric Homes! Automatic Movies! Efficient Entertainment!: 16mm and Cinema’s Domestication in the 1920s. Cinema Journal, 48 (4). pp. 1-21. ISSN 0009-7101

Waugh, Thomas (2009) The 400 Million(1938) and the solidarity film: ‘halfway between Hollywood and Newsreel’. Studies in Documentary Film, 3 (1). pp. 7-17. ISSN 1750-3280

Wiercinski, Jared and Mason, James (2009) Streaming Audio Services in Canadian Academic Libraries. Music Reference Services Quarterly, 12 (3-4). pp. 69-91. ISSN 1058-8167

Young, Laurel (2009) Multicultural issues encountered in the supervision of music therapy internships in the United States and Canada. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 36 (4). pp. 191-201.

Young, Laurel (2009) The potential health benefits of community based singing groups for adults with cancer. Canadian Journal of Music Therapy, 15 (1). pp. 11-27.

Zaki, Mohamed H., Denman, William, Tahar, Sofiène and Bois, Guy (2009) Integrating Abstraction Techniques for Formal Verification of Analog Designs. Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication, 6 (5). pp. 373-392. ISSN 1542-9423

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