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Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)
Anna, Gorham (2021) The Surrealist Glance: A Phenomenological Analysis of Surrealism. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Archambault, Marie Julie (2021) Continuing Bonds Through Art Making: A Heuristic Exploration of the Loss of an Attachment Figure. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
AriaAmjad, Khashayar (2021) An Empiricist Solution to the Radical Concept Nativism Puzzle. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Arsenault, Sabrina (2021) L’art-thérapie auprès des proches aidants de personnes ayant un problème de santé mentale : une exploration théorique en art-thérapie. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Behbahani, Sadreddin (2021) Supplier Selection Model in Canadian Automotive Aftermarket Business. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Boucher, Guillaume (2021) Gadamer's Fusion of Horizon(s) and its Ontological Implications via a case study with SIKU: Knowing Our Ice. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Chaplan-Hoang, Avery (2021) Dungeons, Dragons, and Drama Therapy: A Digital Approach for Teenagers on the Autism Spectrum. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Cousineau, Cynthia (2021) An Integrative Review of the Benefits of Art Therapy Interventions to Counteract the Struggles on Quality of Life for the Aging Population. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Dillon, Robbie (2021) Responsibilities of Identity: Epistemic Trustworthiness as Resistance to Settler Colonial Domination. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Dobbin, Samantha (2021) Development of a Spiritually Focused Art Therapy Program for Addiction Recovery in Adults. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Finkelstein, Airin (2021) The Never-Ending Story: A Drama Therapist's Quest Towards Cultural Humility. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Gagnon, Laurence (2021) Paracosme, enfance et migration : La spatialité en art-thérapie transculturelle. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Huberdeau, Shawn G. F. (2021) Foucault's Archaeological Method: Dispersing the Temporal Unity of Phenomenological Experience. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Jay, Rosalind A. (2021) Subject Formation and the Dual Authority of Signification in Melanie Klein and Julia Kristeva. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Jiménez-Dabdoub, Lily ORCID:
The path to art therapy: A heuristic arts-based inquiry on my career choices, a decolonial feminist reflection.
[Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)]
Johnson, Kelsey (2021) An Ironic Encounter with Engagement: Surfacing a New Reality within a Youth Mentorship Nonprofit. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
LaSalle, Michelle (2021) Une Buée de tous les jours - An Everyday Cloud. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Lewis, Kristen R. (2021) The Future of Hegel's Art: Extending Hegelian Aesthetics for Contemporary Artforms. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
López, Ana María (2021) The role of disinformation during the 2017 and 2021 presidential elections in Ecuador: why fact-checking in journalism matters. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Martel, Roxanne (2021) S’auto-définir : Une recherche autoethnographique sur l’identité, la gestion de la stigmatisation et la pra-tique artistique d’une personne de petite taille. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Minuskin, Dani (2021) Building a Visual Vocabulary: An Art Therapist’s Self-Inquiry into the Poetics of Found Material. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Ortiz, Natali (2021) Unraveling my Constructed Socio-Cultural Identity: A Heuristic Arts-Based Critical Self-Inquiry. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Pariser, N M (2021) Exploration of ancestral symbols as a form of self-care during social upheaval: An arts-based inquiry. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Pochat Selby, Rachel (2021) Eco-Art Therapy and Youth Loneliness in a Digital Age. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Polak Veronneau, Irina (2021) Weaving the Threads of Self-Compassion into Art Therapy Practice: An Heuristic Art-Based Inquiry. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Shamloo, Sheida (2021) Self-Censorship and Political Oppression. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Sigsworth, Emma (2021) Animal Ethics and Sensibility in Levinas. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Specht, Madchen (2021) The Art of Resistance in Roland Barthes' The Neutral: Silence, Answer, and the Wou-Wei. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Usick, Sarah (2021) Two LAG Summer Shows 2020. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Vana, Alexandru (2021) Conveyor Throughput Optimization at a Distribution Centre. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Willshaw, Jade A. (2021) Transforming the posttraumatic self: A Heuristic Arts-Based Understanding of Identity After Childhood Medical Trauma. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)
Yaldo, Amy (2021) Impossible Sites. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)