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Fitzgerald, Alannah ORCID:
Openness in English for Academic Purposes. Open Educational
Resources Case Study: Pedagogical development from OER practice.
Project Report.
Higher Education Academy (HEA), United Kingdom.
Fitzgerald, Alannah ORCID:
TOETOE International: FLAX Weaving with Oxford Open Education Resources. Open Educational Resources International
Case Study.
Project Report.
Higher Education Academy (HEA), United Kingdom.
Mailhot, Mélina and Spiroulias, Amanda (2013) A Numerical Application to Optimal Reciprocal Reinsurance Treaties Under the Joint Survival Probability and Joint Profitable Probability Using a Compound Poisson Model with Exponential Severity. Project Report. Mélina Mailhot. (Unpublished)
McCartney, Andra (2013) In and Out of Studio = Dedans et dehors du studio. Project Report. Concordia University. (Unpublished)
McCartney, Andra and Thibaud, Jean-Paul (2013) CRESSON Research Visit = Visite du Centre CRESSON. Project Report. Concordia University. (Unpublished)