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Chaubey, Yogendra P. ORCID:
Smooth Kernel Estimation of a Circular Density Function: A Connection to Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle.
Technical Report.
Concordia Uiverisity. Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Montreal, Quebec.
Hennig, Ernest I., Soukup, Tomas, Orlitova, Erika, Schwick, Christian, Kienast, Felix and Jaeger, Jochen A.G. (2016) Annexes 1-5: Urban Sprawl in Europe. Joint EEA-FOEN report. No 11/2016. Technical Report. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
Hennig, Ernest I., Soukup, Tomas, Orlitova, Erika, Schwick, Christian, Kienast, Felix and Jaeger, Jochen A.G. (2016) Urban Sprawl in Europe. Joint EEA-FOEN report. No 11/2016. Technical Report. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.