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Number of items: 127.

Abdallah, Alaa Eddien Awad (2009) Position-based routing algorithms for three-dimensional ad hoc networks. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Abdallah, Emad Eddien Awad (2009) Robust digital watermarking techniques for multimedia protection. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Adewusi, Surajudeen Adedotun (2009) Distributed biodynamic characteristics of the human hand-arm system coupled with vibrating handles and power tools. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Ahmed, Ashraf Fathy (2009) Thermal insulation by heat resistant polymers. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Al Janaideh, Mohammad Farhan (2009) Generalized Prandtl-Ishlinskii hysteresis model and its analytical inverse for compensation of hysteresis in smart actuators. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Alasoud, Ahmed Khalifa (2009) A multi-matching technique for combining similarity measures in ontology integration. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Aldalgamouni, Taimour (2009) Optimal cross layer design for CDMA-SFBC wireless systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Alimahmoodi, Mahmood (2009) Treatment of Aqueous waste streams contaminated with carbon dioxide and crude oil from an enhanced oil recovery process, Mahmood Alimahmoodi. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Andreevskaia, Alina (2009) Sentence-level sentiment tagging across different domains and genres. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Barlow, John Matthew (2009) "The House of the Irish" : Irishness, history, and memory in Griffintown, Montréal, 1868-2009. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Bedair, Rania (2009) Comprehensive study of wind loads on parapets. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Behbahani, Majid (2009) On strongly regular graphs. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Bell, Brandi L (2009) Youth socio-political participation in a context of change : media representations of the young active citizen in Canada, 1960s to 2000s. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Bock, Anja (2009) The crossover of new media immersion and site-specificity : contemporary art and spatial experience. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Bogdan, Nicoleta (2009) Nanoparticules recouvertes de carbohydrates comme biocapteurs de lectines. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Boukh-Viner, Tatiana (2009) Molecular and cellular mechanisms of peroxisomal fusion and aging in yeast. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Brook, Glenn Leonard (2009) Picturing an experience of the past : the case of Canada : a people's history. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Budawara, Nasma (2009) Key performance indicators to measure design performance in construction. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Burr, Andrew (2009) The values of retired adults : measurement issues, links to well-being, and the correlates of value change. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Cardinal, Philippe (2009) Contemporary ethnographic translation of traditional Aboriginal narrative : textualizations of the Northern Tutchone story of crow. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Caron, Caroline (2009) Vues, mais non entendues : les adolescentes québécoises francophones et l'hypersexualisation de la mode et des médias. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Chow, Virginia (2009) A matter of trust : the influence of a looker's past reliability on infants' gaze following and reasoning about beliefs. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Conklin, James (2009) Meaning-making dynamics within and across workgroups : an inquiry into the creation and movement of usable knowledge in a long-term care facility in Ontario. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Constantinescu, Ioana R (2009) Reading comprehension of syntactically and semantically complex sentences by adolescents with reading difficulties. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Cree, Duncan (2009) Production and characterization of three-dimensional, cellular, Metal-filled ceramics. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Cueto, Diego C (2009) Corporate governance and ownership structure in emerging markets : evidence from Latin America. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Darwish, Linda (2009) Texts of tension, spaces of empowerment : migrant Muslims and the limits of Shi'ite legal discourse. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Deschênes, Jonathan (2009) Exploring the wish factory : ethnographic insights into the charitable business of wish granting. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Devey, Patrick L (2009) Survivor: online courses : a study of voluntary student attrition in asynchronous undergraduate online courses using a multi-analytic framework. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

El Barachi, May (2009) Integrating Context-Awareness in the IP Multimedia Subsystem for Enhanced Session Control and Service Provisioning Capabilities. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Elfituri, Mohamed M. M (2009) Distributed convolutional-based coding for cooperative systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Esmaeilzadeh, Rayhaneh (2009) Three essays in labour market mobility. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Fahmy, Mohamed (2009) Integrated multiple-sensor methodology for condition assessment of water mains. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Fallahi, Ali (2009) Thermal performance of double-skin façade with thermal mass. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Fu, Jun (2009) On the adaptive controls of nonlinear systems with different hysteresis model representations. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Gaba, Radu (2009) On fontaine sheaves. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Gagnon, Gaétan (2009) L'enseignement des arts plastiques au secondaire et l'art numérique : Étude multicas portant sur l'innovation pédagogique avec des technologies informatiques dans le contexte scolaire québécois. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Gallant, Genevieve M (2009) An interorganizational collaboration to implement educational technology innovation : decision-maker perspectives. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

García-Bravo, William (2009) Cultural diversity, multiculturalism and new paradigms in public education in Columbia. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Gauthier, Mélissa (2009) The fayuca hormiga of used clothing and the fabric of the Mexico-U.S. border. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Gheryani, Mabruk (2009) A new approach to the design of adaptive MIMO wireless communication systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Ghorab, Mohamed Gaber (2009) Experimental investigation of advanced film cooling schemes for a gas turbine blade. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Gregg, Christopher (2009) The role of Acyl-CoA oxidase in peroxisome division and longevity in yeast. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Guo, Shen (2009) Three essays on expectation driven business cycles. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Guo, Yuan (2009) Rhamnolipid-enhanced remediation of styrene-contaminated soil followd by anaerobic biodegradation. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Gupta, Amit (2009) Physical Modeling of the downwash effect of rooftop structures on plume dispersion. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Hajiaboli, Ahmad Reza (2009) Fabrication and optical properties of periodic long range order nanoholes on metallic films. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Halachev, Mihail (2009) Management of biological sequences using suffix trees. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Hardy, Nadia (2009) Students' models of the knowledge to be learned about limits in college level Calculus courses. The influence of routine tasks and the role played by institutional norms. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Hasan, Syed Rafay (2009) Inter-module Interfacing techniques for SoCs with multiple clock domains to address challenges in modern deep sub-micron technologies. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Hernandez, Giovanni (2009) Role of dopamine tone in brain stimulation reward. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Hesham., Kamel Ibrahim (2009) Design optimization of vehicle structures for crashworthiness improvement. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Horn-Miller, Kahente (2009) Sky woman's great granddaughters : a narrative inquiry into Kanienkehaka women's identity. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Howlader, Tamanna (2009) Wavelet-based noise reduction of cDNA microarray images. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Hudon, Valérie (2009) Study of the coadjoint orbits of the Poincare group in 2 + 1 dimensions and their coherent states. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Inwood, Hilary J (2009) Artistic approaches to environmental education : developing eco-art education in elementary classrooms. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Itradat, Awni (2009) Interconnect-aware scheduling and resource allocation for high-level synthesis. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Izadi, Hojjat A (2009) Decentralized receding horizon control of cooperative vehicles with communication delays. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Jamali, Ibrahim (2009) Stock market volatility and monetary policy. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

James, Perry Roland (2009) Enhancements to jml and its extended static checking technology. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Jeleń, Łukasz (2009) Computerized cancer malignancy grading of fine needle aspirates. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Kamya, Petrina R. N (2009) Relationship between nucleic acid sequence, structure and function in terms of stabilizing interactions. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Karunamurthy, Rajesh (2009) Web service composition : architecture, frameworks, and techniques. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Kassab, Mohamad (2009) Formal and quantitative approach to non-functional requirements modeling and assessment in software engineering. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Kelecsenyi, Klara (2009) Popularization of mathematics as intercultural communication : an exploratory study. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Kim, Jae-Woo (2009) Behavioural and ecological implications of predation risk in juvenile atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Klochko, Yuliya (2009) Genus one compact polyhedral surfaces, spaces of quadratic differentials on tori and determinants of Laplacians. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Lam, Jose (2009) Succession process in a large Canadian family business : a longitudinal case study of the Molson family business : 1786-2007. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Leiba, Elka (2009) Maternal nonverbal and verbal scaffolding of infant attention during toy-centered play : influences of toy-type, age and birth status. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Li, Sanjun (2009) NMR Studies on N-Sulfinylanilines: solvent effects and complexation with pyridine. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Li, TieMei (Sarah) (2009) The governance of offshore firms : implications for financial reporting and firm value. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Liu, Jinlin (2009) New studies in convertible bond investment and financing. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Longchamps, Denis (2009) Elizabeth Simcoe (1762-1850) : une amateure et intellectuelle anglaise dans les Canadas ; son oeuvre écrite et dessinée, et le projet colonial. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Lowerison, Gretchen Wentzell (2009) Using wikis to support learning in post-secondary economics. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

MacMillan, Stuart James (2009) Development of writing for research purposes : an ecological exploration of writing process in a linguistically and culturally diverse class. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Madani, Kaveh Moezzi (2009) Stability analysis and controller design for switched time-delay systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mannani, Amin (2009) Synthesis of communicating decentralized supervisors for discrete-event systems with application to communication protocol synthesis. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Masella, Biagio (2009) Techniques for nonlinear distortion suppression in radio over fiber communication systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mohammad, Mubarak Sami (2009) A Formal Component-Based Software Engineering Approach For Developing Trustworty Systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mohammad, Mubarak Sami (2009) A formal component-based software engineering approach for developing trustworthy systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mohammadi, Rasul (2009) Fault diagnosis of hybrid systems with applications to gas turbine engines. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Momeni, Ahmadreza (2009) Decentralized control of uncertain interconnected time-delay systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Motamedi, Ramin (2009) Micro cantilever based rheology of liquids. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Najjar-Khatirkolaei, Biglar (2009) Radiation properties of a slotted elliptic cylinder coated by noconfocal chiral and other materials. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Nguyen, Van-Hai (2009) Empirical essays in health economics. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Nongaillard, Antoine (2009) An agent-based approach for distributed resource allocations. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Ozturk, Alper Kursat (2009) Vertex diffracted edge waves on a perfectly conducting plane angular sector. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Padda, Harkirat Kaur (2009) CoMoVA - A comprehension measurement framework for visualization systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Pan, Wumo (2009) Pattern detection and recognition using over-complete and sparse representations. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Panagiotarakou, Eleni (2009) Aristophanes' Acharnians : pursuing peace with an iambic Peitho. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Panetta, Robert James (2009) Molecular and isotopic characterization of organic matter in the St. Lawrence Estuary. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Parrish, Chris L (2009) An investigation of excessive reassurance seeking in OCD. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Qu, Guang (2009) Online adaptive and intelligent control strategies for multizone VAV systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Quinlan, Matthew (2009) Effects of estradiol on central dopamine function and dopamine-mediated behaviors in female rats. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Rahman, S. M. Mahbubur (2009) Probabilistic modeling of wavelet coefficients for processing of image and video signals. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Recchia, Holly (2009) Explaining variability in sibling conflict resolution strategies during middle childhood. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Sadeghi, Pouriya (2009) Transmission control algorithms in power-controlled wireless ad hoc networks. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Salerno, Frank (2009) Risk processes implicated in the development of depression and anxiety-spectrum disorders. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Semsar-Kazerooni, Elham (2009) Cooperative control of a network of multi-vehicle unmanned systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Shahnaz, Celia (2009) New time-frequency domain pitch estimation methods for speed signals under low levels of SNR. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Sharifzadeh, Bita (2009) The impact of anxiety on subjective and physiological sexual arousal. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Sinai, Marco (2009) Task switching ability in mild cognitive impairment. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Steenbergen, Candis (2009) Passing on feminism. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Sur, Sujit (2009) For whom the firm toils : a thesis investigating the ownership, board and performance linkages. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Surkes, Michael A (2009) Facilitating higher-order thinking : synthesizing pedagogical frameworks for the development of complex and coherent conceptual systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Tadayon, Rahim (2009) Modeling curvilinear flows in hydraulic structures. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Tajallipour, Nima (2009) Large eddy simulations for compressible turbulent jet flows. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Tamim, Rana M (2009) Effects of technology on students' achievement : a second-order meta-analysis. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Tao, Ye (2009) Essays on time series econometrics and health economics. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Tlili, Syrine (2009) Automatic detection of safety and security vulnerabilities in open source software. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Tooher, Patrick (2009) Variable time-fraction collaborative communications. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Uniacke, James (2009) Novel chloroplast compartments are sites of photosystem II biogenesis and mRNA management during stress in the chloroplast of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Vera Araya, Sergio (2009) Interzonal air and moisture transport through large horizontal openings : an integrated experimental and numerical study. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Veres, Olga Erzsébet (2009) On the complexity of polynomial factorization over P-adic fields. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Vietgen, Peter Alexander (2009) Teachers' reflections on museums, classrooms and technology. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Wan, Feng (2009) Signal-perturbation-free semi-blind channel estimation for MIMO-OFDM systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Willet, Jennifer (2009) (RE)embodying biotechnology : towards the democratization of biotechnology through embodied art practices. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Winneke, Axel H (2009) When eye meets ear : an investigation of audiovisual speech and non-speech perception in younger and older adults. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Wozney, Lori Mae (2009) A systematic review of instructional interventions to improve school completion: mapping the evidence. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Wu, Ai Hua (2009) OO-IP hybrid language design and a framework approach to the GIPC. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Wu, Wei (2009) Discriminant analysis based feature extraction for pattern recognition. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Yuan, Jing (2009) Development of an extended environmental multimedia modeling system (EEMMS). PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Zamani, Bahman (2009) On verifying the use of a pattern language in model driven design. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Zhang, Dai (2009) Understanding the experience of instructional design with course management systems in higher education. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Zhang, Jian (2009) Investigation of airflow and heat transfer in earth-to-air heat exchnagers. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Zhang, Xiao (2009) Loss of its three L-Serine deaminases causes major changes in metabolism of Escherichia coli K-12. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

el-Khechen, Dania (2009) Decomposing and packing polygons / Dania el-Khechen. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

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