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BibTex server

Bao, Man (2002) BibTex server. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

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BIBT E X is a program that creates correctly formatted citations. It is widely used in the scientific community. A bib database is needed for BIBT E X to construct a citation. The bib database traditionally consists of files with a bib extension containing bibliographic entries. In recent years, an XML representation of B IBT E X data has been reported. When the bib database gets large, an efficient search mechanism for bibliographic information is needed. Two kinds of search systems have been developed, command line based and web based. The former doesn't tend to be easy-to-use, and the most web based search systems use CGI technology that doesn't meet the requirement of search efficiency. In this project, we developed a web based search system using Java servlet technology. An XML presentation of BIBT E X data is used, and the original data is kept in the format of BIBT E X which gives the database administration more flexibility. The search efficiency goal is achieved by using the JDOM API to manipulate the XML presentation of data. General search and advanced search are provided with a web interface. The search result can be saved to local disk or sent by email. Furthermore, we present methods for adding BIBT E X data entries through the Internet or manually to the bib database in a secure mechanism

Divisions:Concordia University > Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science > Computer Science and Software Engineering
Item Type:Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)
Authors:Bao, Man
Pagination:vi, 73 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm.
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:M. Comp. Sc.
Program:Computer Science
Department (as was):Department of Computer Science
Thesis Supervisor(s):Grogono, Peter
Identification Number:QA 76 M26+ 2002 no.32
ID Code:1864
Deposited By: lib-batchimporter
Deposited On:27 Aug 2009 17:23
Last Modified:20 Oct 2022 20:45
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