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Managing Highway Bridges against Climate-Triggered Extreme Events in Cold Regions


Managing Highway Bridges against Climate-Triggered Extreme Events in Cold Regions

Ikpong, Anthony Akpan (2016) Managing Highway Bridges against Climate-Triggered Extreme Events in Cold Regions. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

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Highway bridges represent a significant investment by Governments at both Provincial and Federal levels and their importance is underscored by the fact that every citizen derives a benefit, directly or indirectly, from public transportation infrastructure. As with any engineering product, highway bridges must be well designed and robust to avoid any malfunction that could jeopardise the lives of people. Further, highway bridges deteriorate over time and need preservation intervention applied at suitable intervals over the bridge’s service life. Determining the timing and order of implementation of preservation work among deficient bridges in a highway bridge inventory is an important function of bridge management.

The doctoral research reported in this thesis aimed to devise a method for the resilience/vulnerability rating of highway bridges against climate-triggered extreme events/ loads. The research also sought to devise a ranking technique for bridge projects’ programming by pursuing a one-directional, non-iterative, method that could maximize the value function and significantly cut down the computer run time for the ranking analysis.

The research outcomes include a weighted-criteria method for the multi-criteria ranking, a practical tool for the resilience/vulnerability rating of highway bridges against extreme events such as deck flooding and abutment washout, and a method for determining the magnitude of climate-triggered extreme load (e.g. ice accretion, pier scour) that could potentially cause bridge failure.

The projects’ ranking method developed in this research, including the development of a weighted criteria formulation, could potentially be adopted by bridge management systems in North America and elsewhere. Further, it is expected that the method will influence future development of multi-criteria ranking in bridge management and other fields. Similarly, the proposed new method for climate change resilience rating of highway bridges is a significant effort at translating the general scientific and engineering impacts’ discussion of climate change into an engineering tool for the continuous management of bridges. Finally, it will be important for transportation agencies to determine beforehand what magnitude of climate-triggered extreme load would produce bridge distress and potential failure, and this thesis provides a solution to that problem.

Divisions:Concordia University > Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science > Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Item Type:Thesis (PhD)
Authors:Ikpong, Anthony Akpan
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:Ph. D.
Program:Civil Engineering
Date:14 September 2016
Thesis Supervisor(s):Bagchi, Ashutosh
Keywords:highway bridges, cold regions, climate change resilience rating, climate-triggered extreme events, climate-triggered extreme loads, bridge resilience rating, bridge vulnerability rating, multi-criteria optimization of bridge projects` selection, multi-criteria ranking of competing bridge projects, deck flooding, abutment washout, pier scour, abutment permafrost instability, ice accretion, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
ID Code:981849
Deposited On:09 Nov 2016 14:16
Last Modified:18 Jan 2018 17:53


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