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Picturing Anonymity: An Empowering Method of Representing Gender-Based Violence


Picturing Anonymity: An Empowering Method of Representing Gender-Based Violence

Mostardini, Marta Malvina (2024) Picturing Anonymity: An Empowering Method of Representing Gender-Based Violence. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

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Picturing Anonymity: An Empowering Method of Representing Gender-Based Violence

Marta Malvina Mostardini

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a pervasive global issue affecting one in three women worldwide (World Health Organization, 2021). Despite photojournalism’s potential to expose injustices and shift public perceptions, mainstream media often reinforces stereotypes that contribute to the normalization or sensationalization of GBV. In Italy, media portrayals of survivors of GBV frequently result in secondary victimization, reinforcing their stigmatization as mere victims rather than recognizing their agency and resilience. This Research-Creation Thesis introduces an innovative approach to representing GBV, empathizing survivor collaboration and anonymity. The core of this work is a set of guidelines, titled “Empowering Anonymity: A Visual Method of Representing Gender-Based Violence” designed for photojournalists, journalists, and those seeking to challenge the stereotypical portrayal of GBV. These guidelines outline ethical practices for engaging with survivors and anti-violence organizations in Italy, focusing on visual techniques to protect their identities. The guidelines are exemplified by a prototype photo essay, “Fragments of Self”, which demonstrates how picturing anonymity can convey fragments of a person’s identity without fully revealing who they are. This prototype is conceptualized through trauma-informed journalism practices and Pierosara’s theory of ‘fragments of violence,’ which suggests that presenting partial glimpses of a survivor’s experience can convey the essence of their story while respecting their privacy and dignity (Pierosara, 2019). By implementing these guidelines and exploring the prototype photo essay, the thesis aims to contribute to ethical practices in photojournalism, inspire survivors of GBV to share their stories, and challenge stereotypes. Ultimately, it seeks to contribute to the empowerment journey of survivors.

Divisions:Concordia University > Faculty of Arts and Science > Journalism
Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Authors:Mostardini, Marta Malvina
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:M.A.
Program:Digital Innovation in Journalism Studies
Date:2 September 2024
Thesis Supervisor(s):Secko, David
ID Code:994547
Deposited By: Marta Malvina Mostardini
Deposited On:24 Oct 2024 18:07
Last Modified:24 Oct 2024 18:07
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