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A History of ARLIS/NA MOQ = Un historique d'ARLIS/NA MOQ


A History of ARLIS/NA MOQ = Un historique d'ARLIS/NA MOQ

Latour, John (2025) A History of ARLIS/NA MOQ = Un historique d'ARLIS/NA MOQ. John Latour, Montreal. ISBN 978-0-9916973-8-0

[thumbnail of History Histoire ARLIS NA MOQ PDFA.pdf]
Text (application/pdf)
History Histoire ARLIS NA MOQ PDFA.pdf - Published Version
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ARLIS/NA MOQ was founded in 1987 as the first Canadian chapter of ARLIS/NA (the Art Libraries Society of North America). The chapter is a non-profit, volunteer-run association of art librarians, archivists, curators, technicians, documentation specialists, and students in the regions of Montréal, Ottawa, and Québec City. Originally known variously as “ARLIS/MOQ,” “ARLIS M/O/Q,” or simply “M/O/Q,” the chapter officially changed its name to “ARLIS/NA MOQ” after 2006; although the more colloquial “MOQ” is often used by its members. The chapter’s founders recognized the benefits of coming together to build a professional community that straddles two provinces (Ontario and Québec), operates bilingually (in English and French), and comprises members associated with academic libraries, archives, museums, visual resource centres and other educational and cultural institutions. Drawing on archival sources from the ARLIS MOQ fonds and a close reading of the chapter’s publications, this history aims to document the origins and evolution of ARLIS/NA MOQ and draw attention to the association’s unique contributions to the field of art information specialists at the local, national, and international levels.

This bilingual publication was produced as part of the author’s six-month sabbatical research carried out in 2024.

Divisions:Concordia University > Library
Item Type:Book
Authors:Latour, John
Date:March 2025
  • Concordia University, Library Research Fund
Keywords:ARLIS/NA MOQ, Art Libraries Society of North American - Montreal-Ottawa-Quebec Chapter, Art librarianship in Canada
ID Code:995121
Deposited By: John Latour
Deposited On:12 Mar 2025 15:33
Last Modified:12 Mar 2025 15:33
Additional Information:This publication was produced as part of the author’s six-month sabbatical research carried out in 2024. It was produced in parallel with the exhibition "From the ARLIS MOQ Archives – The Early Years," presented in the Reading Room of the Library and Archives of the National Gallery of Canada (January–June 2025).
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