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Arnopoulos, Paris (1994) Cosmopolitan Universalism: Prolegomena to a future ideology. Dialogue and Humanism (2-3). pp. 197-214. ISSN 1234-5792
Desai, Bipin C. ORCID:
WebJournal: Visualization of Web Journey.
Freiwald, Bina (1994) 'Towards the uncanny edge of language': Gail Scott's Liminal Trajectories. Essays on Canadian Writing, 54 . pp. 60-79. ISSN 0316-0300
McKindsey, Christopher W, Goring, Jonas K. and McLaughlin, J. Daniel (1994) In vivo and in vitro studies on the viability and the infectivity to coots, Fulica americana, of Cyclocoelum mutabile metacercariae from three species of snails. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 72 (7). pp. 1186-1190. ISSN 0008-4301
McKindsey, Christopher W and McLaughlin, J. Daniel (1994) Transmission of Cyclocoelum mutabile (Digenea) to snails: the influence of temperature on the egg and miracidium. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 72 (10). pp. 1745-1751. ISSN 0008-4301
Salvatore, Filippo and Allen, Prudence (1994) Lucrezia Marinelli: la donna nel tardo Rinascimento italiano. Prospettiva persona, 3 (9/10). x-xiii. ISSN 1126-5191