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Adoga, Inalegwu and Valverde, Raul (2014) AN RFID Based Supply Chain Inventory Management Solution for the Petroleum Development Industry: A Case Study for Shell Nigeria. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 62 (1). pp. 199-203. ISSN 1992-8645
Akesson, Bree, D’Amico, Miranda, Denov, Myriam, Khan, Fatima, Linds, Warren and Mitchell, Claudia (2014) ‘Stepping back’ as researchers: How are we addressing ethics in arts-based approaches to working with war-affected children in school and community settings. Educational Research for Social Change, 3 (1). pp. 75-89. ISSN 2221-4070
Al-Safadi, Sherin, Al-Safadi, Aya, Branchaud, Marie, Rutherford, Spencer, Dayanandan, Arun, Robinson, Barry and Amir, Shimon (2014) Stress-Induced Changes in the Expression of the Clock Protein PERIOD1 in the Rat Limbic Forebrain and Hypothalamus: Role of Stress Type, Time of Day, and Predictability. PLoS ONE, 9 (10). e111166.
Almadhoob, Amna and Valverde, Raul (2014) Cybercrime prevention in the kingdom of Bahrain via IT security audit plans. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 65 (1). pp. 274-292. ISSN 1992-8645
Almeida, Hayda, Meurs, Marie-Jean, Kosseim, Leila, Butler, Greg and Tsang, Adrian (2014) Machine Learning for Biomedical Literature Triage. PLoS ONE .
Alrabaee, Saed, Saleem, Noman, Preda, Stere, Wang, Lingyu and Debbabi, Mourad (2014) OBA2: An Onion approach to Binary Code Authorship Attribution. Digital Investigation, 11 (1). S94-S103. ISSN
Anil, Arga C., Shivaprakash, K. Nagaraju, Ramesha, B. Thimmappa, Uma Shaanker, Ramanan, Dayanandan, Selvadurai and Ravikanth, Gudasalamani (2014) Genetic Structure, Diversity and Long Term Viability of a Medicinal Plant, Nothapodytes nimmoniana Graham. (Icacinaceae), in Protected and Non-Protected Areas in the Western Ghats Biodiversity Hotspot. PLoS ONE, 9 (12). e112769. ISSN 1932-6203
Antimorova, Tetanya, Kalman, Calvin S. and Lasry, Nathaniel (2014) Foreword-Recent Developments in Physics Education in Canada. Physics in Canada, 70 (2). pp. 63-67.
Bakhtiari, Ali Shojaee and Bouguila, Nizar (2014) A variational Bayes model for count data learning and classification. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 35 . pp. 176-186. ISSN 09521976
Balhara, Vinod, Deshmukh, Sasmit S., Kálmán, László and Kornblatt, Jack A. (2014) The Interaction of Streptococcal Enolase with Canine Plasminogen: The Role of Surfaces in Complex Formation. PLoS ONE, 9 (2). e88395. ISSN 1932-6203
Bobker, Danielle (2014) The Literature and Culture of the Closet in the Eighteenth Century. Digital Defoe: Studies in Defoe and his Contemporaries, 6 (1). pp. 70-94. ISSN 1948-1802
Body, Guillaume, Weladji, Robert B., Holand, Øystein and Nieminen, Mauri (2014) Highly Competitive Reindeer Males Control Female Behavior during the Rut. PLoS ONE, 9 (4). e95618. ISSN 1932-6203
Boyarsky, Abraham, Góra, Paweł and Li, Zhenyang (2014) Selections and their absolutely continuous invariant measures. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 413 (1). pp. 100-113. ISSN 0022247X
Brand, John O. and Johnson, Aaron P. (2014) Attention to local and global levels of hierarchical Navon figures affects rapid scene categorization. Frontiers in Perception Science, 5 (1274). pp. 1-19.
Breton, Yannick-André, Conover, Kent and Shizgal, Peter (2014) The effect of probability discounting on reward seeking: a three-dimensional perspective. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8 (284). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1662-5153
Byers-Heinlein, Krista (2014) Bilingual advantages, bilingual delays: Sometimes an illusion. Applied Psycholinguistics, 35 . pp. 902-905.
Byers-Heinlein, Krista (2014) Languages as categories: Reframing the “one language or two” question in early bilingual development. Language Learning, 64 (S2). pp. 184-201.
Byers-Heinlein, Krista and Fennell, Christopher (2014) Perceptual narrowing in the context of increased variation: Insights from bilingual infants. Developmental Psychobiology, 65 (2). pp. 274-291. ISSN 0012-1630
Candelario José, D., Stathopoulos, T. and Zisis, I. (2014) Wind Loading on Attached Canopies: Codification Study. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 140 (5).
Carson, Pamela ORCID:, Colosimo, April L., Lake, Michelle
ORCID: and McMillan, Brian
A “Partnership” for the Professional Development of
Librarian Researchers.
Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, 9
pp. 1-13.
ISSN 1911-9593
Carson, Pamela ORCID: and Little, Geoffrey
Re-framing librarians' identities and assumptions around IT.
The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 40
pp. 405-407.
Chen, Guangyi, Krishnan, Sridhar and Bui, Tien D. (2014) Ramanujan Sums for Image Pattern Analysis. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 12 (01). p. 1450003. ISSN 0219-6913
Chentsova-Dutton, Yulia E. ORCID:, Choi, Eunsoo
ORCID: and Ryder, Andrew G.
Cultural variations in ideal and momentary hedonic balance: Does a more negative ideal protect Russian Americans from daily stress?
Psychology: Journal of Higher School of Economics, 11
pp. 118-132.
(In Press)
Choudhury, Baharul Islam, Khan, M. L. and Dayanandan, Selvadurai (2014) Genetic relatedness among indigenous rice varieties in the Eastern Himalayan region based on nucleotide sequences of the Waxy gene. BMC Research Notes, 7.1 (953). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1756-0500
Choudhury, Baharul Islam, Khan, M. L. and Dayanandan, Selvadurai (2014) Patterns of nucleotide diversity and phenotypes of two domestication related genes (OsC1 and Wx) in indigenous rice varieties in Northeast India. BMC Genetics, 15 (71). ISSN 1471-2156
Choudhury, Baharul Islam, Khan, M.L. and Dayanandan, Selvadurai (2014) Functional Androdioecy in Critically Endangered Gymnocladus assamicus (Leguminosae) in the Eastern Himalayan Region of Northeast India. PLoS ONE, 9 (2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1932-6203
Cimon, Denis, Desharnais, Brigitte ORCID: and Dicaire, Catherine
Cent ans de sciences judiciaires au Québec : l'évolution des techniques scientifiques depuis 1914.
Journal de la Société canadienne des sciences judiciaires, 47
pp. 124-147.
ISSN 0008-5030
Cimon, Denis, Desharnais, Brigitte ORCID: and Dicaire, Catherine
One hundred years of forensic sciences in Quebec: the evolution of scientific techniques since 1914.
Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal, 47
pp. 148-169.
ISSN 0008-5030
Condon, Conna and Valverde, Raul (2014) Increasing Critical Thinking in Web-Based Graduate Management Courses. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 13 . pp. 177-191. ISSN 1547-9714
Dawson, Alexandra ORCID:, Irving, G, Sharma, Pramodita, Chirico, F and Marcus, J
Behavioral Outcomes of Next Generation Family Members’ Commitment to Their Firm.
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23
pp. 570-581.
Dawson, Alexandra ORCID: and Mussolino, D
Exploring what makes family firms different: Discrete or overlapping constructs in the literature?
Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5
pp. 169-183.
Desharnais, Brigitte ORCID:, Camirand-Lemyre, Félix
ORCID:, Mireault, Pascal and Skinner, Cameron D.
Determination of Confidence Intervals in Non-normal Data: Application of the Bootstrap to Cocaine Concentration in Femoral Blood.
Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 39
pp. 113-117.
ISSN 0146-4760
Dolinsek, Ivan J, McLaughlin, Robert L, Grant, James W.A., O'Connor, L M and Pratt, T C (2014) Do natural history data predict the movement ecology of fishes in Lake Ontario streams? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (CJFAS), 71 . pp. 1171-1185. ISSN 1205-7533
Dunfield, Kristen A. (2014) A construct divided: prosocial behavior as helping, sharing, and comforting subtypes. Frontiers in Psychology, 5 . ISSN 1664-1078
Duy, Joanna and Lariviere, Vincent (2014) Relationships between Interlibrary Loan and Research Activity in Canada. College and Research Libraries, 75 (1). pp. 5-19.
Elsharawy, M., Galal, K. and Stathopoulos, T. (2014) Comparison of Wind Tunnel Measurements with NBCC 2010 Wind-Induced Torsion Provisions for Low- and Medium-Rise Buildings. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 41 (5). pp. 409-420.
Elsharawy, M., Stathopoulos, T. and Galal, K. (2014) Design Wind Loads Including Torsion for Rectangular Buildings with Horizontal Aspect Ratio of 1.6. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 140 (4). pp. 1-5.
Felix, Fernando and Valverde, Raul (2014) An RFID Simulation for the Supply Chain Management of the UK Dental Industry. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 60 (2). pp. 390-400. ISSN 1992-8645
Fennell, Christopher and Byers-Heinlein, Krista (2014) You sound like Mommy: Bilingual and monolingual infants learn words best from speakers typical of their language environments. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 38 (4). pp. 309-316.
Foshag, Daniel, Campbell, Cory and Pawelek, Peter D. (2014) The C-glycosyltransferase IroB from Pathogenic Escherichia coli: Identification of Residues Required for Efficient Catalysis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics, 1844 (9). pp. 1619-1630. ISSN 1570-9639
Frederick, Ariana, Bourget-Murray, Jonathan, Chapman, C. Andrew, Amir, Shimon ORCID: and Courtemanche, Richard
Diurnal influences on electrophysiological oscillations and coupling in the dorsal striatum and cerebellar cortex of the anesthetized rat.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 8
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 1662-5137
Gao, Y., Ng, H. D. and Lee, J. H. S. (2014) Minimum tube diameters for steady propagation of gaseous detonations. Shock Waves, 24 (4). pp. 447-454. ISSN 0938-1287
Gao, Yuan, Lee, John H.S. and Ng, Hoi Dick (2014) Velocity fluctuation near the detonation limits. Combustion and Flame, 161 (11). pp. 2982-2990. ISSN 00102180
Gross, Erin and Young, Laurel (2014) Canadian music therapists’ perspectives on the current state of music therapy as a profession in Canada. Canadian Journal of Music Therapy, 20 (2). pp. 102-133.
Góra, Paweł, Li, Zhenyang, Boyarsky, Abraham and Proppe, Harald (2014) Toward a Mathematical Holographic Principle. Journal of Statistical Physics, 156 (4). pp. 775-799. ISSN 0022-4715
Hajra, B., Stathopoulos, T. and Bahloul, A. (2014) Performance of ASHRAE models in assessing pollutant dispersion from rooftop emissions. HVAC & R Research, 20 (1). pp. 72-79.
Harbour, Valerie, Weigl, Yuval, Robinson, Barry and Amir, Shimon (2014) Phase Differences in Expression of Circadian Clock Genes in the Central Nucleus of the Amygdala, Dentate Gyrus, and Suprachiasmatic Nucleus in the Rat. PLoS ONE, 9 (7). e103309.
Hlobil, Ulf (2014) Against Boghossian, Wright and Broome on Inference. Philosophical Studies, 167 (2). pp. 419-429.
Hussein, Zina, Dryanova, Ani, Maret, Deborah and Gulick, Patrick (2014) Gene expression analysis in the roots of salt stressed wheat and the cytogenetic derivatives of wheat combined with the salt-tolerant wheatgrass, Lophopyrum elongatum. Plant Cell Reports, 33 (1). pp. 189-201. ISSN 0721-7714
Hyndman, Cody and Wenger, Menachem (2014) Valuation Perspectives and Decompositions for Variable Annuities with GMWB riders. Insurance Mathematics and Economics, 55 . pp. 283-290.
Imran Khan, Md., Mostafa, Ahmad ORCID:, Aljarrah, Mohammad, Essadiqi, Elhachimi and Medraj, Mamoun
Influence of cooling rate on microsegregation behavior of magnesium alloys.
Journal of materials
ISSN 2314-4866
Jeppesen, Sandra, Kruzynski, Anna, Sarrasin, Rachel and Breton, Emilie (2014) The Anarchist Commons. Ephemera : Theory and Politics in Organisation, 14 (4). pp. 879-900. ISSN 2052-1499
Kathiresan, Meena, Martins Jr, Dorival and English, Ann M. ORCID:
Respiration triggers heme transfer from cytochrome c
peroxidase to catalase in yeast mitochondria.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) ISSN 1091-6490, 111
pp. 17468-17473.
ISSN 0027-8424 ESSN: 1091-6490
Khalil, Hala, Brunetti, Sabrina C, Pham, Uyen, Maret, Deborah, Laroche, André and Gulick, Patrick J (2014) Characterization of the caleosin gene family in the Triticeae. BMC Genomics, 15 (1). p. 239. ISSN 1471-2164
Khalil, Sofia, Jaworski, Ian and Pawelek, Peter D. (2014) Identification of a Surface Glutamine Residue (Q64) of Escherichia coli EntA Required for Interaction with EntE. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 453 (3). pp. 625-630.
Khan, Norman and Valverde, Raul (2014) The Use of RFID Based Supply Chain Systems in Data Centers for the Improvement of the Performance of Financial Institutions. Engineering Management Research, 3 (1). p24.
Kraus, Cornelia and Valverde, Raul (2014) A DATA WAREHOUSE DESIGN FOR THE DETECTION OF FRAUD IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN BY USING THE BENFORD’S LAW. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 11 (9). pp. 1507-1518. ISSN 1546-9239
Lateb, M., Masson, C., Stathopoulos, T. and Bedard, C. (2014) Simulation of Near-field Dispersion of Pollutants Using Detached-Eddy Simulation. Computers & Fluids, 100 (5). pp. 308-320.
Levy, Hannah C. and Radomsky, Adam S. (2014) Safety Behaviour Enhances the Acceptability of Exposure. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 43 (1). pp. 83-92. ISSN 1650-6073
MacDonald, Corina ORCID:, Neugebauer, Tomasz
ORCID: and Latour, John
The e-artexte digital repository: Promoting open access in the Canadian contemporary arts research and publishing community.
Art Libraries Journal, 39
pp. 10-16.
ISSN 0307-4722
Mangen, Claudine and Brivot, Marion (2014) The challenge of sustaining organizational hybridity: The role of power and agency. Human Relations, 68 (4). pp. 1-26.
Martins Jr, Dorival and English, Ann M. ORCID:
SOD1 oxidation and formation of soluble aggregates in yeast: Relevance to sporadic ALS development.
Redox Biology, 2
pp. 632-639.
ISSN 2213-2317
Martins, Dorival and English, Ann M. ORCID:
Catalase activity is stimulated by H2O2 in rich culture medium and is required for H2O2 resistance and adaptation in yeast.
Redox Biology, 2
pp. 308-313.
ISSN 22132317
Massa, Daniel and Valverde, Raul (2014) A Fraud Detection System Based on Anomaly Intrusion Detection Systems for E-Commerce Applications. Computer and Information Science, 7 (2). pp. 117-140. ISSN 1913-8989
Matthews, H. Damon, Graham, Tanya L., Keverian, Serge, Lamontagne, Cassandra, Seto, Donny and Smith, Trevor J. (2014) National contributions to observed global warming. Environmental Research Letters, 9 (1). 014010. ISSN 1748-9326
Mehrjoo, N., Zhang, B., Portaro, R., Ng, H. D. and Lee, J. H. S. (2014) Response of critical tube diameter phenomenon to small perturbations for gaseous detonations. Shock Waves, 24 (2). pp. 219-229. ISSN 0938-1287
Mehrjoo, Navid, Portaro, Rocco and Ng, Hoi Dick (2014) A technique for promoting detonation transmission from a confined tube into larger area for pulse detonation engine applications. Propulsion and Power Research, 3 (1). pp. 9-14. ISSN 2212540X
Mesgari, Mostafa, Okoli, Chitu, Mehdi, Mohamad, Nielsen, Finn Årup and Lanamäki, Arto (2014) “The sum of all human knowledge”: A systematic review of scholarly research on the content of Wikipedia. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology . ISSN 2330-1635 (In Press)
Mezbahul-Islam, Mohammad, Mostafa, Ahmad ORCID: and Medraj, Mamoun
Essential Magnesium Alloys Binary Phase Diagrams and Their Thermochemical Data.
Journal of Materials, 2014
ISSN 2314-4866
Morris, David (2014) Bringing Phenomenology Down to Earth: Passivity, Development, and Merleau-Ponty’s Transformation of Philosophy. Chiasmi International: Trilingual Studies Concerning Merleau-Ponty’s Thought, 16 . pp. 25-39.
Moseley, Sue and Valverde, Raul (2014) A Cost Model for E-learning projects in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Digital Accounting Research, 14 . pp. 93-116. ISSN ISSN: 2340 - 5058
Mostafa, Ahmad ORCID: and Medraj, Mamoun
Experimental Investigation of the Ce-Mg-Mn Isothermal Section
at 723 K (450°C) via Diffusion Couples Technique.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1543-1940
Mostafa, Ahmad ORCID: and Medraj, Mamoun
Phase Equilibria of the Ce-Mg-Zn Ternary System at 300 °C.
Metals, 4
pp. 168-195.
ISSN 2075-4701
Nelson, Bradley J. (2014) Knowledge, Fiction, and the Other in Cervantes’s La Gitanilla. Romance Quarterly, 61 (2). pp. 125-37.
Nelson, Bradley J. (2014) Zayas Unchained: A Perverse God, or Theological Kitsch? Hispanic Issues Online, 15 . pp. 42-59. ISSN 1931-8006
Neumann, Heike ORCID:
Teacher assessment of grammatical ability in second language academic writing: A case study.
Journal of Second Language Writing, 24
pp. 83-107.
ISSN 10603743
Neumann, Heike ORCID: and McDonough, Kim
Exploring student interaction during collaborative prewriting discussions and its relationship to L2 writing.
Journal of Second Language Writing, 27
pp. 84-104.
ISSN 10603743
Neumann, Heike ORCID: and McDonough, Kim
Exploring the relationships among student preferences, prewriting tasks, and text quality in an EAP context.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 15
pp. 14-26.
ISSN 14751585
Niyogi, Ritwik K, Shizgal, Peter and Dayan, Peter (2014) Some work and some play: microscopic and macroscopic approaches to labor and leisure. PLoS Computational Biology, 10 (12). e1003894.
Okoli, Chitu, Mehdi, Mohamad, Mesgari, Mostafa, Nielsen, Finn Årup and Lanamäki, Arto (2014) Wikipedia in the eyes of its beholders: A systematic review of scholarly research on Wikipedia readers and readership. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology . ISSN 2330-1635 (In Press)
Paraschivoiu, Marius, Komeili, Martin and Zadeh, Saman Naghib (2014) MESH CONVERGENCE STUDY FOR 2-D STRAIGHT-BLADE VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE SIMULATIONS AND ESTIMATION FOR 3-D SIMULATIONS. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering,, 38 (4).
Paraschivoiu, Marius and Shishehgaran, Nasim (2014) CFD BASED SIMULATION OF HYDROGEN RELEASE THROUGH ELLIPTICAL ORIFICES. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39 (35). pp. 20350-20356.
Poulin, Sonia ORCID: and Tomaszewski, Robert
Open Access Journals in Communication Studies: Indexing in Five Commercial Databases.
Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, 33
pp. 3-14.
ISSN 1544-4546
Pounden, Edith, Greene, David F. and Michaletz, Sean T. (2014) Non-serotinous woody plants behave as aerial seed bank species when a late-summer wildfire coincides with a mast year. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (19). pp. 3830-3840. ISSN 20457758
Qian, Duowen, Lee, John H. S. and Ng, Hoi Dick (2014) Formation and evolution of cylindrically diverging detonation waves in gases. Physics of Fluids, 26 (9). 091103. ISSN 1070-6631
Radomsky, Adam S., Senn, Jessica M., Lahoud, Monique and Gelfand, Laurie A. (2014) An informational pathway to the development of a contamination-related memory bias. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 45 (3). pp. 339-342. ISSN 00057916
Remedios, Jessica, Woods, Catherine, Tardif, Catherine, Janak, Patricia H. and Chaudhri, Nadia (2014) Pavlovian-conditioned alcohol-seeking behavior in rats is invigorated by the interaction between discrete and contextual alcohol cues: implications for relapse. Brain and Behavior, 4 (2). pp. 278-289. ISSN 21623279
Ryder, Andrew G. ORCID: and Chentsova-Dutton, Yulia E.
Teaching and Learning Guide: Towards a Cultural–Clinical Psychology.
Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 8
pp. 287-296.
ISSN 1751-9004
Ryder, Andrew G. ORCID:, Sun, Jiahong, Dere, Jessica
ORCID: and Fung, Kenneth
Personality disorders in Asians: Summary, and a call for cultural research.
Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 7
pp. 86-88.
ISSN 1876-2018
(In Press)
Stathopoulos, T., Zisis, I. and Xypnitou, E. (2014) Local and Overall Wind Pressure and Force Coefficients for Solar Panels. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 125 . pp. 195-206.
Stathopoulos, Ted and Chavez, Mauricio (2014) LES TOITS DURABLES DANS LE VENT: QUELQUES EXEMPLES D’INTÉGRATION. ARQ : architecture/Québec., 170 . pp. 22-26. ISSN 1203-1488
Steinberg, Marc ORCID:
McLuhan’s World, Or, Understanding Media in Japan.
Journal of Visual Culture
Teng, Hong Hui, Jiang, Zong Lin and Ng, Hoi Dick (2014) Numerical study on unstable surfaces of oblique detonations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 744 . pp. 111-128. ISSN 0022-1120
Trujillo-Pisanty, Ivan, Conover, Kent and Shizgal, Peter ORCID:
A new view of the effect of dopamine receptor antagonism on operant performance for rewarding brain stimulation in the rat.
Psychopharmacology, 231
pp. 1351-1364.
ISSN 0033-3158
Valverde, Raul, Saadé, Raafat G and Talla, Malleswara Rao (2014) ITIL-Based IT Service Support Process Reengineering. Intelligent Decision Technologies, 8 (2). pp. 111-130. ISSN 1875-8843
Vargiamidis, V. and Vasilopoulos, P. (2014) Transport on the surface of a topological insulator. Journal of Applied Physics, 116 (6). 063713. ISSN 0021-8979
Vasan, N. and Stathopoulos, T. (2014) Experimental Study of Wind Effects on Unglazed Transpired Collectors. Solar Energy, 101 . pp. 138-149.
Villeneuve, Myriam, Penhune, Virginia and Lamontagne, Anouk (2014) A Piano Training Program to Improve Manual Dexterity and Upper Extremity Function in Chronic Stroke Survivors. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8 . ISSN 1662-5161
Wang, Tian, Kevorkov, Dmytro, Mostafa, Ahmad ORCID: and Medraj, Mamoun
Experimental Investigation of the Phase Equilibria in the Al-Mn-Zn System at 400 °C.
Journal of Materials, 2014
p. 13.
ISSN 2314-4866
Yates, Matthew C. and Fraser, Dylan J. (2014) Does source population size affect performance in new environments? Evolutionary Applications, 7 (8). pp. 871-882. ISSN 17524571
Zhang, Bo, Mehrjoo, Navid, Ng, Hoi Dick, Lee, John H.S. and Bai, Chunhua (2014) On the dynamic detonation parameters in acetylene–oxygen mixtures with varying amount of argon dilution. Combustion and Flame, 161 (5). pp. 1390-1397. ISSN 00102180
Zhou, Biru ORCID:, Lacroix, Franca, Sasaki, Jun
ORCID:, Peng, Yunshi
ORCID:, Wang, Xia and Ryder, Andrew G.
Unpacking Cultural Variations in Social Anxiety and the Offensive-Type of Taijin Kyofusho Through the Indirect Effects of Intolerance of Uncertainty and Self-Construals.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45
pp. 1561-1578.
(In Press)