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Monodromy Criterion for the Good Reduction of Surfaces


Monodromy Criterion for the Good Reduction of Surfaces

Hernandez Mada, Genaro (2015) Monodromy Criterion for the Good Reduction of Surfaces. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

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Hernandez-Mada_PhD_F2015.pdf - Accepted Version


Let p>3 be a prime number and K a finite extension of Q_p. We consider a proper and smooth surface XK over K, with a semistable model X over the ring of integers OK of K. In this thesis, we give a criterion for the good reduction of XK for the case of K3 surfaces, in terms of the monodromy operator in the second De Rham cohomology group.
We don't use trascendental methods nor p-adic Hodge Theory as in other works concerning this problem. Instead, we first get a p-adic version of the Clemens-Schmid exact sequence and use it to study the degree of nilpotency of the monodromy operator N on the log-crystalline cohomology group of the special fiber Xs of the semistable model X.
By the work of Nakkajima, we can assume that Xs is a combinatorial K3 surface. Then, we prove that Xs is of type I iff N=0; Xs if of type II iff N is not zero and N^2=0; Xs is of type III iff N^2 is not zero. In particular, this implies that XK has good reduction if and only if the monodromy operator on its second De Rham cohomology is zero.
Finally, we also give some ideas on how to address the same problem for the case of Enriques surfaces. In particular, we prove that we are reduced to the case of K3 surfaces.

Divisions:Concordia University > Faculty of Arts and Science > Mathematics and Statistics
Item Type:Thesis (PhD)
Authors:Hernandez Mada, Genaro
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:Ph. D.
Date:3 July 2015
Thesis Supervisor(s):Iovita, Adrian
Keywords:Monodromy, Good Reduction, K3 Surfaces
ID Code:980454
Deposited On:28 Oct 2015 12:42
Last Modified:18 Jan 2018 17:51


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