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Armstrong, John D., Grant, James W.A., Forsgren, Harvey L., Fausch, Kurt D., DeGraaf, Richard M., Fleming, Ian A., Prowse, Terry D. and Schlosser, Isaac J. (1998) The application of science to the management of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): integration across scales. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 55 (S1). pp. 303-311. ISSN 0706-652X
Arnopoulos, Paris (1998) The Theory and Praxis of War and Peace in the Thucydidian Era: 450-400 BC*. Études Helléniques / Hellenic Studies, 6 (2). pp. 23-52. ISSN 0824-8621
Bachewich, Catherine and Heath, I.B. (1998) Radial F-actin arrays precede new hypha formation in Saprolegnia: implications for establishing polar growth and regulating tip morphogenesis. Journal of Cell Science, 111 . pp. 2005-2016. ISSN 0021-9533
Basquill, Seán P. and Grant, James W.A. (1998) An increase in habitat complexity reduces aggression and monopolization of food by zebra fish (Danio rerio). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 76 (4). pp. 770-772. ISSN 0008-4301
Brown, Grant E. and Smith, Jan F. (1998) Acquired predator recognition in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): conditioning hatchery-reared fish to recognize chemical cues of a predator. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 55 (3). pp. 611-617. ISSN 0706-652X
Grant, James W.A., Steingrímsson, Stefán Ó., Keeley, Ernest Robert and Cunjak, R.A. (1998) Implications of territory size for the measurement and prediction of salmonid abundance in streams. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 55 (S1). pp. 181-190. ISSN 0706-652X
Jaeger, Jochen A.G. and Scheringer, Martin (1998) Transdisziplinarität: Problemorientierung ohne Methodenzwang. GAIA: Ecological Perspectives in Science, Humanities, and Economics, 7 (1). pp. 10-25. ISSN 0940-5550
Jonassohn, Kurt (1998) How I Came to the Study of Genocide.
Jonassohn, Kurt (1998) Precursors of Genocide: A Research Agenda.
Linds, Warren (1998) A Journey in Metaxis: Theatre of the Oppressed as Enactivist Praxis. N.A.D.I.E. Journal, 22 (2). pp. 71-86.
Linds, Warren (1998) Theatre of the Oppressed: Developing a Pedagogy of Solidarity? Theatre Research in Canada, 19 (2). ISSN 1913-9101
Muchall, Heidi M. and Werstiuk, Nick H (1998) A computational study on the sources of deuterium secondary kinetic isotope effects in carbocation-forming reactions. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 76 (12). pp. 1926-1930. ISSN 0008-4042
Muchall, Heidi M., Werstiuk, Nick H and Choudhury, B. (1998) A search for an inexpensive calculational method for the reliable prediction of the first adiabatic and vertical ionization potentials of carbenes. Photoelectron spectra of two stable carbenes. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 76 (2). pp. 221-227. ISSN 0008-4042
Muchall, Heidi M., Werstiuk, Nick H, Choudhury, B., Ma, J., Warkentin, J. and Pezacki, J.P. (1998) Thermolysis of 2,2-dimethoxy-5,5-dimethyl- D3- 1,3,4- oxadiazoline studied with photoelectron spectroscopy. He(I) photoelectron spectrum of dimethoxycarbene. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 76 (2). pp. 238-240. ISSN 0008-4042
Titorenko, Vladimir I. ORCID:, Smith, Jennifer J., Szilard, Rachel K. and Rachubinski, Richard A.
Pex20p of the Yeast Yarrowia lipolytica Is Required for the Oligomerization of Thiolase in the Cytosol and for Its Targeting to the Peroxisome.
The Journal of Cell Biology, 142
pp. 403-420.
ISSN 00219525
Tittler, Robert (1998) Henry Hardware's Moment and the Puritan Attack on Drama. Early Theatre, 1 (1). pp. 39-54. ISSN 1206-9078
Werstiuk, Nick H, Muchall, Heidi M., Ma, Jiagong and Liu, Michael TH (1998) A study of the vacuum pyrolysis of para-substituted diazoacetophenones with He(I) ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 76 (8). pp. 1162-1173. ISSN 0008-4042
Werstiuk, Nick H, Muchall, Heidi M., Roy, C.D., Ma, J. and Brown, R.S. (1998) A calculational and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopic study of distorted amides. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 76 (6). pp. 672-677. ISSN 0008-4042
Zerges, William and Rochaix, Jean-David (1998) Low Density Membranes Are Associated with RNA-binding Proteins and Thylakoids in the Chloroplast of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The Journal of Cell Biology, 140 (1). pp. 101-110. ISSN 00219525 (In Press)