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Items where Year is 2021

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Number of items: 810.


Aalizadeh, Mohammad Sadegh (2021) Automatic Motivation Detection for Extract Method Refactoring Operations. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Abbas, Zarish (2021) Reward and Time On the Valuation of Delayed Rewards. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Abd El Malek, Christine (2021) Mass spectrometric identification and quantification of mitochondrial proteins that are enriched or depleted in budding yeast lacking Tor1, a protein that accelerate chronological aging. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

AbdelRahman, Belal Ali AbdelHafeez (2021) Monotonic and Cyclic Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete-Masonry Shear Wall Boundary Elements. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Abdelghany, Mohamed Wagdy Eldesouki (2021) Formal Probabilistic Risk Assessment using Theorem Proving with Applications in Power Systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Abdellatif, Ahmad (2021) Towards Understanding and Improving the Value of Chatbots in Software Engineering. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Abdelrahman, Diaaeldin (2021) Modeling and Design of High-Speed CMOS Receivers for Short-Reach Photonic Links. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Abdelrahman, Osama (2021) Performance of Green Smart-Heat Cured Cementitious Materials. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Abedini, soodeh (2021) Development of an electrochemical device for converting greenhouse gases to fuel and add-value products in wastewater treatment plants. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Abtahi, Seyed Matin (2021) Control-Oriented Thermal Network Models for Predictive Load Management in Canadian Houses with On-Site Solar Electricity Generation: Application to a Research House. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Abubakr, Ahmed (2021) Impact Behaviour of Alkali-Activated Slag Concrete Under Ambient and Elevated Temperature Conditions. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Aceves Bernal, Annele Elmira (2021) Informality and Formality Practices in Coexistence: Public Markets in Mexico. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Adibi, Aria (2021) Broadcasting in Hyper-cylinder graphs. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Afshar, Parnian (2021) Capsule Network-based Radiomics: From Diagnosis to Treatment. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Afzali Arani, Mahsa Sadat (2021) Human Activity Recognition: A Comparative Study to Assess the Contribution Level of Accelerometer and vital Signals. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Agwudagwu Elimby, Franca (2021) Teaching to stress or stressing to teach? Meditation and teachers’ wellbeing. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Ahmed, Sara Moustafa Ismael (2021) A Three Echelon Location Routing Problem with Multiple Commodities and Courier Deliveries. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Ahmed, warda Mansour (2021) Characteristics of siphon flow under submerged discharge conditions. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Ajjoub, Carl (2021) A systematic analysis of equity issuance: evidence from around the world. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Ajoyan, Zvart (2021) Photophysical Properties of Rare-Earth Cluster-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Akbari, Saba ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5298-2614 (2021) Investigating the impact of households’ occupancy patterns and activity routines on daily load profiles: a data-driven approach. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Al makhadmeh, Wala'a (2021) Shrinkage Of Alkali-Activated Slag: Mitigation Techniques. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Al-Deri, Noraldin (2021) Cellular characterization of fibroblasts harboring variants in TRAPPC2L linked to neurodevelopmental disorders. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Al-Hilo, Ahmed Mahdi Abed (2021) Towards Smart Vehicular Environments via Deep Learning and Emerging Technologies. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Al-Maadhidi, Zaineb (2021) Analysis of Retrofitted Concrete Columns using 3D Elastic-Plastic Modeling. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

AlFarajat, Eyad ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1794-4644 (2021) Invariant Measures of Random Dynamical Systems with Constant Probabilities. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Alahmad, Yanal ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7898-5354 (2021) A Framework for High Availability Management of Applications Services in Cloud. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Alam, Syed Eqbal ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4398-5877 (2021) Communication-efficient Distributed Multi-resource Allocation. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Alfadel, Mahmoud (2021) Assessing and Enhancing the Security of Software Packages. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Ali, Mohammed, Wang, Chunyan and Ahmad, M. Omair ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2924-6659 (2021) An Efficient Convolutional Neural Network for Fingerprint Pore Detection. IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science, 3 (3). pp. 332-346. ISSN 2637-6407

Ali, Samr ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4068-709X (2021) Hidden Markov Models and their Extensions for Proportional Sequential Data. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Ali, Walaa Awad (2021) Modeling and Optimization of Meat Supply Chain Transportation Network. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Alishahi, Nastaran ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1738-1172 (2021) Analyzing WiFi connection counts in commercial/institutional buildings to estimate/predict occupancy patterns for optimizing buildings’ systems operation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Alizadeh, Habib (2021) Simplicial volume and non-positive curvature. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Allen-Vuillet, Yannick (2021) Towards a Speculative Approach of Language Creation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Alonso Mayor, Mariana (2021) Behavioral Consequences of Disrupted Circadian Clock Function within the Mouse Striatum. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Alphonse Irudhayaraju, Leo Dixon (2021) Modelling and Simulation of Concentrated Photovoltaic / Thermal (CPV/T) Collector with a Novel Approach towards the Design of Concentrator for Residential Buildings. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Altergott, Renée (2021) Phonographic Imaginaries: A Conversation with Renée Altergott. SPOKENWEBLOG .

Aminfar, Pouria (2021) DYNAMIC DAMPING IN OPTICAL RECEIVERS. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Amini, Mohammad (2021) Application of Machine Learning Algorithms to the Prediction of Water Main Deterioration. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


Amirkhani, Mahsa (2021) Bayesian Learning Frameworks for Multivariate Beta Mixture Models. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Amooye Foomany, Nima (2021) A Novel 3D Printed Wrist Rehabilitation Robot: Design, Development and Optimal Trajectory Planning. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Anna, Gorham (2021) The Surrealist Glance: A Phenomenological Analysis of Surrealism. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Ansarian, Amin (2021) Realistic Occlusion Augmentation for Human Pose Estimation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Antal, Caitlyn ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3921-501X (2021) What Do We Grasp At A Glance? Investigating Conceptual Representations Through Rapid Object Categorization. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Anwar, Nawrin (2021) Membrane Distillation for Water Recovery from Pretreated High-Strength Brewery Wastewater. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Aoun, Alain ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9038-5335 (2021) On the Improving of Approximate Computing Quality Assurance. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Archambault, Marie Julie (2021) Continuing Bonds Through Art Making: A Heuristic Exploration of the Loss of an Attachment Figure. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

AriaAmjad, Khashayar (2021) An Empiricist Solution to the Radical Concept Nativism Puzzle. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Arora, Parteek (2021) Stress Analysis of Rotating Annular Uniform-Thickness and Thickness-Tapered Discs made of Orthotropic and Laminated Composite Materials. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Arsenault, Sabrina (2021) L’art-thérapie auprès des proches aidants de personnes ayant un problème de santé mentale : une exploration théorique en art-thérapie. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Arthurs, Audrey (2021) “COME DOWN SELECTA”- Capturing the Dancehall Phenomenon Through the Album Art of Wilfred Limonious. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Asadi Khanouki, Mostafa (2021) Characterization and Microstructure-based Modeling of Magnetorheological Elastomers. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Ashouri, Negin (2021) Ensemble Graph Neural Networks on Melanoma and Cervical Cancer Screening Datasets using SLIC Superpixels. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull'Immigrazione, ASGI (2021) Fleeing misery, seeking refuge in Italy, being destroyed by the state: when Europe denies the human. The Black book on the Pre-Removal Detention Centre (CPR) of migrants in Turin – Corso Brunelleschi. Technical Report. Zenodo.

Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull'Immigrazione, ASGI (2021) Fuggire dalla miseria, cercare rifugio in Italia, essere distrutti dallo stato: quando l'Europa nega l'umano. Libro nero sul Centri di permanenza per i rimpatri (CPR) di Torino – Corso Brunelleschi. Documentation. Zenodo.

Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull'Immigrazione, ASGI (2021) Fuir la misère, chercher refuge en Italie, être détruit par l'Etat : quand l'Europe nie l'humain. Livre noir sur le Centre de permanence pour le rapatriement (CPR) des migrants à Turin – Corso Brunelleschi. Technical Report. Zenodo.

Atallah, Ayman ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1747-0749 (2021) Design of Time-Sensitive Networks For Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Aubin, Mathieu and Fong, Deanna (2021) What Makes Oral Literary History Different? SPOKEWEBLOG .

Aubin, Mathieu, McLeod, Katherine, Mills, Mara and Sterne, Jonathan (2021) The Listener and the Machine, an interview with Mara Mills and Jonathan Sterne. SPOKENWEBLOG .

Aubry, Anthony (2021) High-Fidelity Gradient-Free Optimization of Low Pressure Turbine Cascades. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Avon, Steven (2021) A Success Case of Training Transfer of a Blended, Technical Training Initiative. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Avorgbedor, Alan ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4812-5553 (2021) African Technicity and Architectures of Being. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Ayoubi, Hassan (2021) Seismic Evaluation of Existing Stone Unreinforced Masonry Walls Using Predictive Parameters for Strengthening Interventions. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Ayoup, Patrick ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2412-0491 (2021) A Case Study on Gamifying DevOps Practices in Industry. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Azadian, Payam (2021) Computational Analysis of Non-Periodic Oscillations Using the Harmonic Balance Method. Masters thesis, Concordia University.



BERBERIAN, GARABED (2021) Shareholder Litigation and Anti-Takeover Provisions. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

BITTON, Mikael (2021) Can Mergers be Exploited to Consistently Generate Value and Gains? Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Babaghaderi, Azadeh ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5908-9949 (2021) Essays in Corporate Spinoff Incompletion. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Babahaji, Mina (2021) Connectivity and Consensus in Multi-Agent Systems with Uncertain Links. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Babahaji, Mina (2021) Connectivity and Consensus in Multi-Agent Systems with Uncertain Links. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Babazadeh, Reza (2021) Distance-Based Formation Control of Multi-Agent Systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Bagher Zadeh Ansari, Naghmeh (2021) Augmented Reality in Ventriculostomy. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Baghernia, Elham ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8596-0195 (2021) Millimeter Wave Circularly Polarized Antennas Based on Printed Ridge Gap Waveguide Technology. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Bagley, James Andrew (2021) Examination of Organic Acid Tolerance in Non-Conventional Yeasts. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Bahloul, Ali ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4597-2001, Brochot, Clothilde ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2431-5053 and Layne, Barbara ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3606-0673 (2021) Leakage versus Material Filtration in Barrier Facemask Efficiency. Health, 13 (4). pp. 439-453. ISSN 1949-5005

Bahmanoo, Sam (2021) BIM-Based Seismic Loss Assessment for Instrumented Buildings. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Bahreini, Fardin and Hammad, Amin ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2507-4976 (2021) Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation of Concrete Surface Defects Using Dynamic Graph CNN. In: Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction. International Association on Automation and Robotics in Construction, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, pp. 379-386. ISBN 978-952-69524-1-3

Bahreini, Fardin and Hammad, Amin ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2507-4976 (2021) Towards an Ontology for BIM-Based Robotic Navigation and Inspection Tasks. In: Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction. International Association on Automation and Robotics in Construction, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, pp. 1025-1032. ISBN 978-952-69524-1-3

Baird, Haley (2021) Weight Shifting; An Ethnography of Contact Improvisation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Bakalis, Georgios, Tang-Yuk, Kelsey C., Mi, Xiaocheng, Nikiforakis, Nikos and Ng, Hoi Dick (2021) Numerical simulation of deflagration-to-detonation transition via shock-multiple flame kernels interactions. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 83 . pp. 111-126. ISSN 0898-1221

Bakhtiari Koohsorkhi, Shiva (2021) The spatial organization of chloroplast protein synthesis and the Calvin Benson Cycle in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810 (2021) Co-creating health. Learnings from 20 game jams for health and the European hackathon against covid. In: Geneve hub for Global Digital Health: digital health hackathons, 11 October 2021, Geneva, Switzerland.

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810 (2021) Collective crisis, collective solutions – within days. 21st century democracy, Swiss made. houseofcommons.ch. Other. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810 (2021) Crise collective, solutions collectives – en quelques jours. De l'appauvrissement à l'autonomie – houseofcommons.ch. Other. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810 (2021) Crisi collettiva, soluzioni collettive – in poche ore. Democrazia svizzera nel 21° secolo. houseofcommons.ch. Other. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810 (2021) Envisioning the future of public health: from online co-creation events to open science. In: Swiss Public Health Conference, 24 August 2021, Bern, Switzerland / Online.

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810 (2021) Health technology and medical innovation: why open-source is vital. In: Geneva-Tsinghua Initiative SDG Summer School, 5-7 July 2021, Geneva, Switzerland.

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810 (2021) Research questions and methodologies: why science is always political. In: Digital Society Initiative – Health Community meeting, Zürich, Switzerland, 16 September 2021.

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810 (2021) Technologie en santé et innovation médicale : pourquoi l'open-source est vital. In: Geneva-Tsinghua Initiative SDG Summer School, 5-7 July 2021, Geneva, Switzerland.

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810, Ibbotson, Richard, Chhabra, Vaibhav, Pimentel, Juan-Pablo, Suturin, Victor, Falcon, Luis, Timm-Bottos, Janis, Kellner, Emmanuel ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2129-8913, Menon, Jaykumar, Matringe, Mathilde and le Couedic, Clement (2021) Open-source respiratory health commons. 15 projects communities can adapt, repair, reproduce for low cost medical care (libre and open-source tech). In: General meeting of the Global Alliance against chronic Respiratory Diseases 2020-2021, 6-7 October 2021, Online.

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810, Jeanmaire, Guillaume, Chelabi, Khadidja ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2577-039X, Kellner, Emmanuel ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2129-8913, Gingras, Stéphane ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7713-1699 and Gervais, Yannick ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5256-1059 (2021) Méthodes mixtes, jeux, matériel ouvert et traduction en santé. In: Méthodes Mixtes Francophonies – Théories et pratiques en méthodes mixtes, 06 May 2021, Montreal, Canada (online).

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810, Jeanmaire, Guillaume, Ibbotson, Richard, Gervais, Yannick ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5256-1059, Kellner, Emmanuel ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2129-8913, Gingras, Stéphane ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7713-1699, Gaudy, Thomas, Tse, Sze Man ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0295-0064, Bransi, Myriam ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7108-4905, Chelabi, Khadidja ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2577-039X, Silva-Lavigne, Nicole ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1471-3680, Pelaez, Sandra ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0539-4075, Montalbano, Laura ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3540-4801, Cilluffo, Giovanna ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4305-3981, La Grutta, Stefania ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8026-0715, Sermet-Gaudelus, Isabelle ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5537-9482 and Mohammad, Yousser (2021) Open-source games for health, multiplayer and gamepads. Co-creating fun care with children with asthma, young adults with cystic fibrosis, elders with COPD. In: General meeting of the Global Alliance against chronic Respiratory Diseases 2020-2021, 6-7 October 2021, Online.

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810, Matringe, Mathilde, le Couedic, Clement, Schull, Jon, Gautam, Shikshya, Jandard, Patrick, Kellner, Emmanuel ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2129-8913, Anastasaki, Afroditi ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0592-5091, Serada, Katerina, Brahmachari, Samir K, Winter, Lukas ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4381-275X, Lonchampt, Pierre ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2250-3026, Schoeller, Felix ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1298-4284, Krishnakumar, Anirudh ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2764-133X, Greshake, Bastian ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9925-9623, Lhoste, Kevin, Parot, Christophe and Jeanmaire, Guillaume (2021) Технологии здравоохранения для всех: надежные, доступные, адаптивные. In: Geneva Health Forum Open Village, 16-18 November 2020, Online (Geneva).

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810, Matringe, Mathilde, le Couedic, Clement, Schull, Jon, Gautam, Shikshya, Jandard, Patrick, Kellner, Emmanuel ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2129-8913, Anastasaki, Afroditi ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0592-5091, Serada, Katerina, Brahmachari, Samir K, Winter, Lukas ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4381-275X, Lonchampt, Pierre ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2250-3026, Schoeller, Felix ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1298-4284, Krishnakumar, Anirudh ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2764-133X, Greshake, Bastian ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9925-9623, Lhoste, Kevin, Parot, Christophe and Jeanmaire, Guillaume (2021) 公有制下的健康科技: 可信赖, 可负担, 可适应. In: Geneva Health Forum Open Village, 16-18 November 2020, Online (Geneva).

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810, Matringe, Mathilde, le Couedic, Clement, Schull, Jon, Gautam, Shikshya, Jandard, Patrick, Kellner, Emmanuel ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2129-8913, Anastasaki, Afroditi ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0592-5091, Serada, Katerina, Brahmachari, Samir K, Winter, Lukas ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4381-275X, Lonchampt, Pierre ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2250-3026, Schoeller, Felix ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1298-4284, Krishnakumar, Anirudh ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2764-133X, Greshake, Bastian ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9925-9623, Lhoste, Kevin, Parot, Christophe and Jeanmaire, Guillaume (2021) आमजन-स्वामित्व के रूप में स्वास्थ्य प्रौद्योगिकी: विश्वसनीय, अनुकूल एवं किफ़ायती. In: Geneva Health Forum Open Village, 16-18 November 2020, Online (Geneva).

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810, Matringe, Mathilde, le Couedic, Clement, Schull, Jon, Gautam, Shikshya, Jandard, Patrick, Kellner, Emmanuel ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2129-8913, Anastasaki, Afroditi ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0592-5091, Serada, Katerina, Brahmachari, Samir K, Winter, Lukas ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4381-275X, Lonchampt, Pierre ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2250-3026, Schoeller, Felix ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1298-4284, Krishnakumar, Anirudh ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2764-133X, Greshake, Bastian ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9925-9623, Lhoste, Kevin, Parot, Christophe and Jeanmaire, Guillaume (2021) সর্ব সাধারনের জন্য সাস্থ্য প্রযুক্তিঃ বিশ্বাসযোগ্য,সাশ্রয়ী,অভিযোজনযোগ্য. In: Geneva Health Forum Open Village, 16-18 November 2020, Online (Geneva).

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810, Matringe, Mathilde, le Couedic, Clement, Schull, Jon, Gautam, Shikshya, Jandard, Patrick, Kellner, Emmanuel ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2129-8913, Anastasaki, Afroditi ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0592-5091, Serada, Katerina, Brahmachari, Samir K, Winter, Lukas ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4381-275X, Lonchampt, Pierre ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2250-3026, Schoeller, Felix ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1298-4284, Krishnakumar, Anirudh ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2764-133X, Greshake, Bastian ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9925-9623, Lhoste, Kevin, Parot, Christophe and Jeanmaire, Guillaume (2021) تكنولوجيا الصحة ذات الملكية المشتركة : موثوقة، متاحة وقابلة للتكّيُف. In: Geneva Health Forum Open Village, 16-18 November 2020, Online (Geneva).

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810, Matringe, Mathilde, le Couedic, Clement, Schull, Jon, Gautam, Shikshya, Jandard, Patrick, Kellner, Emmanuel ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2129-8913, Anastasaki, Afroditi ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0592-5091, Serada, Katerina, Brahmachari, Samir K, Winter, Lukas ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4381-275X, Lonchampt, Pierre ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2250-3026, Schoeller, Felix ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1298-4284, Krishnakumar, Anirudh ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2764-133X, Greshake, Bastian ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9925-9623, Lhoste, Kevin, Parot, Christophe and Jeanmaire, Guillaume (2021) Health technology as commons: trustable, affordable, adaptable. In: Geneva Health Forum Open Village, 16-18 November 2020, Online (Geneva).

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810, Matringe, Mathilde, le Couedic, Clement, Schull, Jon, Gautam, Shikshya, Jandard, Patrick, Kellner, Emmanuel ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2129-8913, Anastasaki, Afroditi ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0592-5091, Serada, Katerina, Brahmachari, Samir K, Winter, Lukas ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4381-275X, Lonchampt, Pierre ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2250-3026, Schoeller, Felix ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1298-4284, Krishnakumar, Anirudh ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2764-133X, Greshake, Bastian ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9925-9623, Lhoste, Kevin, Parot, Christophe and Jeanmaire, Guillaume (2021) La tecnología de la salud como común: confiable, asequible, adaptable. In: Geneva Health Forum Open Village, 16-18 November 2020, Online (Geneva).

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810, Matringe, Mathilde, le Couedic, Clement, Schull, Jon, Gautam, Shikshya, Jandard, Patrick, Kellner, Emmanuel ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2129-8913, Anastasaki, Afroditi ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0592-5091, Serada, Katerina, Brahmachari, Samir K, Winter, Lukas ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4381-275X, Lonchampt, Pierre ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2250-3026, Schoeller, Felix ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1298-4284, Krishnakumar, Anirudh ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2764-133X, Greshake, Bastian ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9925-9623, Lhoste, Kevin, Parot, Christophe and Jeanmaire, Guillaume (2021) Technologies de santé en communs : fiables, abordables, adaptables. In: Geneva Health Forum Open Village, 16-18 November 2020, Online (Geneva).

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810, Matringe, Mathilde, le Couedic, Clement, Schull, Jon, Gautam, Shikshya, Jandard, Patrick, Kellner, Emmanuel ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2129-8913, Anastasaki, Afroditi ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0592-5091, Serada, Katerina, Brahmachari, Samir K, Winter, Lukas ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4381-275X, Lonchampt, Pierre ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2250-3026, Schoeller, Felix ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1298-4284, Krishnakumar, Anirudh ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2764-133X, Greshake, Bastian ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9925-9623, Lhoste, Kevin, Parot, Christophe and Jeanmaire, Guillaume (2021) A tecnologia de saúde como comuns: confiável, acessível, adaptável. In: Geneva Health Forum Open Village, 16-18 November 2020, Online (Geneva).

Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810 and Quenet, Yannick (2021) Liberté, sécurité et Analyse Transactionnelle : santé ou contamination ? Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Bani-Sadr, Salman (2021) Indigenous Research within the Discipline of Geography: An evaluation of three decades of graduate thesis research in Canada. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Bansal, Sunanda ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4367-6778 (2021) Vector Representation of Documents using Word Clusters. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Bao, Zhu (2021) Image Segmentation and Adaptive Contrast Enhancement for Haze Removal. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Barcomb, Michael (2021) Teachers as Customizers of CALL Resources: An approach to teacher developed digital L2 learning materials. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Baril, Daniel (2021) Building Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal Collector for Arctic Residential Applications. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Barman, Dwaipayan (2021) Cogging Torque Analysis in Permanent Magnet Machines. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Basnet, Anup (2021) Three essays on Venture Capital Post-IPO Involvement. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Basnet, Bigyan (2021) Modeling, Analysis and Control of a Variable Flux Machine. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Bassal, Karine (2021) Self-Study as an Artist Teaching in a Public Elementary School: Identifying the Gap and Locating the Bridge for the Uncertified Artist-Teacher. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Bataineh, Ahmed (2021) Toward Monetizing Data for AI-driven Services on Cloud Computing and Blockchain. PhD thesis, Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering.

Batallan Burrowes, Ariel A ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8280-0751, Sundarakrishnan, Adithi, Bouhour, Camille and Chapman, C Andrew (2021) Dataset for Batallan Burrowes et al. (2021) G protein-coupled estrogen receptor-1 enhances excitatory synaptic responses in the entorhinal cortex. Hippocampus. [Dataset]

Bathini, Srinivas ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6600-8505 (2021) Lab-on-Chips for Capture, Detection, and Isolation of Cancerous Extracellular Vesicles. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Bavand, Amir Hossein (2021) The Impact of Parallel and Batch Testing in Continuous Integration Environments. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Bawa, Kamaljeet Kaur (2021) Development of Dual Stimuli-responsive Degradable Polylactide-based Multifunctional Materials for Drug Delivery. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Bayiapodog Potkah, Gerald (2021) Forecasting Emergency Department Arrivals via Regression with ARIMA errors and Facebook Prophet: The Case of a Montreal Hospital. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Beauchamp, Caroline (2021) Gender and Extreme Metal: Understanding Gender Relations in the Montreal Extreme Metal Scene With Schippers' Gender Framework. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Behbahani, Sadreddin (2021) Supplier Selection Model in Canadian Automotive Aftermarket Business. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Behnam, Shobiri (2021) CDNs' Dark Side: Identifying Security Problems in CDN-to-Origin Connections. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Ben-Choreen, Tal-Or (2021) The Institutionalization of Creative Photography’s Higher Education in the United States and Canada, c. 1960-1989. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Bergeron, Lorraine (2021) State-Induced Precarity of Domestic Workers? A Comparative Case Study of the Domestic Work Sector in Singapore and Argentina. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Berndt, Victoria (2021) The Fan-Oriented Work: Anime Fan Culture as Narrative in North American Media. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Bertone, Vanessa (2021) The Effects of Goal Orientation and Psychological Safety on Feedback Seeking, Changes in Performance, and Learning in Student Internships. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Bertrand, Marc-Antoine (2021) ‘Colonizing’ Childhood in Children’s Literature: A Post-Structuralist Text Analysis of Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Bhardwaj, Dave (2021) Measurement Framework for Assessing Quality of Big Data (MEGA) in Big Data Pipelines. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Bhise, Naitik, Krzyżak, Adam and Bui, Tien D. (2021) Attention on Attention for Text to Image Synthesis using Mode-Seeking Loss Function. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Bi, Huifang (2021) Oil Removal and Prevention from Shoreline under Different Environmental Conditions. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Bilal, Nadia (2021) Detecting Location Names in French Life-Story Interview Transcripts. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Borenstein-Laurie, James (2021) Examining Intra- and Inter-Personal Health Effects of Optimism and Pessimism: The Role of Subjective Well-Being in Romantic Couples. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Boucher, Guillaume (2021) Gadamer's Fusion of Horizon(s) and its Ontological Implications via a case study with SIKU: Knowing Our Ice. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Bouwman, Danya (2021) Welcome to the Machine: The Impact of News Analytics on High-Frequency Stock Market Dynamics. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Boyle, Ariel (2021) Intranasal Oxytocin Alters Attention to Emotional Facial Expressions, Particularly for Males and Those with Depressive Symptoms. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Bray, Miranda (2021) Music Therapy in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Prevalence and Presentation of Parental Empowerment: An Integrative Literature Review. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Bruneau, Catherine (2021) The Relationship Between the Immigration Department and Community Organizations in the Integration of Immigrants in Quebec. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Brylowe, Thora and Yeager, Stephen (2021) Old Media and the Medieval Concept. Media Before 1800 . Concordia University Press, Montreal. ISBN 9781988111292

Buitrago, Mauricio (2021) Intricacies of Modeling and Analysis of DC Characteristics of Single- and Multi-Channel Laterally-Gated AlGaN/GaN Heterojunction Field Effect Transistors. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Bulut, Alma (2021) Analyse des clitiques du serbo-croate dans le cadre du programme minimaliste. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Burnham, Clint, Fong, Deanna, Kolosov, Linara and Brock, Teddie (2021) Decolonizing “Mayakovsky”: Listening to Listening. SPOKENWEBLOG .

Burrill, Fred (2021) History, Memory, and Struggle in Saint-Henri, Montreal. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Buswa, Tashiina (2021) "A World Away": Decolonizing Journalism Methods. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


Cai, Zhengchen (2021) Personalized Functional Near Infra-Red Optical Tomography to Investigate the Hemodynamic Correlates of Fluctuations in Neuronal Excitability. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Cammalleri, Amanda, Perrault, Aurore A., Tarelli, Lukia, Caresse-Chakra, Emily, Patel, Rahul, Dang-Vu, Thien Thanh, Pepin, Véronique and Gouin, Jean-Philippe (2021) A Randomized Trial of Exercise Training Versus Relaxation for the Treatment of Chronic Insomnia in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Campbell, Colin (2021) More Voice-Over: Colin Campbell Writings. Text/Context: Writings by Canadian Artists . Concordia University Press, Montreal. ISBN 9781988111308

Caquard, Sébastien ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4654-5244, Shaw, Emory ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4099-7365 and Alavez, José (2021) How Distant is Close Enough? Exploring the Toponymic Distortions of Life Story Geographies. Geohumanities .

Carberry, Katherine (2021) “Taste is Eternal”: The Kashmiri Shawl, Women, and Imperialism. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Carbonneau, Alexandre ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3292-3283 (2021) Pricing and hedging financial derivatives with reinforcement learning methods. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Cardoso de Sousa, Wanessa (2021) Domestic Spaces of Affection: The Role of Vernacular Architecture, Material Culture and Memory in the Cases of two Brazilian Households. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Caron, Anne-Sophie ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7015-5823, Jarry, Joshua Joseph, Lafleur, Benoit and Despland, Emma ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7123-8249 (2021) Delayed density dependence of various early-instar mortality sources during the crash of a forest tent caterpillar outbreak. [Dataset] (Submitted)

Caron, Anne-Sophie ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7015-5823, Jarry, Joshua Joseph, Lafleur, Benoit and Despland, Emma ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7123-8249 (2021) SERG Final report: Ecosystemic impacts of forest tent caterpillar outbreaks. Technical Report. UNSPECIFIED.

Castonguay, Tristan (2021) Evaluating a dynamic moment of inertia bat in baseball: the influence on swing speed, training, and infrared technology. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Cavalcante Pereira, Antonio (2021) Novel Sustainable In-Situ Geotextile Filtration Method for Eco-remediation of Eutrophic Lake Waters. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Chabelnik, Nina (2021) Modernist Architecture and Religion in the Soviet Union: The Case of the Palace of the Soviets and the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Chakrabarti, Trina (2021) Therapeutic Songwriting in Adolescent Inpatient Mental Health Care: A Program Intervention Research to Address Psychosocial Strengths and Needs. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Chan, Janan (2021) Demonstrations. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Chang, Victor, Li, Xiaoqiong, Qianwen, Xu and Valverde, Raul ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8769-4927 (2021) Brand personality in cultural tourism and sustainable development by using big data analytics. International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 16 (1). pp. 125-139.

Chaplan-Hoang, Avery (2021) Dungeons, Dragons, and Drama Therapy: A Digital Approach for Teenagers on the Autism Spectrum. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Chausseau, Nicolas (2021) Comparison of Sequence-to-Sequence and Retrieval Approaches on the Code Summarization and Code Generation Tasks. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Chauvin, Alexandre (2021) More than meets the ear: Investigating the impact of audiovisual speech cues and supportive sentence context during bilingual speech perception in noise in younger and older adults. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Chelabi, Khadidja ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2577-039X, Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810, Bransi, Myriam ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7108-4905, Gervais, Yannick ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5256-1059, Marthe, Clément ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7834-2196 and Tse, Sze Man ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0295-0064 (2021) Validation of a Portable Game Controller to Assess Peak Expiratory Flow Against Conventional Spirometry in Children: Cross-sectional Study. JMIR Serious Games, 9 (1). ISSN 2291-9279

Chen, Chen (2021) Computer Vision Based Automated Monitoring and Analysis of Excavation Productivity on Construction Sites. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Chen, Chen (2021) Does watching others eat in videos make you buy? Food eating videos and their relationships to food purchase. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Chen, Long (2021) UAV Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance Based on Fuzzy Logic and Kinodynamic RRT Methods. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Chen, Lu (2021) Design of Transition Metal-based Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Chen, Mengshu (2021) Digital News and Negotiated Agency: The Digital Transition within China’s Newspapers. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Chen, Tiantian (2021) Development of Durable Anti-Wetting and Anti-Fouling Membranes for Water Production via Membrane Distillation (MD). PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Chen, Xiaowei (2021) Untangling Java Code Changes. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Cheng, Jun, Zhang, Bo, Ng, Hoi Dick, Liu, Hong and Wang, Fuxing (2021) Effects of inert gas jet on the transition from deflagration to detonation in a stoichiometric methane-oxygen mixture. Fuel, 285 (119237). ISSN 0016-2361

Chevalier-Crockett, Stephany (2021) ‘The Defence, as Usual, is Insanity’: Cultural Precedent and the Construction of the Insanity Defence in Nineteenth-Century America. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Childerhouse, Mariah (2021) Educators’ Perspectives on Executive Function and the Role of Pretend Play. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Choupani, Shawn (2021) The Fairy Tale Decision of Holding SPAC Shares Past Midnight: A study on the Factors Affecting the Probability of a SPAC Being Good or Bad Prior to Approval Date. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Churchill, L. Logan (2021) Behind New Eyes: The Expression of Dual Loyalties Among Young Canadians & Newcomers. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Colagrande Castro, Caio (2021) A Brazilian Fairytale: Stories of a Conflicted Past - An Experiment in Interactive Podcasting. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Compton, Zoe (2021) Pedagogy of Discomfort: Mapping Family History in Prince Edward Island. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Copp, William ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8581-8148 (2021) Repair of Intrastrand Alkylene Cross-links in Various DNA Structures by O6-Alkylguanine DNA Alkyltransferases. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Cordonnier, Lucile (2021) Maurice Denis (1870-1943) and the Sacred Grove: Temporality in Fin-de-Siècle France. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Cote, Ann Marie (2021) How can we Bridge the Gap: Health Literacy among Older Adults Diagnosed with Diabetes. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Couillard, Mathieu (2021) Study and Development of Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators for Technological Applications. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Cousineau, Cynthia (2021) An Integrative Review of the Benefits of Art Therapy Interventions to Counteract the Struggles on Quality of Life for the Aging Population. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Couturier, Philippe (2021) School-work dynamics: A within-person examination of how school stress appraisals can impact organizational citizenship behaviour at work. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Crane, Adam, Bairos-Novak, Kevin, Goldman, Jack ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4535-983X and Brown, Grant E. (2021) Data from 'Chemical disturbance cues in aquatic systems: a review and prospectus'. [Dataset] (Submitted)

Crespo, A. M. F. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3960-0858 (2021) Computational Learning Framework for Carbon Emissions Predictions Incorporating a RReliefF Driven Features Selection and an Iterative Neural Network Architecture Improvement. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Cristian Oswaldo, Rodriguez Santiago (2021) Timetable-based Routing in Fixed Schedule Dynamic Networks. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Croteau, Marion (2021) Green Investments in a Real Estate Context and How it Affects Investment Horizon. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Crowdis, Kelly K. (2021) Let's Talk About It: Does Discussion Impact Teacher Knowledge in a Professional Development Workshop? Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Cucuzzella, Carmela ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4677-8518 (2021) Making the Invisible Visible: Eco-Art and Design against the Anthropocene. Sustainability, 13 (7). p. 3747. ISSN 2071-1050

Cucuzzella, Carmela ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4677-8518, Chupin, Jean-Pierre, Rondia, Emmanuel and Goubran, Sherif ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2365-0351 (2021) Réinventer l'attente du bus : Principes de conception pour les espaces environnant des abribus / Reimagining waiting for the bus: Design principles for spaces surrounding bus shelters. Potential Architecture Books, Montreal. ISBN 9781988962054

Currie-Williams, Kelann (2021) Prolonging the Afterimage: Looking at and Talking about Photographs of Black Montreal. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


Dantas, Monica, Goubran, Sherif ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2365-0351 and Wagdy, Nadra (2021) Preserving sustainability: activating the ecological university through collective food practice. In: Filho, Walter Leal and Salvia, Amanda Lange and Frankenberger, Ernanda, (eds.) Handbook on Teaching and Learning for Sustainable Development. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 418-434. ISBN 9781839104640

Daradkeh, Tariq ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1294-7117 (2021) An Optimized Deep Machine Learning and Micro-Services Architecture based Proactive Elastic Cloud Framework. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Date, Jennifer Anne ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2166-1137 (2021) Model-Based Enhanced Operation of Building Convective Heating Systems and Active Thermal Storage. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

De Silva, Nicole ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7426-3466 (2021) International Courts’ Shadow Effects and the Aims of Judicialized International Cooperation. American Journal of International Law, 115 .

Del Corpo, Joseph (2021) Determining the Importin-Regulation of Ect2 Function During Cytokinesis. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Del Pino Injoque, Miguel Angel Benjamin (2021) Incorporating stakeholders in policy assessment: Generating a framework for system analysis and data driven policy making. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Delpasand Moghadam, Mohammad (2021) Vibration-based Damage Detection in Laminated Composite Beams Using Spectral Finite Element Method and Genetic Algorithm. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Delshadi, Mahmoud (2021) Three Essays on Conditional Accounting Conservatism. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Deniz, Başar ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0197-2747 (2021) A Dismissed Heritage: Contemporary Performance in Turkey Defined through Karagöz. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Desai, Bipin C. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9142-7928 (2021) C3S2E-2008-2016-FinalPrograms. Documentation. Self, Montreal.

Desai, Bipin C. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9142-7928 (2021) Close vs Open Systems. In: IEEE-IEMCON-2021, 27-30 October 2021, Vancouver, Canada. (Unpublished)

Desai, Bipin C. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9142-7928 (2021) Colonization of the Internet. In: IDEAS 2021: 25th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium. ACM, New York, pp. 36-45. ISBN 978-1-4503-8991-4

Desai, Bipin C. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9142-7928 (2021) IDEAS-1997-2021-Final-Programs. Documentation. UNSPECIFIED, Montreal.

Desai, Bipin C. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9142-7928 (2021) A quarter century of organizing conferences.

Desai, Bipin C. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9142-7928 (2021) A quarter century of organizing conferences. Documentation. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Desaulniers, Serena (2021) Crafting Identity through Folk: The Construction of National Identity within Serbian Diasporic Institutions and Homes. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Deshpande, Vinayak (2021) Model Predictive Control with Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Multivariable Systems. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Desmarais, Kim (2021) Leaving ‘Em High and Dry: An Examination of Mothers’ Experiences Accessing Services for their Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Dexheimer, Eric ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3936-5854 (2021) Myrmecophily and habitat use of the European Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus: (Lycaenidae Rottemburg, 1775)) in Quebec, North America. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Dhaliwal, James S ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8851-7562 (2021) Quality Control of Oxidized RNA in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Dib, Mirabelle ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3134-1230 (2021) On Leveraging Next-Generation Deep Learning Techniques for IoT Malware Classification, Family Attribution and Lineage Analysis. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Dillon, Robbie (2021) Responsibilities of Identity: Epistemic Trustworthiness as Resistance to Settler Colonial Domination. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Ding, Zhiyi (2021) A Network Simulator-based Method of Dynamic Traffic Generation for 5G Network Slicing. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Do, Hoang-Dung (2021) Modeling the Linux page cache for accurate simulation of data-intensive applications. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Dobbin, Samantha (2021) Development of a Spiritually Focused Art Therapy Program for Addiction Recovery in Adults. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Dodds, Matthew (2021) Uncertain Conspiracies: A Latourian Analysis of R/Conspiracy in an Era of Global Upheaval. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Doma, Aya (2021) Investigating Thermal Performance of Residential Buildings in Cold Climates. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Donda, Dipesh (2021) Development of a Condition Assessment Method of Deteriorated Bridge Decks Based on GPR Data and Structural Response. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Donehower, Joanna Kathleen (2021) Toward a Dramaturgy of Feminist Spatial Curiosity: Urban Performance Creation in Montreal. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Doniec, Rafał ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2535-3932, Wójcik, Sylwia, Valverde, Raul, Piaseczna, Natalia ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9652-157X, Sieciński, Szymon ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3801-3144, Duraj, Konrad and Tkacz, Ewaryst ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2580-7954 (2021) Extreme Situation Experienced by Dental Students of the Medical University of Silesia Due to the SARS-CoV-2 Epidemic during the First Lockdown. Healthcare, 9 (11).

Donnarumma, P. Rafael, Frojmovic, Sahara, Marino, Paola, Bicalho, Hudson A., Titi, Hatem M. and Howarth, Ashlee J. (2021) Synthetic approaches for accessing rare-earth analogues of UiO-66. Chemical Communications, 57 . pp. 6121-6124.

Donnarumma, Pedro Rafael ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5166-956X (2021) Synthesis, Optimisation, and Characterisation of Rare-earth Analogues of UiO-66. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Doyle, Audrey-Anne (2021) Domestic Workers’ Strategies of Resistance to Chronic Workplace Violence in Medellín, Colombia. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Drury, Amanda (2021) Navigating Technology-Enabled Mindfulness Practices in and Outside of the Classroom: A Curriculum for Teachers. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Du, Wenjie (2021) A Deep Learning Model to Impute Missing Data in Time Series. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Duchesneau, Michelle (2021) Becoming Economic Subjects: A participatory Action Research Project with Youth. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Dufour, Emanuelle (2021) Des histoires à raconter : d’Ani Kuni à Kiuna Les mémoires graphiques en tant qu’outils de rencontre réflexive et conversationnelle avec les réalités autochtones et allochtones du Québec. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Dufour, Jenna, Ellis, Sara and Latour, John (2021) Reimagining Canadian Art Practices and Art Collections: From Research to Publishing, and Preservation to Promotion. Art Documentation, 40 (1). pp. 81-103. ISSN 07307187

Duke, Kieran (2021) Synthesis and Characterization of Modified Polyadenosines for Applications as a pH-Responsive Nanodevice. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Dumont-Bergeron, Adèle (2021) Barricades. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Dumont, Julianne (2021) Exploring Anishinabe Youth Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multi-Level Analysis of Cultural Awareness Moderating Within-Person Effects of Positive and Negative Affect on Alcohol Use and Consequences. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Dunbar, Amanda Light (2021) SparkNotes Use and Attitudes Among High School English Language Arts Students: A Retrospective Exploratory Mixed-Method Study. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Duong, Dang Huy (2021) The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary – A Theological Study of the Historical Development of the Doctrine. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Dutemple, Elizabeth (2021) Are Implicit and Explicit Metacognition Related to Young Children’s Selective Social Learning? Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Dutta, Sukanya (2021) Plug-in On-Board Single-Phase Cuk-Derived Bridgeless EV Charger for AC and DC Charging Systems. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Dwyer, C. E. Lyne (2021) Trouble in Paradise: Non-Monogamies and Queer Play in Digital Games. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

de Aguiar Lopes, Alan ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3805-797X (2021) Maturation of heme antioxidant enzymes and their response to miconazole in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

du Plessis, Klara and Fong, Deanna (2021) Retrospective Resonance on Listen Deep: Poetry, Sound and Multitudinous Remix. SPOKENWEBLOG .


Edmonds, Lorrie (2021) Desertsoundlore: Deep Listening to Aura in the Mojave Desert. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Ehresmann, Anne-Laure (2021) Approximation Algorithms for Broadcasting in Flower Graphs. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Ekperuoh, Theophilus A. (2021) Mapping Nollywood’s Imaginative Scape in Canada: Understanding Transnational Nigerian Media, Identity and Belonging. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

El Ramli, Shadi Nezar (2021) Three Essays on Monetary Policy and Macroeconomics Stability. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

El Tanab, Manal (2021) Congestion Control for Massive Machine-Type Communications: Distributed and Learning-Based Approaches. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

El-Derhalli, Hassnaa (2021) Design of Stochastic Computing Architectures using Integrated Optics. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

El-Hassan, Nada (2021) Three Essays in Mergers and Acquisitions and Executive Compensation. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

ElSheikh, Muhammad (2021) MILP-aided Cryptanalysis of Some Block Ciphers. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Elgharabawy, Mounir (2021) Cross-vendor Security Analysis of Android Unix Domain Sockets. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Elsayed, Hisham Shehata Galal ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9904-8386 (2021) Privacy-Preserving Protocols on Blockchain. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Esmaeeli, Hamed ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3141-6028 (2021) Advisory Safety System for Autonomous Vehicles under Sun-glare. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Etaat, Amirhossein (2021) An Online Balance Training Application Using Pose Estimation and Augmented Reality. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


Fanelli, Lydia Nicole (2021) ᐅᑎᕈᒪᔪᖓ Utirumajunga (I Want to Return): A Look at Situations of Homelessness Among Inuit Women in Montreal. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Fathi Ajirloo, Bahman (2021) Three Essays on Network Peer Effects on Firms and Financial Markets. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Fathi, Vida (2021) Reinforcement Learning in Linear Quadratic Deep Structured Teams with Performance Guarantee. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Fattori, Laura ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4800-3334 (2021) Narratives of Post-Conflict: Representation of Violence in Colombian Contemporary Cinema. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Faust, Rachel (2021) Group Work at the College Level: a Case Study. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Fazlollahi, Atefeh (2021) Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Shallow Mixing Layer. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Fech, William (2021) More than Movies: Art House Cinemas in the Digital Age. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Fernandez Cruz, Javier (2021) Using Intrinsic Dimensionality to Improve Dropout Regularization. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Ferraro, Sarah (2021) Effects of Prenatal Administration of Valproic Acid on Circadian Organization and Clock-Gene Expression: Implication for Autism Spectrum Disorders. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Finkelstein, Airin (2021) The Never-Ending Story: A Drama Therapist's Quest Towards Cultural Humility. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Flesher, Sarah (2021) Ping!: An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between Mental Health Characteristics, IM Usage, and Communication Effectiveness During COVID-19. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Foulkes, Sarah (2021) Sounds Tough: Masculine Vocal Performances in 21st Century American Cinema. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Frank, Nelson (2021) Deep Learning Approaches to Multi-Modal Biomedical Image Segmentation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Fuoco, Julia (2021) It’s All Relative: Sibling and Parent Teaching in Early Childhood. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


Gagnon, Audrey ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3286-1070 (2021) Beyond the Civic and Ethnic Divide: The Cultural Conception of National Identity and Its Influence on Opinions about Immigration and Diversity in Quebec. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Gagnon, Laurence (2021) Paracosme, enfance et migration : La spatialité en art-thérapie transculturelle. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Gagné, Jean-Philippe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5803-0489 (2021) Psychometric and Experimental Investigations of Beliefs About Losing Control. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Gamarooni Pour, Seyed Ali (2021) Requirements analysis of aviation standards Applicable to Production Organizations. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Gao, Jie (2021) Matching mechanisms for two-sided shared mobility systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Gao, Xiang (2021) Stochastic control, numerical methods, and machine learning in finance and insurance. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Garoot, Afnan (2021) Handwriting Analysis and Personality: A Computerized Study on the Validity of Graphology. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Gaudissart, Albane (2021) Passing through Maasailand. Encountering Maasai Youth and the navigation of boundaries and identity politics. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Gawande, Nilesh (2021) Characterization of the Heterotrimeric G Protein Gene Families in Triticum aestivum and the Caleosins CLO3 and CLO7 in Brachypodium distachyon. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Ge, Bingwei (2021) Statistical Framework Based on the Weighted Generalized Gaussian Mixture Model : Application to Robust Point Clouds Registration and Single Target Tracking. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Gerami, Maryam ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6494-5359 (2021) The Effects of Group Art Therapy on Reducing Psychological Stress and Improving the Quality of Life in Iranian Child Immigrants and Refugees. Canadian Journal of Art Therapy, 34 (1). pp. 8-17. ISSN 2690-7240

Gerber, Myriam B. (2021) Memory and Materiality – submerged, exhumed, displaced: The re-emerging difficult heritage of the former forced labour camp Allach. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Gerchicoff, Brent Thomas (2021) The Dynamics of Containment: Alliance Cohesion and American Domestic Politics in Foreign Policy. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Germé, Katuschia (2021) Brain mechanisms of sexual disinhibition in the male rats by alcohol and amphetamine. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Ghasemi, Mahsa (2021) Evaluation of Physical and Chemical Parameters Effects on Different Ozone Monitoring Technologies. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Ghassemi Panah, Anahita and Paraschivoiu, Marius (2021) CFD Based Estimation of Wind Energy Potential in Urban Locations. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Gheitasi, Kian ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6399-0994 (2021) Security of Constrained Cyber-Physical Systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Ghiasi, Gita, Beaudry, Catherine, Larivière, Vincent, St-Pierre, Carl, Schiffauerova, Andrea and Harsh, Matthew (2021) Who profits from the Canadian nanotechnology reward system? Implications for gender-responsible innovation. pp. 7937-7991.

Ghooshkhaaneie, Seyyed Vahid (2021) Manipulability Optimization for Kinematically Redundant Rehabilitation Robots. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Ghosh, Pronob Kumar (2021) Effect of Shear Tab Connection on Lateral Torsional Buckling Capacity of W-Shape Beam. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Ghouchani, Rouzbeh (2021) Studies in Mechanism Design. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Gilker, Sadie (2021) Belfast’s Sites of Conflict and Structural Violence: An Exploration of the Transformation of Public Spaces through Theatre and Performance. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Golchin, Elena (2021) Fleet Management and Energy Management of Shared Autonomous Electric Vehicles. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Golden, Charlotte (2021) Surface Transporters and Receptors are downregulated by a two-tier system in response to diverse stimuli in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Goldman, Dan Misha (2021) Exploring The Role of Mindfulness in Music Therapy: A Qualitative Interview Study. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Gomez Bonilla, Felipe (2021) Björk and Michel Gondry’s Networked Authorship: The Music Video as a Mode of Post-Cinematic Practice and the Post-Colonial Subject as Minor Author. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Gopala Krishnan, Arjun (2021) Fast and Memory Efficient Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication on GPU Cluster. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Goswami, Henish (2021) Generating Topobathymetry Digital Elevation Model using Crowdsourced Bathymetry: A case of the St. Lawrence River and Ottawa River in Quebec. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Goubran, Sherif ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2365-0351 (2021) Our Buildings Have Credentials…Now What? A Design-Based Analysis Framework for Reconciling Green Buildings with the Sustainable Development Goals. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Goubran, Sherif ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2365-0351, Cucuzzella, Carmela ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4677-8518 and Mohamed M., Ouf (2021) Eyes on the Goal! Exploring Interactive Artistic Real-Time Energy Interfaces for Target-Specific Actions in the Built Environment. Sustainability, 13 (4).

Goubran, Sherif ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2365-0351, Cucuzzella, Carmela ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4677-8518 and Ouf, Mohamed M. (2021) Eco-Nudging: Interactive Digital Design to Solicit Immediate Energy Actions in The Built Space. In: 9th International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design. (In Press)

Goulet, Magali-Chen (2021) Neural Networks in Insurance. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Grasso, Stéphane (2021) Migrant Sea: Developing new narrative models for covering Sub-Saharan migration to Europe. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Greenway, Jonathan (2021) Using Play Scripts for Therapeutic Theatre Interventions: A Theoretical Analysis. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Greiss, Jessica (2021) Elementary School Teachers’ Perspectives on Report Card Grading. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Gritli, Nour (2021) An Automated Approach for Network Slice Design from Tenant Intents. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Guerrero Yáñez, Diana Carolina (2021) Improving Thermal Comfort Conditions in K-12 Educational Buildings in Hot and Humid Climate. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Guo, Jiaxun (2021) Occupancy Estimation and Activity Recognition in Smart Buildings using Mixture-Based Predictive Distributions. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Guo, Yiyou (2021) Are We Under the Influence of What We See? The Power of Body Tattoos in a Job Interview. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Guévremont, Michel ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2904-6382 (2021) 4D Simulation of Capital Construction Projects: Levels of Development and Ontology for Delay Claims Applications. PhD thesis, Concordia University.


Habibi-Tanha, Mohammad Kazem (2021) Neural Correlates of Working Memory in Chronic Primary Insomnia using The Sternberg Task: A Preliminary Analysis. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Haddad, Mark ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3064-2381 (2021) An Instance-Based Learning Statistical Framework for One-Shot and Few-Shot Human Action Recognition. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Haeri, Amin ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1217-656X (2021) Accurate and Real-Time Granular Flow Modeling of Robot-Terrain Interactions. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Hagi-Yusuf, Jama (2021) Development of a high-throughput assay for fatty acid decarboxylases. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Hajibabaei, Anahita (2021) Gender-Specific Patterns in the Artificial Intelligence Scientific Ecosystem. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Hamed Nohbaradaran, Nima (2021) Development of a Thermally Sprayed Electrothermal Antiicing System for Inflight Ice Mitigation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Hamel, Véronique (2021) Fostering Connections Amidst and Beyond the Pandemic: Community-Based Research and Food Sovereignty in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Hamzeh, Layane (2021) seismic performance of reinforced masonry shear walls with different masonry boundary element configurations. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Hannachi, Samar (2021) Statistical Models for Short Text Clustering. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Hart, Eleanor (2021) Music Therapists’ Experiences and Perspectives in Working with LGBTQ+ Youth in Canada. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Hasannezhad, Mojtaba (2021) Speech Enhancement with Improved Deep Learning Methods. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Hase, Hannes ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8470-7868, Berteau-Rainville, Michael, Charoughchi, Somaiyeh, Orgiu, Emanuele ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8232-0950 and Salzmann, Ingo ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9977-3422 (2021) Doping-related broadening of the density of states governs integer-charge transfer in P3HT. Applied Physics Letters, 118 (20). p. 203301.

Hashemi Attar, Nazanin (2021) Robust State-Based Supervisory Control of Hierarchical Discrete-Event Systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Hatami Majoumerd, Shadi ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0048-8144 (2021) Development of a Global Statistical Framework for Estimating Landscape Freeze-Thaw under Changing Climate Conditions with Application to Québec. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

He, Xiaodong, Matte, Christopher-Denny and Kwok, Tsz-Ho (2021) Folding photopolymerized origami sheets by post-curing. SN Applied Sciences, 3 (1).

He, Yue and Cardoso, Walcir (2021) Online Translators: Can They Help English Learners improve their pronunciation? Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Hedayati Nasab, Siavash ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0011-5161 (2021) Accelerated Temporal Schemes for High-Order Unstructured Methods. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Heidarian, Shahin (2021) Capsule Network-based COVID-19 Diagnosis and Transformer-based Lung Cancer Invasiveness Prediction via Computerized Tomography (CT) Images. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Heidarzadeh, Hamidreza (2021) The effect of methodological flexibility on membrane protein classification. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Helal, Ahmed (2021) Towards Empowering Data Lakes with Knowledge Graphs. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Henderson-Chenail (Henderson), Catherine (Kathryn) (2021) Affects hétérolingues : Écriture latinx et essais de traduction queer 
pour un public franco-canadien. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Herchet, Sarah (2021) How Female Entrepreneurs Use Family Support to Improve Well-Being Through Resilience - A Mixed-Method Study. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Herriot, Heather (2021) Chronic Stress and HPA Axis Dysregulation in Older Adulthood: Protective Effects of Self-Compassion. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Herrmann, Shaney M. (2021) Seeping into Stones: Material explorations in deep mapping Ireland. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Heshmati, Arash (2021) The Effect of Early-Career Recognition on the Subsequent Success: Evidence from the Academy Awards. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Hewitt, Jessica (2021) ya:y̓əstəl̓ (working together) with ‘letsémot (one mind/heart): Narratives of Resilience and Strategies for Resistance and Resurgence from Kwantlen First Nation, British Columbia. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Hey, Maya ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9364-6334 (2021) Conspiring to be Convivial: Fermentation and Living with the Microbial Other. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Higgins, Stéphanie and Stathopoulos, Ted (2021) Application of artificial intelligence to urban wind energy. Building and Environment, 197 . ISSN 0360-1323

Hindle, Meaghan, Dover, Geoffrey, Dakin, Christopher and Forbes, Patrick (2021) The Adaptation of Lower Leg Muscles during Gait to Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Hizaoui, Hedia (2021) Yet Another Creative Adjustment of Coloniality. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning School Links. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Hodges, Stefan (2021) Recovery Landlordism: Accumulation through Confinement in the Landscape of Winnipeg’s Meth Crisis. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Hooshiar, Amir ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9036-5331 (2021) Image-Based Force Estimation and Haptic Rendering For Robot-Assisted Cardiovascular Intervention. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Hosseini, Mirata (2021) Toward Resilient Building Design in Energy Performance under Climate Change. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

HosseiniHaghighi, SeyedehRabeeh (2021) Characterizing and Structuring Urban Data for Housing Stock Energy Modeling. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Hosseiniiraj, Elaheh ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1431-3414 (2021) Inverse Parametric Optimization For Learning Utility Functions From Optimal and Satisficing Decisions. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Hotte-Kilburn, Alexis (2021) Topological photonic crystal ring resonators. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Hou, Danlin (2021) A New Bayesian Inference Calibration Platform for Building Energy and Environment Predictions. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Hou, Lianze (2021) The Effects of Bitter Taste on Consumer Behaviour. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

How, Jade (2021) Refusing Disciplinarity: A Theoretical Exploration of the Survival Strategies and Resistance Tactics Performed/Enacted by Women of Color Undergraduates. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Hu, Juqi (2021) Tire-Road Friction Coefficient Estimation and Control of Autonomous Vehicles. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Hu, Xiaolei (2021) Development of Imine-based pH-responsive Polymeric Drug Delivery Systems. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Huang, J. and Kwok, T.-H. (2021) Segmentation-Based Wireframe Generation for Parametric Modeling of Human Body Shapes. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 21 (6). ISSN 15309827

Huang, Linxiang (2021) Quantum Transport in Strained Single-wall Carbon Nanotube Transistors. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Huberdeau, Shawn G. F. (2021) Foucault's Archaeological Method: Dispersing the Temporal Unity of Phenomenological Experience. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Hutt-Taylor, Kayleigh (2021) Assessing urban tree taxonomic diversity, composition and structure across public and private green space types: a community-based tree inventory. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Huzaifa, Abdul Malik ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0269-7089 (2021) System-Level Ventilation Considerations for Thermal Risk Assessment of Aircraft Systems in Conceptual Design. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


Ibn Abbas, Abdullah (2021) Power-Proportional Optical Links. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Igwe, Charles Nnaemeka ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7989-7468 (2021) A Process-Based Approach for Integrating the Last Planner System In 4D Modeling for Equipment Workspace Planning in Elevated Urban Highway. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Ismail-Allouche, Zeina (2021) “ineradicable voices; narratives toward rerooting” An oral history research-creation based on the life stories of individuals who experienced transracial/intercountry adoption. PhD thesis, Concordia University.


Jager, Krista (2021) Prion Propagation and Loss in Single Bacterial Cells. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Jagpaul, Puneet ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6026-9664 (2021) Free Vibration Analyses of Stationary and Rotating Tapered Composite Beams with Delamination. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Jahangiri, Bahareh (2021) Investigating the impact of thermal bridging calculation methods on building energy performance – a comparative study. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Jain, Arihant (2021) Moments of Cubic Hecke L-Functions. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Jalilov, Emil (2021) Development of Heuristic Model-Based Predictive Control Strategies for an Institutional Net-Zero Energy Building. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Jamshidi, Hossein (2021) Design and Implementation of a Drone-based Forest Fire Monitoring System Including an Exclusive Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulator. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Jandaly, Anita (2021) The Ideologies of Dyadic Friendships: A Text Analysis and Children’s Reading of “Buzz” and “Woody” From Disney-Pixar’s Toy Story Films. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Jay, Rosalind A. (2021) Subject Formation and the Dual Authority of Signification in Melanie Klein and Julia Kristeva. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Jeong, Yunseo (2021) The impact of autonomous vehicles on highway tunnel work zones. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Jia, Bingyan (2021) Predicting cooling loads in hot and humid climates using machine-learning approaches. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Jia, Wenjun (2021) Investigating neurocognition in design creativity under loosely controlled experiments supported by EEG microstate analysis. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Jiang, Yuehao (2021) The impact of corporate governance and state ownership on the default probabilities of Chinese firms. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Jiménez-Dabdoub, Lily ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3917-4521 (2021) The path to art therapy: A heuristic arts-based inquiry on my career choices, a decolonial feminist reflection. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Jing, Ming (2021) A Study on the Interactions between Water Droplets and Solid Targets to Understand Water Droplet Erosion. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Jodavi, Mehran (2021) Accurate Program Element Tracking in Commit History. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

John, Camille (2021) A Study of Building Thermal Dynamics from Large Data Sets: An Application for Residential Smart Thermostats. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Johnsen, Ingvild (2021) Sarah Koenig and Serial: What Does the Dramatized Narrator Bring to Podcast Storytelling? Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Johnson, Carol (2021) Language learners’ perceptions of automatic speech recognition as a writing tool: A Technology Acceptance Model analysis. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Johnson, Kelsey (2021) An Ironic Encounter with Engagement: Surfacing a New Reality within a Youth Mentorship Nonprofit. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Jolin, Isabelle (2021) Female Directors and Corporate Risk Taking: Evidence from U.S. REITs. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Joy, Alen ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2423-4122 (2021) Estimating Spatially Varying BRDF of Complex Scenes Under Natural Illumination. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Joy, Annamma, LaTour, Kathryn A., Charters, Steve John, Grohmann, Bianca and Peña-Moreno, Camilo (2021) The artification of wine: lessons from the fine wines of Bordeaux and Burgundy. Arts and the Market, 11 (1). pp. 24-39. ISSN 2056-4945 (In Press)

Joyce, Megan M ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1580-3554 (2021) Spatial Movement Decisions Among Foraging Japanese Monkeys (Macaca fuscata). Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Jubin, Catherine (2021) Exploring Luxury in America: Can Tocqueville provide new paths to understanding American consumers’ motivations and attitudes? Masters thesis, Concordia University.


Kabir, Mohammad Ekramul ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2044-7187 (2021) Planning and Design for Intelligent and Secure Integration of Electric Vehicles into the Smart Grid. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Kamar, Céline (2021) Online Shaming and Life in the Public Eye: Navigating the Grey Zones in the Politics of Social Disapproval. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Kanaan, Dima (2021) Developing of One-Part Alkali-Activated Self-Consolidating Concrete and Investigating its Sulfate Attack Resistance. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Kapoor, Paras (2021) StarGAN-v2 compression using knowledge distillation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Karami, Moein (2021) Three Essays on Entrepreneurial Finance. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Karbasian, Hamidreza ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3067-4359 (2021) Aerodynamic optimization using high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Katul, Mounir ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6194-3035 (2021) The Influence of International – Domestic Politics on the Production of Ethnic Identities: The Case of Lebanon (2000 – 2010). PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Kelkar, Dhruva Rasesh (2021) Galois Representations associated to some simple Shimura varieties. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Kellough, Kaie and Paré, Faith (2021) “Dubbing It Into the Earth”: A Conversation with Kaie Kellough. SPOKENWEBLOG .

Khadem Moshir, Saeid ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3145-7527 (2021) Stress analysis of straight and initially curved composite tubular beams using an analytical meshless dimensional reduction method. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Khademi, Hamidreza (2021) Learning Pronunciation with Google Translate: Focus on English Past -ed. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Khadivar, Hamed ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8285-3538 (2021) Three Essays on Informed Trading. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Khan-Dobson, Delanie (2021) “The Real Me is the Fake Me:” Applying Knowledge of the Social Sciences to Narrative Journalism to Tell Complex Stories in the Format of a Long Form Magazine Article. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Khatib, Mehdi (2021) Bike Sharing Network Design with Service Levels: The Case of Montreal City. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Kheirandish, Mahsa (2021) Numerical Simulation of Benzene Transport in Shoreline Groundwater Affected by Tides. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Khoo, Shaun Yon-Seng ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0972-3788, Uhrig, Alexandra, Samaha, Anne-Noël ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5546-1910 and Chaudhri, Nadia ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4217-4044 (2021) Effects of dopamine receptor antagonism and amphetamine-induced psychomotor sensitization on sign- and goal-tracking after extended training. Behavioural Brain Research . ISSN 0166-4328

Khorasani Ghassab, Vahid ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7697-9364 (2021) Multi-frame reconstruction using super-resolution, inpainting, segmentation and codecs. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Khosrojerdi, Farhad, Gagnon, Stephene and Valverde, Raul ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8769-4927 (2021) Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Smart Grids: Present and Future Research Domains. IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE) . pp. 255-260.

Khosrojerdi, Farhad, Gagnon, Stephene and Valverde, Raul ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8769-4927 (2021) Identifying Influential Factors Affecting the Shading of a Solar Panel. In: 2021 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC). IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, New Jersey, pp. 255-260.

Khosrojerdi, Farhad, Gagnon, Stephene and Valverde, Raul ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8769-4927 (2021) Proposing an Ontology Model for Planning Photovoltaic Systems. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 3 . pp. 582-600. ISSN 2504-4990

Khullar, Chirag (2021) Development of a warehouse slotting model to improve picking performance. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Kibria, Md Golam (2021) Ultrasound Elastography: Deep Learning Approach. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Kierans, James (2021) Isolation of Latent Player Shooting Ability in the National Hockey League. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Kim, Mira, Mi, Xiaocheng, Kiyanda, Charles Basenga and Ng, Hoi Dick ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8459-5990 (2021) Nonlinear dynamics and chaos regularization of one-dimensional pulsating detonations with small sinusoidal density perturbations. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (3). pp. 3701-3708. ISSN 1540-7489

Kinsley, Christine (2021) Taking the Temperature: Associations between Sibling Relationship Warmth and Reports of Daily Interactions in Preadolescence. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Kirbizakis, Eftyhios ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5512-261X (2021) The development of COIN-seq: A method to explore molecular synergy through combinatorial interventions in breast cancer. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Kirszenbaum, Maya, Lustre, Aline, de Beauvais, Nina, Hauterive, Maxime, Wenk, Nicolas ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5425-0484, Gervais, Yannick ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5256-1059, Claricia, Marlène, Frangos, Maria ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5664-2315, Gomez, Valentin ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9725-5154, Burgel, Pierre-Régis ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0903-9828, Sermet-Gaudelus, Isabelle, Valette, Julie and Balli, Fabio ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4769-5810 (2021) Favoriser le soin autonome : encourager les jeunes vivant avec la mucoviscidose à partager leur expérience à travers la création de jeux collaboratifs [affiche et vidéo]. In: Semaine du Réseau mère-enfant de la francophonie (RMEF), 18 mai 2021, Paris, France.

Kohli, Gurmanak Singh (2021) Cryptocurrency as a Gamble, Hedging Instrument, or Store of Value. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Kozak, Stephanie (2021) Investigating positive classroom literacy environments: Teacher knowledge, print exposure and planning for instruction. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Krastel, Zachary (2021) Cognitions and Effects of Music Consumption. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Krishna, Bivi (2021) Maintaining the consistencies in electropolishing results by characterizing the polishing bath state as a function of its instant key properties. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Krishnan, Prakash (2021) South Asian Instagram Community Archives: A Platform for Performance, Curation, and Identity. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Kroft, Emily (2021) The effects of urban density on the provision of multiple health related ecosystem services. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Kruzynski, Anna (2021) From social ecology to community economies: Towards better livelihoods. In: Toney, Jason, (ed.) Take the City: Voices of Radical Municipalism. Black Rose Books, Montreal, pp. 126-142. ISBN 9781551647296

Kumar, Priya (2021) The Kids are (M)all Right: Youth Culture and Shopping Centers in Late Twentieth Century America. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Kwok, Tsz Ho ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7240-1426 (2021) Escaping Tree-Support (ET-Sup): minimizing contact points for tree-like support structures in additive manufacturing. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 27 (8). pp. 1562-1572. ISSN 13552546

Kwok, Tsz Ho ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7240-1426 (2021) Geometry-Based Thick Origami Simulation. Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME, 143 (6). ISSN 10500472

khoddami, shohre (2021) A System Dynamics Approach to Comparative Analysis of Biomass Supply Chain Coordination Strategies. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


LI, JUNJIE (2021) Tracking the Evolution of Static Code Warnings: the State-of-the-Art and a Better Approach. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

LOUDEGUI DJIMDOU, Magloire (2021) Inference Procedures for Copula-Based Models of Bivariate Dependence. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

La Roche, Pierrette-Anne (2021) A Music Therapist's Exploration of Vocal Improvisation for Self-Care: A Heuristic Self-Inquiry. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

LaSalle, Michelle (2021) Une Buée de tous les jours - An Everyday Cloud. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Labana, Mohamed (2021) Performance Optimization of Cloud Radio Access Networks. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Laframboise, Lauren (2021) Gendered labour, immigration, and deindustrialization in Montreal's garment industry. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Lajevardi, Setareh Sadat (2021) Stochastic Integrated Physician and Patient Scheduling in Multidisciplinary Clinics. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Lambert, Roseline (2021) Le reflet du monde est à l'intérieur de moi: une ethnographie poétique de l'expérience de l'agoraphobie en Norvège. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Lambruschini, Miranda (2021) A Narrative-Critical Analysis Comparing Select Markan "Sandwiches" and their Synoptic Parallels. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Lanmouvët, Alek (2021) perceptions identitaires de femmes "noires" d'origine haïtienne et de seconde génération québécoise. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Lay, Belinda Po Pyn ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0522-9480 and Khoo, Shaun Yon-Seng ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0972-3788 (2021) Associative processes in addiction relapse models: A review of their Pavlovian and instrumental mechanisms, history, and terminology. Neuroanatomy and Behaviour, 3 (1). e18. ISSN 2652-1768

Leal, William (2021) The Synthesis and Study of Perovskites in Novel Forms. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Leblanc, Michael (2021) Stewards of Sustainability: A Theological Analysis of the Relationship Between the Anglican Church of Canada, The Climate Change Crisis, and Sustainability. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Leone, Frédéric (2021) Using the 13C/12C Ratio of Bacteria-Specific Fatty Acids to Determine the Lability of Terrestrial and Marine Organic Matter in Coastal Sediments. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Lesperance, Xavier (2021) Effectiveness of Shock Capturing Methods in the Discontinuous Galerkin/Flux Reconstruction Scheme for Computational Fluid Dynamics. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Lewis, Kristen R. (2021) The Future of Hegel's Art: Extending Hegelian Aesthetics for Contemporary Artforms. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Li, Gang (2021) Auction-Based Efficient Online Incentive Mechanism Designs in Wireless Networks. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Li, Hao-Ming (2021) Film Cooling Heat Transfer Mechanism and Applications. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Li, Jing (2021) Modeling the effect of dual-core energy recovery ventilator (ERV) unit on the energy use of houses in northern Canada compared with the single-core ERV unit. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Li, Rong (2021) Three Essays on Online Consumer Engagement. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Li, Steven (2021) Flight Management Systems for Hybrid-Electric Aircraft. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Li, Yushen (2021) Individual Behavior and Strategy in Favor Exchange and Online Content Contribution. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Linds, Warren ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6379-2338, Jhunjhunwala, Tejaswinee, Nadarajah, Linthuja, Starnino, Antonio and Vettraino, Elinor ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0797-3297 (2021) Unlocking Creativity: 6-Part Story Method as an Imaginative Pedagogical Tool. Learning Landscapes, 14 (1).

Liu, Nian (2021) Characterizing Deprecated Deep Learning Python APIs: An Empirical Study on TensorFlow. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Liu, Tianyi (2021) Polynomials for Multidimensional Provenance in Graph Databases. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Liu, Yisi (2021) Prediction of Hardness and Residual Stress in Orthogonal Cutting of Inconel 718. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Liu, Yuanyi, Lee, John H.S., Tan, Houzhang and Ng, Hoi Dick (2021) Investigation of Near-Limit Detonation Propagation in a Tube with Helical Spiral. Fuel, 286 (119384). ISSN 0016-2361

Locke, Steven ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7401-2993 (2021) LogAssist: Assisting Log Analysis Through Log Summarization. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Lognonné Khalatbari, Cyrus ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6976-9289 (2021) An exploration of the internet’s embodied narratives through software dial-up modems: atemporality, neutrality, immateriality. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Lou, Andrés (2021) Discourse Segmentation of Judicial Decisions for Fact Extraction. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Lu, Henry ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5460-223X (2021) Effects of different climate generation methods on the hygrothermal performance of a wood-frame wall under current and projected future climates. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Lu, Lingfeng (2021) An Exposition of Discrete Morse Theory and Applications. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Lucas Manhaes de Souza, Tamyres ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0067-0381 (2021) You Could Have Saved Her: Representations of Violence Against Women in Choice-based Games. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Luo, Yang (2021) Design and Improved Switching Transient Modeling for A GaN-based Three Phase Inverter. Masters thesis, Concordia university.

Lécuyer, Élissya (2021) The Shade of You. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Léger, Étienne (2021) Mobile and Low-cost Hardware Integration in Neurosurgical Image-Guidance. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

López, Ana María (2021) The role of disinformation during the 2017 and 2021 presidential elections in Ecuador: why fact-checking in journalism matters. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)


M. Matte, Mélanie (2021) Constructing the Settler Sovereign & the Mechanics of Power Distribution: Hydroelectricity and Biopolitics in James Bay and Northern Québec, 1970s-1990s. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

MacCaul, Rebecca (2021) Sharing Cupcakes on a Number Line: The Effects of Instructional Models and Problem Context in Equal-Sharing Situations. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

MacDonald, Sydney (2021) Predicting Functional Outcomes of Open Latarjet Surgery Patients. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Macairan, Jun-Ray ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2173-7768 (2021) Development of Multisensing Imaging Probes Using Carbon Dots. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mackinnon, Sean P. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0921-9589, Ray, Cassondra M., Firth, Samantha M. and O’connor, Roisin M. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2455-983X (2021) Data from “Perfectionism, Negative Motives for Drinking, and Alcohol-Related Problems: A 21-day Diary Study”. Journal of Open Psychology Data, 9 . ISSN 2050-9863

Madeline, Bogoch (2021) Migratory Patterns: Media, Materiality, and Circulation in Moving Image Works. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Maertens, Catherine (2021) La réception des revendications autonomistes des Inuit du Nunavik par les partis souverainistes au Québec. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Mahran, Sara (2021) Design of a Triple-Mode Low Power Single-Ended Source-Series-Terminated Driver. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Majewski, Robert (2021) Constructive Journalism in Real-Life Settings: The Case of Radical Ruralism in Les Basques (“Les Basques Autrement”). Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Malayeri, Mojtaba (2021) Volatile organic compounds by-products generation in photocatalytic oxidation reactor: Experimental and modelling. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Malik, Aditya (2021) Location Problems in Supply Chain Design: Concave Costs, Probabilistic Service Levels, and Omnichannel Distribution. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mangen, Claudine ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4343-9948 (2021) “A woman who’s tough, she’s a bitch.” How labels anchored in unconscious bias shape the institution of gender. (In Press)

Manshaei, Mohammad (2021) Nesting the Spectacle: A Study of Toronto's New Opera House, an Architecture that Averts Being Iconic. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Mao, Yuhao (2021) A Framework Design for Integrating Knowledge Graphs into Recommendation Systems. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Maraouch, Ghassan (2021) Prosthetic mitral valve orientation and its impact on the flow dynamics in the left ventricle. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Marcotte, Jess Rowan (2021) Hybrid Knowing: Preserving Physically and Digitally Entangled Traces in Hybrid Game Design. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Marino, Paola (2021) Sustainable Synthesis of Metal–Organic Frameworks for Applications in Ophthalmic Drug Delivery. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Marjaba, Bernard Joseph ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7303-205X (2021) Impact of Turbulence on Detonation Dynamics. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Markousian, Artin (2021) Analysis of the Impact of External Factors on Human Errors in a Typical Aero-Engine Plant. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Marquis, Didier (2021) Bugging the Human Diet: An interdisciplinary study on insects as future foods. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Martel, Roxanne (2021) S’auto-définir : Une recherche autoethnographique sur l’identité, la gestion de la stigmatisation et la pra-tique artistique d’une personne de petite taille. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Martignago Zilli, Guilherme ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1228-4920 (2021) Hybrid Beamforming Design for Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Communications. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mason, Joel (2021) Plenum Life: Formality in the Movement of Free Ecology. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mastronardi, Karina ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9860-8409 (2021) A study of the mechanisms regulating cytokinesis and tissue morphogenesis during C. elegans embryogenesis. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Matiuzzi Kunzler, Luccas ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2586-7586 (2021) An Investigation of Series and Parallel Configurations for Hybrid Power Amplifiers. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Matskiv, Jacqueline (2021) Biopolitics and Affective Life: Investigating the Digital Ordinary. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Matte, C.-D. and Kwok, T.-H. (2021) Simulation of Hyperelasticity by Shape Estimation. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 21 (5). ISSN 15309827

Matthews, Tomas (2021) Finding Groove in Behaviour and the Brain. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Matuluko, Oluwafunmilayo (2021) The Performance and Pricing of Dividend Rate-Reset Preferred Shares in Canada. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Mazaheri, Mandana (2021) A recommender system for scientific datasets and analysis pipelines. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

McDonough, Kim, Uludag, Pakize and Neumann, Heike (2021) Instructor Evaluation of Business Student Writing: Does Language Play a Role? Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 84 (2). pp. 116-134. ISSN 2329-4906

McElroy, Kerry (2021) Class Acts: A Sociocultural History of Women, Labour, and Migration in Hollywood. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

McEwan, Andrew and Telaro, Emma (2021) Provocative Listenings: Andrew McEwan on Hannah Weiner’s “selvesothers”. SPOKENWEBLOG .

McGrandle, Jocelyn (2021) A Canadian Parliamentary Paradox: Party Cooperation and Legislative Influence in House of Commons Committees. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mehrez, Norhan (2021) Investigating the Biphasic Effect of Cannabidiol on CD4+ T Cell Function and Rhythmicity. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Meng, Linghao (2021) Antecedent Factors and their Influence on the Young Entrepreneur’s Future Sustainable Intentions. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Meriem El Boudadi, MB (2021) Brain Drain: Why Moroccan Journalists Leave their Country. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Messer, Karen (2021) Relational Space: An Entangled Exploration of Office Space Research. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Messina, Cynthia (2021) Methodology Development for Facile Access to Biphenyls and Multi-Arylated Heteroarenes via Pd-catalyzed Cross-Couplings. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Metneja, Bhupinder Singh (2021) An Algorithm to Explore Molecular Potential Energy Surfaces. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Miklin, Alexandra (2021) Environment-based design enabled scenario analysis for aerospace product development. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Miller, Matthew Bruce ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4275-2764 (2021) Assessing Movement Competence and Informing Injury Prevention in 8–12 Year Old Children: Development of the Child Focused Injury Risk Screening Tool (ChildFIRST). PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Millichamp, Derek (2021) Collapse Safety Assessment of Steel Multi-storey Buildings with Friction Sliding Braced Frames and Backup Moment Resisting Frames as a Dual System. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Mills, Patrick (2021) Flux Reconstruction as a Direct Method for Near-Field Computational Aeroacoustics. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Minuskin, Dani (2021) Building a Visual Vocabulary: An Art Therapist’s Self-Inquiry into the Poetics of Found Material. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Mirarabshahi, Shirinalsadat (2021) Modeling and Analysis of a Hybrid Production System in Electronics Industries Using System Dynamics. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Miriestahbanati, Maryam (2021) Resource Allocation in Collocated Massive MIMO for 5G and Beyond. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Mirjalili, Seyedmohammad ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5364-2715 (2021) Design and Optimization of Optical Devices Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mirvalad, Seyed Javad (2021) Durability Properties of Blended Portland Limestone Cement Containing Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mirzaei, Morteza (2021) Accurate and Precise Displacement Estimation for Ultrasound Elastography. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Moazzeni, Faridoddin (2021) Resilient Digital Supply Chain Twins Modelling: Simulation-based Analysis on the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Mobasheramini, Fatane (2021) Quantization of Calogero-Painleve system and Multi-particle quantum Painleve equations II-VI. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Moffatt, Kate, Sharren, Kandice and Levy, Michelle (2021) ShortCuts: Listening to Footnotes. SPOKENWEBLOG .

Moghrabi, Ibrahim (2021) CEO Optimism and the Cost of Debt: Evidence from U.S. REITs. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Mohamed, Maleika (2021) Sparkle in the Narratives of Kindergarteners. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Mohammad, Karamat (2021) Elucidating the Effects of Different Aging-Delaying Interventions on the Cellular Lipidome and Metabolome of Budding Yeast. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mohammadhossein, Ghayour ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1061-9830 (2021) Mechanical Performance and Failure of Laminated Composites Made by Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) Process. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mohammadi, Behnam (2021) Becoming a Gem: The Effects of Cultural Communication on the Transformation of a Rough Stone into a Gem. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Mohammadshahi, Ali (2021) A framework for developing a Risk-Adaptive Innovation-based Technology Roadmap using TRIZ, Analytic Network Process, and Bayesian Network. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Mohideen, F. Ifthiha, Ghosh, Trisha, Nguyen, Lan Huong and Kwan, David H. (2021) Controlling Glycosyltransferase Activity: Inhibition and Enzyme Engineering. In: Williams, Spencer and Barchi, Joseph J, Jr., (eds.) Comprehensive Glycoscience (Second Edition). Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 204-232. ISBN 978-0-12-822244-7

Mohideen, Fathima Ifthiha (2021) Harnessing the Substrate Promiscuity of Enzymes Involved in Natural Product Glycosylation Towards Better Engineered Bioactive Small Molecules. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Moini Jazani, Arman ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2265-020X (2021) Development of Dual-Location Acid and Glutathione Cleavable Block Copolymers for Drug Delivery. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Moradpoor Sheikhkanloo, MohammadHossein (2021) Distortional Buckling Formulation for the Analysis of Composite thin-walled beams. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Morrice, Elliott (2021) The Effects of Light, Colour, and Print-Size on Reading Speed in the Visually Impaired. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mosallaie, Shahab (2021) Discovering the Evolution and Co-authorship Patterns of Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Research using Machine Learning and Link Prediction. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Motaghi, Arman (2021) Three Essays on The Role of Managers in The Application of Control Practices in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mouradian, Lala (2021) Monuments and Memory: The Remediation and the Visual Appropriations of the Mother Armenia Statue on Instagram During the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Mousavi, Seyed Amirreza (2021) A Distributed False Data Injection Cyber-Attack Detection in Discrete-Time Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems Using Neural Networks. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Muhialdin, Hamed (2021) Behavioral Newsvendors and Random Demand. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Mujahid, Suhaib ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2738-1387 (2021) Effective Dependency Management for the JavaScript Software Ecosystem. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mulvihill, Kathryn (2021) A Self-Determination Theory Perspective on Wellbeing in the Transition from University: Trait Autonomy and Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction through Graduates’ Goal Pursuits, Past and Present. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Murphy, Christian (2021) Generation of Video Game Production Quality Face Textures. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Murray, Kristopher (2021) Making it Big: Street Art Muralism in a Post-Political World. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Mustafa, Irfan (2021) Development of Intertwined Infills to Improve Multi-Material Interfacial Bond Strength. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

mouine, esma ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2463-9733 (2021) An empirical assessment of the contributing factors for vulnerability detection using machine learning. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


Naaman, Karen (2021) Three Essays on Say-on-Pay. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Nachabe, Jude (2021) Sleep quality during the COVID-19 pandemic and High frequency- heart rate variability as a moderator: A longitudinal study. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Nachaj, Alexander (2021) The Celibate Celebrity: Intersections of Masculinity, Stardom and Sanctity in Mid-Century American Catholicism and the Body of Fulton J. Sheen. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Naghshineh, Ali (2021) Seismic resilience and performance design approach for concrete moment resisting frame buildings equipped with yielding restrained braces. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Najmeddin, Saif (2021) UAV-Enabled Wireless Powered Communication Networks. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Namvarrechi, Saman (2021) Fabrication, Characterization and Modelling of Piezoelectric PVDF-TrFE polymer as a Force Sensor Using Spin Coating Method. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Narcross, Lauren (2021) De novo synthesis and derivatization of norlaudanosoline in yeast. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Nasr, Tony (2021) Large-Scale Study of Internet-Connected Electric Vehicle Charging Station Management Systems: Discovery, Security Analysis and Mitigation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Natarajan, Balaji Kannappan (2021) Optimization of the Throughput of a NOMA System. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Nazemi, Mahta (2021) Feasibility of High Repetition Rate Laser Generated Ultrasound with Composite Comprising Candle Soot Nanoparticles and PDMS on Glass. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Nazemi, Mohammad Hossein (2021) Implementing a Library to Calculate Surrogate Safety Measures. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Nazemi, Pouria (2021) Communicating “CRISPR Cas-9” through online videos on YouTube. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Nemade, Ronak Vivek (2021) Analysis and Design of Methods for Condition Monitoring of Capacitors in Multilevel Converters. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Nemnom, Christa (2021) Losing Sight to Gain Vision: The Eye in European Surrealist Painting. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Neuendorff, Connor (2021) Natural Language Analysis of News and its Relation to Market Activity. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Neugebauer, Tomasz ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9743-5910 (2021) EPrints-Archivematica Integration: Concordia Montreal Update. In: Archivematica Camp 2021, May 17-21, 2021, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.

Neugebauer, Tomasz ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9743-5910, Kuchma, Iryna, Selematsela, Daisy, Biziwe, Tembe, Zimmer, Niklas, Zodwa, Thomas, Havemann, Jo, Staines, Heather, Berrizbeitia, Francisco ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1542-8435, Stacey, Phil, Shearer, Kathleen, Venema, Victor and Tykhonov, Slava (2021) Ideas Challenge 2020/2021 : WikiData Integration with Repository Contents. In: International Conference on Open Repositories, June 7th-10th, 2021, Virtual Conference.

Nikbakht, Elaheh (2021) Investigating long-term short pairing strategies for leveraged exchange-traded funds using machine learning techniques. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Nikeghbali, Ali (2021) Estimation of Mobile Crane Cycle Time to Improve the Accuracy of Modular-Based Heavy Construction Project Schedules. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Nipane, Aishwary Pramodrao (2021) Comprehending Inclinations Towards Autonomous Vehicles. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Noel, Duane D. (2021) Assessing the influence of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on discharge variability in western North America. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Norris, Rachel (2021) Theoretical Foundations of Music Therapy Research and Practice with Families: A Qualitative Content Analysis. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Nouhi, Niloufarsadat (2021) Modeling of dielectric elastomer actuators with a conical shape. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Nourani, Hamid ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0563-9415 (2021) imaged-based tip force estimation on steerable intracardiac catheters using learning-based methods. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


Occhiuto, Anna-Maria (2021) The Invisible Shift: The Mental Load of Motherhood. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Oliver, Joshua (2021) Saccharomyces cerevisiae share extracellular vesicles for protection from heat stress. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Olyaei, Farnaz (2021) Identification of genes encoding β-ketoadipate pathway enzymes in biodegradation of aromatic compounds by Aspergillus niger. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Orfanos, Emmanuel (2021) Caloric Restriction Causes a Distinct Remodeling of the Lipidome in Quiescent Cells of Budding Yeast. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Orsini, Arielle (2021) Teaching Inequalities to Young Children Using Visual Representations: Perceptual Richness and Concreteness. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Ortiz, Natali (2021) Unraveling my Constructed Socio-Cultural Identity: A Heuristic Arts-Based Critical Self-Inquiry. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Ou, Guangjun (2021) Lateral Force Resistance for Shell Foundation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Ovcharuk, Bogdan (2021) The World of Equity: Phenomenology of Welfare Rights and Foundations of Cosmopolitanism in Hannah Arendt and Alexandre Kojève. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


PAKZADI, SEYED AMIRREZA (2021) A Viscoelastic Approach for the Characterization of Bending Behavior of Uncured Unidirectional Carbon/Epoxy Prepreg. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

PAYAMI, Seyed Alireza (2021) Design, Modeling and Control of a Magnetostriction-based Force Feedback System for Robot-assisted Cardiovascular Intervention Systems. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Palmer, Angela (2021) Transitioning from theory into practice in the nursing profession: Challenges experienced by nurses with a CEGEP and bachelor’s degree in a long-term care facility in Montreal. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Pan, Jie (2021) Rule-based Machine Learning Algorithms for Smart Automatic Quadrilateral Mesh Generation System. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Pan, Keyu (2021) Vital Signs Monitoring Based On UWB Radar. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Parisay, Mohsen (2021) Computational Analysis of Eye-Strain for Digital Screens based on Eye Tracking Studies. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Pariser, N M (2021) Exploration of ancestral symbols as a form of self-care during social upheaval: An arts-based inquiry. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Parvizi Omran, Raha (2021) Transcriptional profiling and Functional studies of Zinc cluster transcription factors in Candida albicans. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Patel, Dimpykumari (2021) Optimization of Free Piston Expander Based Organic Rankine Cycle. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Patel, Shivam Dimplekumar (2021) Augmenting Network Performance Datasets with Weather, Sports, and Social Media Data for Improved Predictions. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Patterson, Kayley (2021) Self-Actualization through Music Therapy for Older Adults at End of Life: A Philosophical Inquiry. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Perahia, Mathilde (2021) D’autres cirques à Montréal : représentations artistiques d’une pensée queer du monde. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Petersen, Berkley (2021) The Impact of Multisensory and Cognitive Load on Younger and Older Adults’ Cognitive-Motor Dual-Task Performance. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Pigeon-Owen, Louis (2021) Hypodermia. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Pimentel, Erica (2021) Making the Best of It: Three Essays on Overcoming Challenges in the Public Accounting Profession. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Pirhadi, Amir (2021) Registration of Volumetric Ultrasound Images Using Siamese Neural Networks. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Pirro, Teresa (2021) Is and Ought: Mother-Child Disagreements about Facts and Values when Discussing Peer Conflicts. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Pittman, William (2021) A Qualitative Content Analysis of Quebec Suicide Notes. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Pochat Selby, Rachel (2021) Eco-Art Therapy and Youth Loneliness in a Digital Age. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Poirier, Marilyne (2021) Changed Ocean Optical Properties: How Shallower Sunlight Absorption impacts Earth’s Surface Energy Budget. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Polak Veronneau, Irina (2021) Weaving the Threads of Self-Compassion into Art Therapy Practice: An Heuristic Art-Based Inquiry. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Polyck-O'Neill, Julia and Paré, Faith (2021) Intimate Papers: An Interview with Julia Polyck-O’Neill. SPOKENWEBLOG .

Porro Suardiaz, Javier (2021) A mechanistic approach to studying the antimicrobial and anticancer activity of GL13K-based peptides through their interaction with model membranes. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Porter, Keith (2021) The Weighted Average Cost of Capital and Investment; new insights from Emerging Markets. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Poti, Kim (2021) Les belgicismes emblématiques dans la retraduction de "A Tall Man In A Low Land : Some Time Among the Belgians". Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Pourganjalikhan, Ali (2021) Adaptive Memory Management in Video Object Segmentation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Pourtaherian, Parnian (2021) How do greenbelts affect urban sprawl in European cities? Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Pérez Rabelo, Patricia (2021) Collaborative Matter: Agency and Materiality in Barragán's Casa Estudio. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


QUINTIN-JOHN, SMITH and Valverde, Raul (2021) A perceptron based neural network data analytics architecture for the detection of fraud in credit card transactions in financial legacy systems. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS and CONTROL, 16 .

Qi, Xietian (2021) An Accurate Kinematics Model of the Sanding-Belt-Wheel Driving System of a CNC Grinding Machine and its Application. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Quach, Angela ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3901-435X (2021) Viral Generation, Packaging, and Transduction on a Digital Microfluidic Platform. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Quach, Sophia (2021) Studying the Use of SZZ with Non-functional bugs. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Quan, Jianning (2021) Pose Estimation and Object Detection using Deep Convolutional Networks. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


REBBAH, DHIAA ELHAK (2021) Security Monitoring of Distribution Automation Systems. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Racherache, Badis (2021) Insider Threat Detection using Profiling and Cyber-persona Identification. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Racicot, Jesse (2021) Domination : Offline, Online, Any Time. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Rad, Mahdi (2021) Effect of Inventors’ Characteristics on Commercialization Potential of their Inventions: The Case of Nanotechnology in Canada. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Radmannia, Sepehr (2021) Generalized Neural Mass Model Analysis and Applications Over Electroencephalogram Data. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Rafael Guaraldi da Silva, Pedro (2021) A Sensitivity Analysis Method for the Update of the National Energy Building Code of Canada (NECB-2017). Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Raghubir, Ashley (2021) The Reparative Imaginary in the Contemporary Afrofuturist Art of Mohau Modisakeng and Ayana V. Jackson. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Rahemi, Hooman (2021) Does brand personality affect consumer satisfaction? An application of text mining to restaurants. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Rahimi, Soroush (2021) Design, Modeling, Fabrication, Testing, and Verification of Arrayed Micro-Photosynthetic Power Cells. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Rajpurohit, Apoorva (2021) What Happened to Shopping Center Foot Traffic in Pandemic World? The Role of Socio-Demographics and Transport Modes. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Rashid, Saima (2021) SAGA complex subunits in Candida albicans differentially regulate Filamentation, Invasiveness and Biofilm formation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Raskin, Luca (2021) INvironments: Critical Listening Positionalities in Soundscape Ecology. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Razban, Masoud (2021) Toward Intraluminal Force Monitoring and Automated Insertion in Robotic Endovascular Intervention. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Refahi, Leila ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4297-1342 (2021) Curriculum for Climate Justice: Transforming Environmental Knowledge through Socially Engaged Art Practices. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Reid, Miranda (2021) Navigating Diverse Perspectives: The Longitudinal Development of Children’s Intellectual Humility in Philosophical Dialogues. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Reilly, Rosemary C. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7274-4488, Lee, Virginia, Laux, Katherine and Robitaille, Andréanne (2021) Creating doorways: finding meaning and growth through art therapy in the face of life-threatening illness. Public Health, 198 . pp. 245-251. ISSN 0033-3506

Ren, T., Yan, Y., Lee, J.H.S., Ng, H.D., Zhang, Q. and Shang, C. (2021) Velocity fluctuation and cellular structure of near-limit detonations in rough tubes. Fuel, 289 (119909). ISSN 0016-2361

Rezaiefar, Ali ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8018-6498 (2021) Large Displacement Analysis and Design of Stiffened Plates with Parallel Ribs in Large Industrial Ducts. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Rezasoltani, Shirin (2021) Towards Semantic-Empowered Communication. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Riad, Keroles B. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2739-1000 (2021) New materials for stereolithography 3D printing. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Richard, Christopher T. and Ho Kwok, Tsz ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7240-1426 (2021) Analysis and Design of Lattice Structures for Rapid-Investment Casting. Materials, 14 (17).

Richard, Victoria (2021) Coordinating signaling pathways between cell types to control anterior morphogenesis in C. elegans. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Richter, Samantha (2021) The Friction of Digital Queer Worldbuilding; Queer women from Montreal and the intersections between sexuality and collective identity. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Rimok, Gabrielle L. (2021) The spatial ecology of climate influences species distributions: the case of North American amphibians. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Rjoub, Gaith ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7282-0687 (2021) Artificial Intelligence Models for Scheduling Big Data Services on the Cloud. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Rodier, Simon (2021) Uncovering Latent Topics in Text: Using Topic Models to Identify Discussion Themes in the Brett Kavanaugh Controversy. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Rodrigues, Muerus (2021) An Accurate On-Machine Surfaces Measurement Using FEA Method. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Roelens, Abigail K (2021) Dying in the Southwest. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Roley, Gwendolyn (2021) “Mapping the Island”: Data Journalism Education through Coverage of Gentrification and Housing Issues in Montreal. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Ronaghi, Farnoush (2021) Deep Learning-based Information Fusion Frameworks for Stock Price Movement Prediction. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Rosciszewska, Joanna (2021) Forms and Functions of Prosocial Behavior Moderate the Continuity of Aggression in Early Adolescence. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Rounis, Efstratios Dimitrios (2021) A Novel Design Methodology for Air-based Building Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) Systems with Coupled Modelling of Wind-driven and Channel Flow-driven Convective Phenomena. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Roy, Mithun (2021) Harmonic states in quantum cascade lasers: Frequency-domain analysis and mode-spacing control. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Roy, Shannon (2021) The Truth of What Matters: An Autoethnography and Visual Inquiry of Art Teacher Burnout. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Roy, Timir Baran ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9144-0068 (2021) Detection and Localization of Damage in Structures using Vibration-Based Technique. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Runge, Jason (2021) Short-term forecasting for the electrical demand of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Ryder, Andrew G. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3041-7168, Doucerain, Marina M. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0479-6141, Zhou, Biru ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6914-1432, Dere, Jessica ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7545-6131, Jurcik, Tomas ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7016-003X and Zhou, Xialu (2021) On dynamic contexts and unstable categories: Steps towards a cultural-clinical psychology. In: Gelfand, Michele J. and Chiu, Chi-yue and Hong, Ying-yi, (eds.) Advances in culture and psychology. Oxford University Press, New York. ISBN 9780190079741


Sabri, Tarek (2021) Albumin Conjugated Upconversion Nanoparticles for Photodynamic Therapy Applications. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Sadhukhan, Priyam (2021) Proximal Policy Optimization for Formation Control and Obstacle Avoidance in Multi-Agent Systems. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Sadr, Nahid (2021) Modeling Evolving Dependence between Bivariate Extremes through Multivariate Distortion Functions. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Safaie, Tina (2021) BYPASS: RECONSIDERING THE USABILITY OF PASSWORD MANAGERS. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Saied, Amamer (2021) Resource Allocation Management of D2D Communications in Cellular Networks. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Saint-Martin, Anna (2021) How do Mothers Encourage Their Children to Take Responsibility for Protecting Themselves in Conversations about Being Harmed by a Peer? Exploring Links to Psychosocial Outcomes. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Salari, Mohammad Ali (2021) The effect of Computational Environments on Big Data Processing Pipelines in Neuroimaging. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Salarinezhad, Asefeh (2021) Static and Dynamic Theoretical Studies on Improving Matching Design. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Salavitabar, Shayan (2021) Analytical methods for mapping river bathymetry from multi-spectral satellite images. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Salehabadi, Nooshin (2021) Maintenance Decision Support Procedures Based on Machine Learning. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Salimzadeh, Negar (2021) Optimization of PV Modules Layout on High-rise Building Skins Using a BIM-based Generative Design Approach. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Samadzadegan, Bahador ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3048-3608 (2021) On the Design and Operation of Heat Pump Systems for Zero Carbon Districts. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Samlali, Kenza ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8390-5221 (2021) Integrating droplet and digital microfluidics for single-cell analysis. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Sarkhouh, Ebrahim ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0607-1654 (2021) Optimizing the Workload Scheduling in MEC-Assisted Intelligent Transportation Systems. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Saryazdi, Soroush (2021) End-to-end Representation Learning for 3D Reconstruction. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Saulnier, Valérie (2021) Réflexion philosophique sur la formation vocale des musicothérapeutes. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Sayadi, Amir (2021) Modeling and Force Estimation of Cardiac Catheters for Haptics-enabled Tele-intervention. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Schlenner, Anna-Lena B. (2021) Midbrain dopamine neurons during appetitive and aversive states. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Sciascia, Christina (2021) Postpartum Depression and Parent-Infant Attachment: A Music Therapy Program Intervention Research. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Scirocco, Alyssa (2021) Mindset and Morality: Adolescents' Implicit Theories of Morality. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Scirocco, Alyssa and Recchia, Holly (2021) Context specificity in adolescents’ implicit theories of morality. Cognitive Development, 60 .

Seferiades Prece, Ariana (2021) Home altars and sacred atmospheres: living spirituality in the domestic space. An ethnography with practitioners from Argentina. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Segal, Diana (2021) The Role of Context on Responding to an Alcohol-Predictive Cue: Sex Differences and Dopamine D2 Receptors. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Sergio Esteban, Rosales Garzón ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8058-4197 (2021) Earth pressure on walls retaining overconsolidated cohesionless soil using the concept of critical state soil mechanics. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Shaghaghian, Sana (2021) Effervescent Atomization through Circular and Elliptical Nozzles. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Shaik, Rizwan Ahmed (2021) Influence of Strain Hardening on the Water Droplet Erosion Performance of 17-4 PH Stainless Steel. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Shalbaf, Saman (2021) Breakup of Liquid Feedstock in Plasma Spraying. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Shamloo, Sheida (2021) Self-Censorship and Political Oppression. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Shao, Jun ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8620-1123 (2021) Wavelet-based Multi-level GANs for Facial Attributes Editing. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Shaw, Michael (2021) I Can Feel My Teeth. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Shen, Xingyu (2021) Automatic Keyword Tagging With Machine Learning Approach. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Shen, Zixiong (2021) Retailing in College Towns During the Pandemic: Spatial Location and Public Transit. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Shewchuk, Glenn ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9216-6969 (2021) Medical Assistance in Dying: Exploring an Evangelical Approach to the Laws Surrounding MAID in Canada and an Application of Scripture to MAID and Suicide. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Shields-Rivard, Sara (2021) Queer Interwar Design: Eyre de Lanux and her Sapphic Spaces. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Shirani, Ali (2021) Small-scale Controlled Blast Facility for Material Testing. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Shrivastava, Manjari (2021) Activation of non-zinc cluster transcription factors in Candida albicans. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Shu, Chang ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3807-2002 (2021) Assessment of the Effects of Extreme Heat Events on Buildings. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Sigsworth, Emma (2021) Animal Ethics and Sensibility in Levinas. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Silva Trujillo, Daniela (2021) Snacks: Portraits of a Global Pandemic. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Silva, Constanza Helen ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4843-9886 (2021) Translating actor-network theory: A methodology for the analysis of news stories on massive open online courses from the International New York Times 2012 – 2015. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Simoneau, Andre (2021) Past Lives: Stories. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Simunic, Emily (2021) Problematizing Canadian Human Trafficking Policy. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Singh, Paramjot ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3830-9583 (2021) Surface Study of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Biomarkers Adsorption on Functionalized Graphene and its Application in FET Based Biosensors. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


Smith, Audrey (2021) Thickening of Brewery Sludge to be used as Animal Feed through the Addition of Biopolymers. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Smith, Jolee (2021) “It Washes Through”: Fibre Art and the Intertidal Zone in Contemporary Nova Scotia. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Sojoudian, Seyed Maziar (2021) On-Demand Programming Recommendation System using Knowledge Graphs. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Soliz, Aryana ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5172-4947 (2021) Cycling and social complexity: An ethnography of (bi)cycle travel and urban transformations. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Soltanzadeh, Milad (2021) Mathematical modeling of lactate metabolism in the brain. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Soroko, Maxim (2021) High Throughput Screening Tools to Probe and Inhibit Core Fucosylation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Soulikias, A., Cucuzzella, Carmela ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4677-8518, Nizar, Firdous ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4297-671X and Goubran, Sherif ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2365-0351 (2021) We Gain a lot…But What Are We Losing? A Critical Reflection on the Implications of Digital Design Technologies. Open House International . (In Press)

Soulikias, A., Cucuzzella, Carmela ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4677-8518, Nizar, Firdous ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4297-671X, Hazbei, M. and Goubran, Sherif ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2365-0351 (2021) We gain a lot… but what are we losing?: A critical exploration of the implications of digital design technologies on sustainable architecture. 9th International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design .

Sparks, Lindsay M. (2021) Individual differences in the expression of Pavlovian-conditioned approach in response to a sexually-conditioned cue in male rats: A model of fetishistic behaviour. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Sparwasser Soroka, Hannah (2021) Anthropophagy in Three Keys: New World Cannibalism, the Blood Libel, and Corpse Medicine in the British Atlantic World, 1640-1660. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Specht, Madchen (2021) The Art of Resistance in Roland Barthes' The Neutral: Silence, Answer, and the Wou-Wei. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Spilkin, Amanda (2021) fNIRS Measurement of Cortical Activity in Younger and Older Adults During Gait and Dual-Task Assignment. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Srivastava, Gaurav (2021) Post-Synthesis Growth of Lanthanide-doped Nanoparticles by Surface Modification. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Stahl, Darian Goldin ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8853-9902 (2021) Book as Body: The Meaning-Making of Artists' Books in the Health Humanities. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Stark, Zoey (2021) Dyslexia Simulation Font: Can We Simulate Reading Struggles of Individuals with Dyslexia? Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Stefanuk, Braden (2021) Image-based Novelty Detection for Lunar Exploration. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Steinberg, Marc ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6560-2980 (2021) From automobile capitalism to platform capitalism: Toyotism as a prehistory of digital platforms. Organization Studies . (In Press)

Stotz, Quinton (2021) Applying Complex Dynamic Systems Theory to Identify Dynamic Properties of Plurilingual Repertoires. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Sultana, A., Kwok, T.H. and Ng, H.D. (2021) Numerical assessment of directional energy performance for 3D printed midsole structures. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 18 (4). pp. 4429-4449.

Sultana, Sarmin (2021) High throughput screening of functionally replaceable human gene suppressors in yeast reveals new mechanistic insights into the proteasome function. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Sun Eidsheim, Nina and du Plessis, Klara (2021) The Power of Listening to Voices: An Interview with Nina Sun Eidsheim. SPOKENWEBLOG .

Sun, Haopeng (2021) A Poisson-disk sampling based particle-packing generation algorithm for Discrete Element simulations. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Syutkin, Anatoly (2021) Hardware Implementation of Spiking Neural Networks. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Séguin, Frédéric (2021) A novel method for the analysis of 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-ß-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR) in urine by isotope ratio mass spectrometry for anti-doping purposes. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

sparapani, samantha, Millet-Boureima, Cassandra ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1521-0778, Oliver, Joshua, Mu, Kathy, Hadavi, Pegah, Kalostian, Tamar, Ali, Nazifa, Avelar, Carla Maria, Bardies, Marion, Barrow, Brenton, Benedikt, Minky, Biancardi, Giuliana, Bindra, Raminder, Bui, Lisa, Chihab, Zakaria, Cossitt, Ashley, Costa, Jeffrey, Daigneault, Tina, Dault, Jocelyn, Davidson, Isa, Dias, Jonathan, Dufour, Emie, El-Khoury, Sabine, Farhangdoost, Nargess, Forget, Anika, Fox, Alexa, Gebrael, Myriam, Gentile, Maria Concetta, Geraci, Olivia, Gnanapragasam, Ansley, Gomah, Elias, Haber, Elie, Hamel, Claudia, Iyanker, Thivya, Kalantzis, Christina, Kamali, Sara, Kassardjian, Elsa, Kontos, Hryssi Krissy, Le, Thi Bich Uyen, LoScerbo, Daniella, Low, Yan Fang, Mac Rae, Danielle, Maurer, Flore, Mazhar, Sana, Nguyen, Alice, Nguyen-Duong, Kathy, Osborne-Laroche, Chelsea, Park, Hwi Wun, Parolin, Emilie, Paul-Cole, Kahlila, Peer, Leah Sarah, Philippon, Margaux, Plaisir, Charles-Alexandre, Porras Marroquin, Jessica, Prasad, Simran, Ramsarun, Rewaparsad, Razzaq, Saad, Rhainds, Samantha, Robin, Damien, Scartozzi, Ryan, Singh, Davindra, Fard, Sajad Soleimani, Soroko, Maxim, Soroori Motlagh, Nastaran, Stern, Kiri, Toro, Laila, Toure, M. Wyatt, Tran-Huynh, Stephanie, Trépanier-Chicoine, Sarah, Waddingham, Claudia, Weekes, Aaliyah Jasmine, Wisniewski, Allison and Gamberi, Chiara ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7122-6491 (2021) The Biology of Vasopressin. Biomedicines, 9 (1). p. 89. ISSN 2227-9059

su, xuanbo (2021) Fully Bayesian Inference for Finite and Infinite Discrete Exponential Mixture Models. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


TAZI, maha (2021) Women’s Creative Disobedience and the Continuing (Gender) Revolution in Post-Arab Spring Morocco (2011-2020): Slam Poetry, Theatre, Visual Arts and RAPtivism. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Tabakow, Elizabeth (2021) Idealized Spaces, Internationalized Selves: Japanese Migration to Montreal, Canada, 1990-Present. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Tabarsaii, Soudabeh (2021) non intrusive load monitoring using additive time series modeling via finite mixture models aggregation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Tafakori, Tala (2021) Caloric Restriction and the TORC1-Sch9 Nutrient-Signaling Branch Link Chronological Aging to Cellular Quiescence in Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


Taghavi, Mona (2021) Strategic and Blockchain-based Market Decisions for Cloud Computing. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Taher, Alhusain Mohamed (2021) Development of Earthwork Ontology and its Application. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Tajrine, Dima (2021) “See, That’s a Letter": Online Instruction to Promote Educators’ Print Referencing. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Tan, Yingcong (2021) Learning Linear Programs: Inverse Optimization as a Form of Machine Learning. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Tao, Dan ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6045-0968 (2021) Addressing the Impact of Acculturation on Mental Health: A Mixed-Method Inquiry with Cross-national and Internal Migrants of Chinese Origin and Beyond. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Tarbu, Ioana (2021) Cultural Intimacy and Family Ties in the New Romanian Cinema. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Tarricone, Sofia ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9548-6469 (2021) The Painlevé II hierarchy: geometry and applications. PhD thesis, Concordia University (in cotutelle with Angers University).

Tavakoli Kafiabad, Shayan (2021) Design and Planning of Maintenance Logistics Networks. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Telaro, Emma, Jentery, Sayers, Faith, Ryan and Julie, Funk (2021) On Literary Machine Listening and Pedagogy: The Praxis Studio with Julie Funk, Faith Ryan, and Jentery Sayers. SPOKENWEBLOG .

Tellier, Russell (2021) The Portrayal of Vegans and Veganism in the Los Angeles Times and The New York Times in 2017: A Vegan Perspective. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Tellos, Alison (2021) Bricks or Studs: Exploring Irrelevant Details When Using LEGO® Bricks as Manipulatives. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Teng, Honghui, Ng, Hoi Dick, Yang, Pengfei and Wang, Kuanliang (2021) Near-field relaxation subsequent to the onset of oblique detonations with a two-step induction-reaction kinetic model. Physics of Fluids, 33 (096106).

Tesolin, Julia (2021) “Boys Love Boy Toys”: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Role of Fathers in Young Boys’ Gendered Toy Preferences. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Thiel, Stuart ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2172-3916 (2021) The Diverting Fast Radix Algorithm. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Tian, Xuelin (2021) Assessment of Air Pollution and Carbon Emission from Fuel Consumption Activities. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Toft, Ida (2021) Brittle Configurations: Practical Explorations on Games and Vibrotactile Media. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Torabi, Sadegh ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2811-3536 (2021) Data-Driven Approaches for Detecting Malware-Infected IoT Devices and Characterizing Their Unsolicited Behaviors by Leveraging Passive Internet Measurements. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Torabinejad, Elnaz (2021) Kinematic Analysis of Postural Anticipation and Recovery in Young and Older Adults. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Torres Marini Ferreira, Luisa (2021) “There Is No Other Way But the Truth”: Journalism, Misinformation and COVID-19 in Brazil. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Touma, Fadi ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1338-7289 (2021) The Regulation of T Helper Cells by Adrenergic Agonists and The Role of Nitric Oxide. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Trapid, Adam (2021) The Effects of Parasite Stress Levels on Conspicuous Consumption and Neophobia. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Trempe, Alexandra (2021) The Effect of Triplet States on Non-Photochemical Hole Burning in Cytochrome b6f and Modified LH2 Complex. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Trigonakis, Stephanie (2021) Friends from Far and Close: The Transition to Multiculturalism in a School Context. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Troop, Dylan (2021) Bias-Corrected Peaks-Over-Threshold Estimation of theCVaR and Application to Multi-Armed Bandits. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Trost, Karlo, Luka, Nik, Poteete, Amy R., Samoylenka, Valentina, Boulet-Garuk, Dominique and Forrest, Camille (2021) Supporting the Possibilities of Urban Commoning in Montréal’s Champ des Possibles: Progress Report. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Trottier Cournoyer, Maryse (2021) Music-Centered Music Therapy with Youth in Mental Health Care Contexts: A Philosophical Inquiry. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Trudeau, Austin James (2021) The Effect Of Sexualized Advertisements On Delayed Discounting. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Trudeau, Émilie (2021) How to be a Settler: Using Immersive Media and Critical Pedagogies as a Means to Unsettle. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Turan, Devrim (2021) College level students’ understanding of functions in the context of modelling dynamic situations. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Turan, Devrim (2021) College level students’ understanding of functions in the context of modelling dynamic situations. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Turner, Laurent ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0493-579X (2021) The Effects of Obesity Interventions, Age, and Age of Obesity Onset on Adipose Tissue Characteristics and Markers of Cardiometabolic Health. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Tétrault, Alexandre and Gélinas, Yves (2021) Modelling of natural organic matter affinity for mackinawite, FeS, based on FTIR spectra by partial least squares regression (PLSR). Masters thesis, Concordia University.

tandon, swati (2021) Analysis and Design of Series LC Resonant-Pulse Assisted Soft-Switching Current-Fed DC/DC Converters. PhD thesis, Concordia University.


Uddin, Md Shahab (2021) Horus: A Security Assessment Framework for Android Crypto Wallets. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Uludag, Pakize (2021) Developing, Validating, and Incorporating a Rubric for Assessing the Construct of Integration into an EAP Program. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Umezude, Nkemdilim Okechukwu (2021) Design of a Variable Stiffness Passive Layer Jamming Structure for Anthropomorphic Robotic Finger Applications. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Usick, Sarah (2021) Two LAG Summer Shows 2020. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)


Vahdati, Elham (2021) Facial Beauty Analysis based on Computer Vision and Deep Learning Techniques. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Valcourt, Tracy (2021) Aerial Perspectives, Landscape, and Power: Politicized Images in Art and Visual Culture. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Valinejadshoubi, Mojtaba (2021) Development of BIM-based Automated Methods for Building Management and Structural Safety Assessment. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Valverde, Raul and Swanson, Chet (2021) Development of a Quantum-based Ontology for Describing NDE by Using Computerized Natural Language Processing. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, 12 (3).

Van Tuan, Tran ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4234-9038 (2021) Formalising Solutions to REST API Practices as Design (Anti)patterns. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Vana, Alexandru (2021) Conveyor Throughput Optimization at a Distribution Centre. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Vemuri, Ravi Teja (2021) Fully Bayesian Learning with Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods for Asymmetric Generalized Gaussian Mixture and Hidden Markov Models. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Vietri, Joseph (2021) Mere Love: The Theology of Need and Gift-Love in the Fiction of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Villeneuve, Gabriel (2021) Écrire sans marquer : Traduire The Cook and the Carpenter de June Arnold en français. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Vineberg, Rebecca (2021) The Digital Age: Exploring Age and Technology amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


Wang, Jiayi (2021) The Persuasiveness of Celebrity versus Social Media Influencer Endorsements as a Function of Product Type and the Mediating Role of Endorser-Product Perceived Fit. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Wang, Yan (2021) Optimal Design of Filterless Optical Networks. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Wang, Zehao (2021) Understanding the Challenges and Providing Logging Support to Monitor Data Processing in Big Data Application. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Webb, Brandon (2021) Boundaries Drawn: The Cultural and Labour Politics of American Political Cartooning, 1945-1973. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Wei, Guoqing (2021) Quantum Transport Strain Engineering in Graphene. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Wen, Min (2021) Towards Adaptive Federated Semi-Supervised Learning for Visual Recognition. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Wen, Xin (2021) How Does Aging Affect Housing Prices?—The Empirical Evidence from Asian Emerging Markets. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Werner, Leah Barrett (2021) When stories change our worlds: An ethnography of basic income in Lindsay, Ontario. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Whatley, Justin (2021) Fault Analysis Using Learning Models with Model Interpretation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Whyte, Jesse (2021) Forearm Skeletal Muscle Ultrasound Properties In Women With Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Wicks, Jennifer Alice (2021) Collaborative A/R/Tography and the Co-creation of Knowledge. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Wilkinson, R. Poppy (2021) Core Aspects of Grandiose Narcissism in Childhood: Grandiosity and Entitlement in Social Context. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Willshaw, Jade A. (2021) Transforming the posttraumatic self: A Heuristic Arts-Based Understanding of Identity After Childhood Medical Trauma. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Wong, Shiu F., Cardoso, Christopher, Orlando, Mark Anthony, Brown, Christopher A. and Ellenbogen, Mark A. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8928-5492 (2021) Depressive symptoms and social context modulate oxytocin’s effect on negative memory recall. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience . ISSN 1749-5024

Wright, Amie (2021) Alberta's Forgotten Censor: The Advisory Board on Objectionable Publications & the ‘Citizen Action’ Campaign Against Comic Books and ‘Salacious’ Literature (1954-1976). Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Wright, Leah (2021) The Social, the Socio, and the HPA: How peer rejection, peer acceptance, and socioeconomic status relate to children’s HPA-axis activity. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Wu, Haoyu (2021) Enzymatic Synthesis of Cell-surface Modifying Agents to Improve the Efficiency of Stem Cell Therapies. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Wu, Jundong ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5268-2731 (2021) Modeling and Control of Liquid Crystal Elastomer Based Soft Robots. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Wu, Xiuting (2021) Life cycle assessment of solar district heating with borehole thermal energy storage in Nunavik. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


Xia, Yuanjie (2021) Reducing the Length of Field-replay Based Load Testing. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Xian, Zixiang (2021) Generative Models Based on the Bounded Asymmetric Gaussian Distribution. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Xie, Yuxuan ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9110-9874 (2021) Comprehensive Study of 1-bit Delta-Sigma Modulation in Digitized Radio over Fiber Fronthaul Systems. Masters thesis, Concordia University.


Yaftian, Pegah (2021) Design, Development and Force estimation of a Tendon-driven Steerable Catheter-based on Image-processing and Learning Approaches. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Yaldo, Amy (2021) Impossible Sites. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

Yan, C., Teng, H.H. and Ng, H.D. (2021) Effects of slot injection on detonation wavelet characteristics in a rotating detonation engine. Acta Astronautica, 182 . pp. 274-285. ISSN 0094-5765

Yang, Bowen (2021) Season-Based Occupancy Prediction in Residential Buildings Using Data Mining Techniques. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Yang, Jie (2021) Can You Resist Temptation? The Potential of One-Stop Online Purchasing. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Yang, Pengfei, Ng, Hoi Dick and Teng, Honghui (2021) Unsteady dynamics of wedge-induced oblique detonations under periodic inflows. Physics of Fluids, 33 (016107).

Yao, Yanxin (2021) An information visualization platform for preprocessing of Electroencephalography (EEG) data from designing and learning. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Yeganehdoust, Firoozeh (2021) A Comparative Study on the Performance of Bio-inspired Slippery Lubricant Impregnated and Superhydrophobic surfaces in Droplet Impact and Shedding. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Young, Katie (2021) Hindi Films, Bollywood, and Indian Television Serials: A History of Connection, Disconnection, and Reconnection in Tamale, Northern Ghana. Journal of African Cultural Studies .

Young, Katie (2021) Walking through postcolonial archives in Tamale, Northern Ghana. Archival Science, 21 (4). pp. 373-387. ISSN 1573-7519

Yousefli, Zahra ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4861-4664 (2021) Development of A Multi-Agent System for Automated Resource Allocation in Maintenance of Hospital Buildings. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Yousefzadeh, Zeynab ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9594-0753 (2021) Prospective Life Cycle Assessment in Surface Engineering: Case Studies on a Novel Thermal Spray Coating System and a Novel Coating Removal Method. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Yu, Hongjiang (2021) DNN-Assisted Speech Enhancement Approaches Incorporating Phase Information. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Yu, Yazhuo (2021) The relationship between the use of derivatives and firm value under different economic cycles. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Yuan, X.Q., Yan, C., Zhou, J. and Ng, H.D. (2021) Computational study of gaseous cellular detonation diffraction and re-initiation by small obstacle induced perturbations. Physics of Fluids, 33 (4).


Zaerpour, Masoud ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5986-1628 (2021) An Improved Stochastic Generation Approach for Assessing the Vulnerability of Water Resource Systems under Changing Streamflow Conditions. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Zafar, Farhat (2021) humanized yeast as a platform to measure the functional impact of human genetic variation. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Zaker, Ali (2021) Applied Pyrolysis for Conversion of Sewage Sludge into Value-Added Products. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Zamanian, Farzaneh (2021) The Relation Between Parenting Styles and Parents' Perceptions of Their Children's Play. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Zarei Chamgordani, Raheleh (2021) Comparative Study of Speed-Up Routing Algorithms in Road Networks. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Zarin, Nagina (2021) Hybrid Radio Resource Management for Heterogeneous Wireless Access Network. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Zaroubi, Liana (2021) The Chemical Ecology of Geosmin. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Zhang, D., Yuan, X.Q., Liu, S., Cai, X., Peng, H., Deiterding, R. and Ng, H.D. (2021) Numerical study of detonation wave propagation modes in annular channels. AIP Advances, 11 (085203). ISSN 2158-3226

Zhang, Haonan (2021) Studying Logging Practice in Test Code. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Zhang, Shuying (2021) Diffuseness quantification of a reverberation chamber and its uncertainty with fine-resolution measurements. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Zhang, Tiansheng (2021) Modeling and Solving Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problems with Remanufacturing Activities. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Zhang, Yi (2021) Efficient Asynchronous GCN Training on a GPU Cluster. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Zhang, Zhenfei (2021) Localizing Object by Using only Image-level Labels. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Zhao, Wanting (2021) Connection between Influencer Characteristics and Purchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Consumer Engagement. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Zhao, Yunfei (2021) Three Essays on Sustainability, Bank Solvency, and Stock Price Returns. PhD thesis, Concordia University.

Zheng, Zhaohan ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5278-3295 (2021) A Study and Improvement for Copper Electroforming on Additively Manufactured Mandrels. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Zhou, L., Teng, H.H., Ng, H.D., Yang, P.F. and Jiang, Z.L. (2021) Reconstructing shock front of unstable detonations based on multi-layer perceptron. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 37 . pp. 1610-1623.

Zhou, Zhanfan (2021) Studies on Dynamic Loss Functions and Curriculum Learning in OffensEval Datasets. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Zhu, Xiuquan (2021) “How Do You Think Bear Felt?”: Enhancing Preschoolers’ Inferencing During Storybook Reading. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Zilembo, Giordano (2021) A systematic approach for identifying fundamental successes and failures on complex product development programs. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

Zunair, Hasib (2021) Designing Efficient Deep Learning Models for Computer-Aided Medical Diagnosis. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 6 03:01:07 2025 EST.
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